Do you see labor unions ever making a major comeback?


Never bought my own handtruck
I think the opposite. The most enthusiastically pro-union guys I know are Millenials and Zoomers.
Not sure if it’s generational, but one thing for sure in my building is that the 22.4‘s stick together, they talk on the preload and have almost organized themselves into a voice. It’s pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
It's all good.

I realized, any response from me would seem like criticism.

The prevailing thought is to go after the "low hanging fruit" so to speak.

If you read about the organizing victories in the Teamster magazine, they are generally small groups.

The days of organizing hundreds of employees at one location are few and far between. The days of just

pulling up to the front gate and start dropping cards to people as they walk in, have proven untenable.

I worked on one campaign involving 250+ employees. We spent 3 1/2 to 4 months working on them.

We had employee committees, made home visits to talk with potential members, pulled out all the stops.

In the end, we didn't drop cards. The support just wasn't there. All that time and money spent.... gone.

And then, if we had organized them.... the chances of recouping all that money from dues, was not possible.

If an employer is willing to grant card check neutrality.... great.

Most would rather hire a Union busting attorney or "consultants" to dissuade the employees, and remain Union free.

Two members of my Local were hired by the IBT organizing department and did that for years. Oh the stories....

I've done the door knocking. It would amaze me sometimes what type of attitude I'd find just by judging from the house. Like walking up to a rich home and nice car in front thinking to myself. "Oh great this guy's going to be some anti-union big business lover." Then he'd turn out to be one of the biggest supporters. Then it would be completely opposite when a middle income family man that you thought would be on your side but threatens to shoot you if you ever come back lol.

It always seem to me that if you couldn't get the right kind of support from the right people in the company you were trying to organize the attempt was practically dead in the water.

Its a brutal job and I'd never want to do it fulltime.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat