Did the scale drop down to $22 an hour for new Package car drivers?


Well-Known Member
I've already got the NMA done, thanks to Brown Cafe. It took alot cutting and pasting because the NMA here on BC is just the new language from the tentative agreement. I now have to proofread it, and that may take a long time. I will have to get up the gumption to have my computer read it to me while I follow along in the contract.

Anyways, if anyone knows of a link to the full supplements, please let me know.


Livin the cardboard dream
I would say that the information in the online version from TDU.org is sketchy at best. Especially where it says that this is a tentative agreement and can change at anytime, but nice find though. I have been looking for the new contract and that one never came up on the google search for me. I was also told by one of my stewards that TDU is a really left wing division and to take the info there with a grain of salt which was funny coming from a guy who is a staunch Democrat. Also, I guess it's going to be the addendum that is suppose to change our wages over here. It's not information that was given out to any of us. We would have voted that down in a heart beat.


You smell that?
Sketchy? I don't understand. What is there seems to match what was in my contract book.

I was also told by one of my stewards that TDU is a really left wing division and to take the info there with a grain of salt

If I tell you that UPS is really owned my Fred S would you believe that or check it out for yourself?


Livin the cardboard dream
Just to close the topic up now, apparently lowering the amount of new drivers is one of the last things that the union and the company pulled out. I guess the company pulled it out because it would have been one more wage scale to deal with and payroll would have screwed it up anyway. Anyway thanks for your replies and I appreciate your candor.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of contracts, our BA informed us that our local would not be handing any out since it would be too expensive too print for everyone.. Guess they don't want us to know what's in there any more then the company.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Top rate is the same for all drivers. Progrssion is now 3 years though.

True but anyone hired full-time recently needs to understand that anyone hired full-time before August 1 of this year but after the contract was ratified early is still under the 2.5 year progression. Anyone hired after August 1 is having to wait 3 years. Some people think that when the new contract was ratified early the 3 year progression started then but that is not the case.

Cobra Agent

I made my fulltime seniority july 31 and i do know that i am under the old contract. However i do not understand how my raises work. I know it is 2.5 for me to make top pay but do i still recieve the twice a year pay increase on top of my pay progression?