We just started the ORION phase in our Center and I've pretty much been ignoring it completely running the route the same way as RDO without any repercussions except a few remarks about miles until a few days ago they start pressing me hard about it so I run straight ORION all day regardless of how ridiculous it has me running and still come back 20 miles over projected miles at 81 miles for the day and I hear the center manager wanted to document me and apparently I'm gonna have a good " talking to" in the morning they seem to be ignoring the fact I ran 153 stops and still got back to the building under 9 hours on a route that averages 115 stops my question is what can they do if I'm running over on miles still? Write me up? suspend me ? Ect?
Tell then to brown up and show you how its done. And to leave the ORION tablet at the center because you don't get that luxury when you're alone. That might shut them up.
If not then follow trace until you have to break for NDAs (and you usually will) and send a message telling them why you broke off. Then go back on trace.
If that doesn't work and they instruct you to drive a certain amount of miles you should ask for a printout that shows exactly what your trace should be (including which driveways to turn around in). Tell them you need it, or an ORION tablet, in order to know precisely what ORION wants so you can hit your miles metric. If they comply (very doubtful) then follow trace until you need to break for NDAs.
If they don't comply with the last (more than likely) and are still on your ass then you run it with ORION and when you aren't sure what exact trace is you stop and send this message "I need detailed directions on how to run my next 5 stops so I don't run over ORION miles". Keep doing that until they get tired of you and tell you to just run it the best way you know how. And they will.
One thing everyone should be doing is a full pre-trip and following as many other methods as you can. As well as taking your full breaks. If each and every driver would do those things then ORION would be exposed for the failure that it is and the metrics monkeys will have no choice but to back off and stop telling lies about how well it works.