Covid Vaccinations


Inordinately Right


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Sure ok covid. Still might die. I will ask widow of his 3 kids if death certificate states delta. Happy
Here's something for your tape recorder in your brain..

Fauci is warning about COVID 2 being worse than the 1st wave.

Okay - they say 70% have been vaccinated in USA.

How is 30% unvaccinated going to cause more deaths than 100% unvaccinated?

Everything they say makes zero sense.


Well-Known Member
Here's something for your tape recorder in your brain..

Fauci is warning about COVID 2 being worse than the 1st wave.

Okay - they say 70% have been vaccinated in USA.

How is 30% unvaccinated going to cause more deaths than 100% unvaccinated?

Everything they say makes zero sense.
30% of 330 million is 99 million potentially affected.


Well-Known Member
Or, for people who possess a modicum of intelligence, and the ability to add 2 plus 2.

I can understand why you exclude yourself.
Let's try another way with you. You claim to be a conservative always wanting to cut government spending. Ok, here's one for you.

Having had chickenpox as a child the god awful itching and discomfort is something I'll never forget. Therefore when the call came to go get my shingles vaccination I was out the door and on my way.

Now my next door neighbor who had chickenpox as a child didn't get his shingles vaccination.

Today I am carrying out a full days work performing economy contributing tasks.

Now what about my neighbor? After 2 plus weeks of absolute agony from shingles he has spent the past week and a half in the hospital being treated for a severe case of shingles which will trouble him for the rest of his life.

And here's the good part. The guy is a retired state employee which means the government is paying for his care.
And oh, it gets even better. His son in law is a hard core wacko US Congressman who voted to overturn the ACA claiming..."we can't afford it.

Vaccinations save lives and saves money.


Extra Large Package
The guys thinks they have Delta …Somebody tell the parents Ou143u2 says you can’t test for it. Suck it parents 'All of them': Tennessee health chief says children's hospitals will fill up as delta variant surges

There is evidence that taking vitamin C, D3, and zinc provides protection against covid. Also, tell your sick friend to try ivermectin. If he can't get it from a doctor, he can get it from a farm store since it's used for horses. Just use a proportionate amount for a human instead of a horse.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, don't use something that's designed specifically for the issue, use something designed to get rid of parasites/roundworm in horses.

Some say don't use the vaccine because it's not "approved" it only has "emergency use authorization". Ivermectin doesn't doesn't even have emergency use authorization for this issue.

I'm not saying it couldn't hurt to try it just seems odd to not choose one but tout the other.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
So this is like the imaginary Trump signs on the imaginary farm where you knew the workers were "illegal" because they had brown skin....

I'm curious....
Do you think anyone believes your BS stories?
He knows no one believes him, it's just the principle of that matter.


Extra Large Package
Yeah, don't use something that's designed specifically for the issue, use something designed to get rid of parasites/roundworm in horses.

Some say don't use the vaccine because it's not "approved" it only has "emergency use authorization". Ivermectin doesn't doesn't even have emergency use authorization for this issue.

I'm not saying it couldn't hurt to try it just seems odd to not choose one but tout the other.

Big Pharma wants people to use their under patent meds like Remdesivir or Regeneron instead of something you can buy for a couple of bucks. I mean you can use Ivermectin and cure yourself for the price of a cheeseburger or you can go to the ER and get multiple infusions of Remdesivir at $2K per shot and walk out of the ER a couple of days later with a $30,000 hospital bill. Of course your insurance will pay most of that, but you'll still owe your deductible of $2,000 or more. Moreover, after seeing how hospitals lied last year claiming their wards were overflowing with covid patients and then people went to their local hospitals and found they were totally empty, but staff was busying making tik tok dance videos you really want to trust those people with your life? If they played along with that lie, they'll lie about off patent meds, like Ivermectin, not working. They want to make money. I don't trust doctors anymore after the deceit they did last year.


Extra Large Package
Yeah, don't use something that's designed specifically for the issue, use something designed to get rid of parasites/roundworm in horses.

Some say don't use the vaccine because it's not "approved" it only has "emergency use authorization". Ivermectin doesn't doesn't even have emergency use authorization for this issue.

I'm not saying it couldn't hurt to try it just seems odd to not choose one but tout the other.

Even though it's for parasites, this explains how it works for covid:

"Reports from in vitro studies suggest that ivermectin acts by inhibiting the host importin alpha/beta-1 nuclear transport proteins, which are part of a key intracellular transport process that viruses hijack to enhance infection by suppressing the host’s antiviral response.4,5 In addition, ivermectin docking may interfere with the attachment of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike protein to the human cell membrane.6 Ivermectin is thought to be a host-directed agent, which may be the basis for its broad-spectrum activity in vitro against the viruses that cause dengue, Zika, HIV, and yellow fever.4,7-9 Despite this in vitro activity, no clinical trials have reported a clinical benefit for ivermectin in patients with these viruses. Some studies of ivermectin have also reported potential anti-inflammatory properties, which have been postulated to be beneficial in people with COVID-19.10-12"

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Hospitals have had to ask people to put off conventional surgeries having to needlessly endure additional and needlessly prolonged pain and suffering in order to enable the hospital to devote scarce resources including beds (and they only have so many of them) to treat COVID patients.
Remember when they shut down the hospitals for everything that wasn't either COVID or a dire emergency?

They were deserted most of the time.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Did you ever ask yourself why all these nurses and doctors were making dancing videos during this epidemic? Maybe they were not as busy as you were led to believe.
Remember the "Oh, this is so bad. We're so depressed by the death and misery" posts from those in the medical industry?

Then they twerked on TikTok.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Then again if you for whatever reason chose not to get vaccinated that's fine but don't expect anybody to do more than the minimum to save your life if you stubbornly refuse to do anything on your own.
Should hospitals do anything beyond the minimum to save the life of a driver who doesn't wear a helmet and who (like you, if your posts are any indication) injures his head in a car accident?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
No, because the 99.99% of the rest were busting ass trying to save lives. Again it all comes what you personally did to protect yourself from contracting the disease. If you did nothing then what right do you have expect somebody else to do anything to save you if you refused to do anything to protect yourself.
Should hospitals refuse care to gays who have AIDS?