1st... those drivers are lying to you. Telematics would show management that they were sitting around for a couple hours and they'd be fired for stealing time. Trust me they watch every minute of what we do.
2nd... let's not fight amongst each other. Both jobs are difficult. People know this and that's why even drivers agree that PTs deserve better pay. Hence the main proposal for the contract, better part-time pay.
@Days I know it sounds easy unloading 1 truck but trust me it's not. I'm not saying preload is easy but imagine having to del 5 50lb boxes up 3 flights of stairs which requires 3 trips and then a couple irregs up stairs that are 120lb each. It happens a lot.
@Sickofit And
@Days we all need to remember as much as we think we know each other's job. It's nothing like we think or remember anymore. This is a time for coming together and seeing each other's side and realizing we deserve better. This contract sucks and telling each other that their job is easy is not going to help.
Anyways I've been drinking. friend
Still... It's true.