Do you think this contract will pass?

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Well-Known Member
Casey touted competition before you and I was born even though there was none... some of you mgt are drinking the coolaid.... why is it when I tried to get my customers to use all of ups services and had a strong relationship with them you were the first one to ask why I spent an extra 5 minutes at a stop??? I got multiple accounts to switch over to ups over the years and then you dropped the ball by telling me I couldn’t deliver a 1/2 million dollar account in my first five stops because you wanted me to save 5 minutes and .10 of a mile.....then I look like the fool when I go in to these accounts and see FedEx packages only after we had them for 2 months.... you guys are the fing joke
First off I thought you worked on the ramp at SDF, pretty sure your not meeting our customers there. Second you are right all management are stupid and all union folks are smart. The competition that exists today is like nothing anyone has seen. There needs to be changes to the way we do business, that does not mean getting rid of the Union. By the way just because people do not agree does not make the other party dumb. Keep up the anger though, I am sure it helps you to feel better about yourself.


Well-Known Member
A member stated the seniority date is the first date you start to qualify
Reason I am asking
Management state that we r putting you inside for now because can’t train you on qualification yet
I am wondering if they are doing that because they are wait for the contract to pass and I would be on the new contract for new drivers
Looks like they snookered you. You working inside? Outside hires don't work inside while qualifying, at least here, anyways.

If you havent started driver training yet, you're probably a pt hire. Now, all pters are ahead of you. I know I'd file if a new hire inside worker started driving before I had the chance.

Frankie's Friend

1st... those drivers are lying to you. Telematics would show management that they were sitting around for a couple hours and they'd be fired for stealing time. Trust me they watch every minute of what we do.

2nd... let's not fight amongst each other. Both jobs are difficult. People know this and that's why even drivers agree that PTs deserve better pay. Hence the main proposal for the contract, better part-time pay.

@Days I know it sounds easy unloading 1 truck but trust me it's not. I'm not saying preload is easy but imagine having to del 5 50lb boxes up 3 flights of stairs which requires 3 trips and then a couple irregs up stairs that are 120lb each. It happens a lot.

@Sickofit And @Days we all need to remember as much as we think we know each other's job. It's nothing like we think or remember anymore. This is a time for coming together and seeing each other's side and realizing we deserve better. This contract sucks and telling each other that their job is easy is not going to help.

Anyways I've been drinking. friend @UpstateNYUPSer ;)

Still... It's true. :)
I've done both jobs. With load charts not pal labels.

There needs to be a respect for the ft drivers who are subject to more responsibility than loading trucks.
We have to unload crappy dispatches and loads every day all the while dodging idiot drivers and pedestrians and being subject to management's scrutiny every morning for the day before.

Because we get paid more we are held more accountable than any pt time employees.

I'm not diminishing the preload or any pt timers jobs. But hearing pt timers disparaging ft workers on here gets old.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
So, they will count the routes, and not drivers?
Respectfully, I'm going to decline to answer anymore questions at this time. I do not feel that I am helping any of you by answering any questions that people do not really want to here. I will sit back and watch, maybe chiming in at another time. I think members need to get the facts first. I tried to help out with this, but in hindsight it was a mistake. The reason I am answering you and nobody else is because I thoroughly enjoyed jousting with you.

All the best and fraternally yours



Well-Known Member
Respectfully, I'm going to decline to answer anymore questions at this time. I do not feel that I am helping any of you by answering any questions that people do not really want to here. I will sit back and watch, maybe chiming in at another time. I think members need to get the facts first. I tried to help out with this, but in hindsight it was a mistake. The reason I am answering you and nobody else is because I thoroughly enjoyed jousting with you.

All the best and fraternally yours

Enjoyed it as well.

If it is route, probably be a no from me.

The added feeders entrants would probably purge most of extra drivers. Still have a lot of questions, wating to see the actual language.


Well-Known Member
Respectfully, I'm going to decline to answer anymore questions at this time. I do not feel that I am helping any of you by answering any questions that people do not really want to here. I will sit back and watch, maybe chiming in at another time. I think members need to get the facts first. I tried to help out with this, but in hindsight it was a mistake. The reason I am answering you and nobody else is because I thoroughly enjoyed jousting with you.

All the best and fraternally yours

Hope you come back once we get to read the initial offer ... you might need to witness the angry mob who are marching towards Atlanta with pitchforks and torches....and to answer questions....this should be interesting


Got the T-Shirt
Maybe you can help on this matter?

It's all going to be in the supplement he's covered by.

Depends on if he was hired as permanent, or vacation replacement. (summer seasonal)

Without knowing where he is, there are to many variables between supplements

to give a correct answer. Even I.... have had to eat crow before. It tastes better warm. :biggrin:

It's all going to be in the supplement he's covered by.

Depends on if he was hired as permanent, or vacation replacement. (summer seasonal)

Without knowing where he is, there are to many variables between supplements

to give a correct answer. Even I.... have had to eat crow before. It tastes better warm. :biggrin:

Thanks for your input


Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
So I come back off vacation to this mess of an agreement. The raises are less than the previous two contracts. I want to see the whole agreement. I can live with these raises if it betters disability payments and pension. I would be at almost $35 an hour which is nothing to sneeze at. I like the no split raises but why you think it was split before? To prop up that quarterly statement. It seems to me that the company finally realized that they are better at math than the union.


Well-Known Member
They have figured it out and so has Teamster leadership. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
First off I thought you worked on the ramp at SDF, pretty sure your not meeting our customers there. Second you are right all management are stupid and all union folks are smart. The competition that exists today is like nothing anyone has seen. There needs to be changes to the way we do business, that does not mean getting rid of the Union. By the way just because people do not agree does not make the other party dumb. Keep up the anger though, I am sure it helps you to feel better about yourself.
What I was trying to Convey to you went totally over your head.... and no... I have never work on a ramp.... I have seen first hand some of mgts “we need to do things differently” totally backfire and we loose customers..... I’ve seen this many times in my many years of driving.....and just for the record I have had some great supervisors and mgrs over the years....why would I have anger ??? I am on the backside of my career here and will make it to the end ... would like to see common sense prevail at this company.... corporations don’t always make the right decisions and can really loose focus to what really matters...


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Still have a lot of questions, wating to see the actual language.

Yep... Didn't understand how you could have a poll on a vote when you haven't got the whole thing in front of you yet. :thumbup1:

The voting in this poll will be skewed to the negative assuming the worst, as most do every 5 years, after it passes. :lol::teethy: