Well-Known Member
we have a had employess at our center get what they call a " working suspension" meaning we don't have anyone here to work your postion so you get a suspension but keep working till grievance is heard. whats that? working suspension......the uinon should not let that happen..
A working suspension actually helps both sides as it gives UPS a body to fill a position and allows the suspendee to work while serving his suspension. This is normally limited to relatively minor offenses. I was actually given a working suspension early on in my career and I was thankful that I was given the chance to work through my suspension rather than sit home for the 3 or 5 days or whatever it was. I do not recall the circumstances behind my suspension and the details aren't important to this thread but the point is a working suspension is one of the discipline choices available to management. As far as the Union not letting that happen, I don't understand that statement as I always thought the Union was there to support its members and to try to keep them working.