Covid Vaccinations


Inordinately Right
COVID vaccinations unlike smoking are not addictive. Therefore when it comes to smokers if you noticed much of the focus is to treat the addiction to nicotine. The help in quitting is readily available just as help is available to prevent or at the very least reduce the chances of contracting COVID. And BTW. Through help and education the number of tobacco users in the US has been trending downward just as similar efforts are underway to reduce the number of COVID deaths if only people would cooperate.
So you believe people who refuse to get the flu vaccine should be denied medical care.

You know, you're exactly why people don't want you marxists running our health care system.


Well-Known Member
Yepp that shot you got looks super safe..

But yet I believe you have every right to get it.
Thin evidence questioning the safety of vaccines interpreted by people with no formal medical education whatsoever did not stop me from becoming fully vaccinated as well as following all social distancing and other guidelines. In fact despite being fully vaccinated I continue a mask when I go out . Despite all of theses measures there is no guarantee that I won't become infected. However if in the event I were to be infected I will know that I did everything that was not only asked of me but was expected of me as well allowing me to seek medical treatment with the peace of mind knowing that I did all that was required of me.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Thin evidence questioning the safety of vaccines interpreted by people with no formal medical education whatsoever did not stop me from becoming fully vaccinated as well as following all social distancing and other guidelines. In fact despite being fully vaccinated I continue a mask when I go out . Despite all of theses measures there is no guarantee that I won't become infected. However if in the event I were to be infected I will know that I did everything that was not only asked of me but was expected of me as well allowing me to seek medical treatment with the peace of mind knowing that I did all that was required of me.
Required of you? What?


Well-Known Member
So you believe people who refuse to get the flu vaccine should be denied medical care.

You know, you're exactly why people don't want you marxists running our health care system.
You're still not answering the question: What right do you have to demand prompt and effective treatment in an attempt to save your life in an medical emergency due to nothing more than the fact that you were simply too damn proud and too damn stubborn to go get a vaccination that wouldn't cost you a dime.... And BTW.... did you get vaccinated? If so what compelled you to do so and if not what were your reasons?


Well-Known Member
COVID vaccinations unlike smoking are not addictive. Therefore when it comes to smokers if you noticed much of the focus is to treat the addiction to nicotine. The help in quitting is readily available just as help is available to prevent or at the very least reduce the chances of contracting COVID. And BTW. Through help and education the number of tobacco users in the US has been trending downward just as similar efforts are underway to reduce the number of COVID deaths if only people would cooperate.
So you would treat a smoker, and not someone unvaccinated.



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
In the midst of the worst global pandemic in a century the requirement of every living breathing human being was to do everything they could to stop the spread of the disease. There's your answer.
Might want to actually fact check that. The flu has more deaths in a year.


Well-Known Member
Hospitals provide a service that can’t discriminate based on life choices or lifestyles. You suggesting otherwise is ludicrous. SMDH
Hospitals have had to ask people to put off conventional surgeries having to needlessly endure additional and needlessly prolonged pain and suffering in order to enable the hospital to devote scarce resources including beds (and they only have so many of them) to treat COVID patients.

Now, let's say that you have a knee that's killing you with pain and everyday is another exercise in agony because you need a new knee joint. Yet there I am in that bed that would have been yours simply because I have COVID that I might not have contracted if only because I was too stubborn to humble myself enough to get vaccinated. Hospitals have limited capacity . Only just so many resources to go around and if you had been paying attention you would learned that hospitals particularly in states with low vaccination rates are once again be overwhelmed with COVID patients. Especially in Florida where 1 of out every 5 new confirmed COVID cases nationwide is located in Florida.


Inordinately Right
In the midst of the worst global pandemic in a century the requirement of every living breathing human being was to do everything they could to stop the spread of the disease. There's your answer.
What do you believe the consequences should be for communist China causing this pandemic?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Hospitals have had to ask people to put off conventional surgeries having to needlessly endure additional and needlessly prolonged pain and suffering in order to enable the hospital to devote scarce resources including beds (and they only have so many of them) to treat COVID patients.

Now, let's say that you have a knee that's killing you with pain and everyday is another exercise in agony because you need a new knee joint. Yet there I am in that bed that would have been yours simply because I have COVID that I might not have contracted if only because I was too stubborn to humble myself enough to get vaccinated. Hospitals have limited capacity . Only just so many resources to go around and if you had been paying attention you would learned that hospitals particularly in states with low vaccination rates are once again be overwhelmed with COVID patients. Especially in Florida where 1 of out every 5 new confirmed COVID cases nationwide is located in Florida.
Did you ever ask yourself why all these nurses and doctors were making dancing videos during this epidemic? Maybe they were not as busy as you were led to believe.


Well-Known Member
You can dismiss the death toll numbers but can you disprove them? As for me, when my call came I was all too happy to get vaccinated.
Oh sure, you can ignore the advice of the medical community and not get vaccinated and you might not contract it.
As the same time however if you chose to ignore the pleas of the medical community, not get vaccinated and you catch COVID including the highly contagious Delta variant... you tell me... just exactly what gives you the right to go running to that very same medical community including in many cases one of it's understaffed, overworked, under equipped and under funded local community hospitals with the expectation that they will somehow be able to save your life? Given the near certainty that you brought this on yourself then just what the hell do expect from them?

On the other hand if you got fully vaccinated following to the letter all of the CDC guidelines and you still was among the low percentage who contracted then you have the right to seek treatment. All it's a question of greatly improving your chances of surviving the on ongoing pandemic versus becoming just another quickly forgotten name added to the casualty list.

The medical community also made it quite clear that it expects COVID and it's numerous variants to be hanging around for many years to come.... So decide for yourself.
My property taxes in Florida pay for the local hospitals. That same hospital saves the drug addict, saves the alcoholics, saves the obese, saves the criminals that we shoot down here. So I expect them to save the unvaccinated


Well-Known Member
Do you believe people who didn't get the flu vaccine should be denied care?
If they got vaccinated the odds of them not being there to begin would have been much higher. Again it all comes down to the same question: Are you vaccinated? If so why did you get vaccinated and if you did not what are your reasons for choosing not to?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
All comes down to one simple question: Are you vaccinated? if so why did you get vaccinated and if you did not what were your reasons for not doing so?
I would say no of your damn business either way. I wouldn't be telling anybody my medical information. Stupid is as stupid does.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever ask yourself why all these nurses and doctors were making dancing videos during this epidemic? Maybe they were not as busy as you were led to believe.
No, because the 99.99% of the rest were busting ass trying to save lives. Again it all comes what you personally did to protect yourself from contracting the disease. If you did nothing then what right do you have expect somebody else to do anything to save you if you refused to do anything to protect yourself.