Covid Vaccinations


Inordinately Right
So does it give the right to infect another innocent person should you contract COVID or it's variant?
they think that medical services are more duty bound to save their life then they are anybody else.
Is there something in there about your perceived right to risk others lives by passing COVID off onto them?
You literally think other people don't have a right to breathe in your presence.

You have some very bizarre and irrational beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. It's years away from eradication. In the meantime the only thing that can be done is for everybody to do their part to keep it under control because before you can eradicate it you first have to get it under control and that requires everybody.
I think the control experiment has already been done... it wasn’t controlled lol.


Well-Known Member
Does that give the medical services provider the right not to care about whether you survive or not ? They might be legally bound to try to treat you but it doesn't say anything about guaranteeing the right to survive.
You're simply another one who due to a completely undeserved sense of self importance believes that hospital ER personnel are going to drop everything and come running to treat you while ignoring an ER full of stupid people who like you are needlessly laying there helpless begging for somebody to come and save them when they didn't need to be there in the first place.
I’m a vaccinated healthy 32 year old with natural antibodies... COVID putting me in the ER is literally a statistical anomoly.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much nobody believes in Q.

NPR and NYT believe that people believe in Q.

That's Q's only influence.
They’re trying to paint the opposition to their ridiculous thinking on an equal level of ridiculousness. Just the liberal medias defense mechanism. Problem is the democrats have catered to their crazies. And republicans don’t even listen to Q weirdos.


nowhere special
They’re trying to paint the opposition to their ridiculous thinking on an equal level of ridiculousness. Just the liberal medias defense mechanism. Problem is the democrats have catered to their crazies. And republicans don’t even listen to Q weirdos.
Nobody else would know what Q supposedly said if the liberals didn't keep us informed.


Well-Known Member
because there weren't 7 million people available to be killed. 3 to 5 million is much more likely. I'm not a denier. I just think the number is wrong.

Same with covid. it's real. Lots of people are dead. But it's not 600k, which is just preposterous.
And just exactly what were the number of dead? How did you arrive at that at what proof do you have to support that number?


Well-Known Member
It will never be eradicated! No more than the flu or common cold! It has a reservoir in animals and will continue to mutate and jump back and forth
You didn't impress me as a fatalist but if you are that's fine. However, doesn't it make sense to try and save as many as you can especially children?


Well-Known Member
And just exactly what were the number of dead? How did you arrive at that at what proof do you have to support that number?

I've answered the first one. And the second one is a stupid question. I don't have proof. There is evidence, and one applies logic to the evidence to arrive at probable conclusions.


Well-Known Member
Here's some brain sludge: The choice to get a vaccine is “not just about you.”

Using these new mRNA gene therapies (vactherapies) in this instance, at this time was the right thing, IMO..... for the population most at risk, 65y and older. They account for 16% of the US population but 85% of Covid adjacent deaths. Those individuals were not going to contribute to herd immunity and if the vactherapies lessen their hospitalizations and deaths, then that is a positive. I don't know of anyone of import suggesting that these vactherapies should not have been rolled out for the 65y and older crowd (at risk).

Where the problem arises for "it's not just about you" is that to reach herd immunity, individual immunity must be robust and that occurs in the healthy (not at risk) population. It is acknowledged, now, by everyone that breakthrough cases are the norm. The CDC quit tracking breakthroughs in May, why? who knows. But everyone agrees that a health vactherapied person is going to contract Covid but the hope is the vactherapy will lesson the symptoms. So, in every single infection with viruses like this, mutations occur at a high order. Every person who is infected and develops Covid, will have incalculable mutations of the virus happen during their infection. Mutations occur when some mRNA info gets left out when replication occurs in cells. Most of the time this is just a hiccup to that one cellular-specific replication. So, that "mutation" really doesn't mean anything and is just an anomaly that goes unnoticed.

The issue arises when, for whatever reason having to do with the environment of a specific host and given conditions, that mutation begins to take over as the primary infection. As that happens, the viral load based on that mutation grows and then that mutated virus is shed and translated to another host (another person) and then, bam.... a new mutation out in the wild. We don't know the whys or whats of how a mutation outperforms others or the original infection, hence we really can't do anything about it.

What we do know is that in the average healthy person, the body is geared up fighting the infection and going at it hard. It is learning each and every nuance of that infection and "remembering" the fight. Even the mutations should they grow. So, natural immunity in a healthy person tends to be a broadband immunity after a robust infection as the numerous replications have a statistically large number of mutations that the body sees, but is actively learning and fighting in real time.

When we vactherapy a healthy individual with mRNA gene therapies, the body is not seeing this broadband infection and the many mutations within the replication process. When a breakthrough infection happens, yes, the body recognizes and lessens the symptoms of the infection, but those replications are occurring while the body is casually working on that infection in a non-robust infection. The issue is that the mutations can outflank the body's reaction and a "new" mutation can grow and become the primary infection before the body actually recognizes it because it hasn't rallied all the troops just yet. That infection can grow to a viral load that is shed and is resistant to the vactherapy and generating a whole new mutation that is outside the scope of the vactherapy.

The whole mistake here has been using the vactherapy on healthy individuals, telling vactherapied individuals they can just go about their business (maskless if you believe in masks) and not have to worry about quarantine, social distancing, etc UNLESS their breakthrough becomes bad enough to require hospitalization. So, they were a spreader of a new variant while building up this breakthrough and exposing others, even others who had the vactherapy.

While, when a healthy individual gets a robust infection, their body is in full fight mode and is fighting the virus and it's mutants at every turn and learning and remembering how they fought and won. Then, those using those antibodies to help others when infections occur, stops the spread of mutant varieties or, to be accurate, limits them dramatically.

Herd immunity is only going to occur with healthy individuals fighting the virus, using those antibodies to help future infected individuals and limiting the escape of mutations. It will not occur with mRNA therapies as they will not offer "immunity."

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
So does it give the right to infect another innocent person should you contract COVID or it's variant? The issue here is not about you contracting COVID your mind is made up on that one. It is about what you clearly perceive as your right as an American to infect an innocent person with the stuff.
Were my rights violated when whoever infected me did so, even if they were vaccinated?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Those are people who believe it's their right to contract COVID. It certainly is their right but at the same time they think that medical services are more duty bound to save their life then they are anybody else. That's the interesting part. They're basing their decision for not getting vaccinated on the dumb assumption that if they contract COVID all they need to do is to go show up to the hospital and their life is automatically guaranteed to be spared. They seem to think that their completely undeserved sense of self importance automatically places them at the front of the line ahead of everybody else.

All this despite the fact that hospitals have a clear message: " We can't save everybody and if you show up here you're no better then anybody else. You'll get in line and take your turn along with everybody else and if we can't get to you in time, oh well, there's plenty more on the way who think the same way you did.
Found your theme song.


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
To begin Now aren't you big into organization religion? Now if you are doesn't your religion say something about being your brother's keeper? Something about caring for the poor and the sick? Is there something in there about your perceived right to risk others lives by passing COVID off onto them? I didn't think that there was unless there is something in the religion you practice that says you can.
Atheists aren't allowed to use religion as a basis for their arguments.