Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Isnt he literally missing a large portion of his brain?

Couldn't say. The fun thing about being a true middle of the roader (OK, slightly left) is I can hold the opinion that Trump is an idiot in one hand while being real about Joe Biden in the other. But I dunno about Biden's actual brain status.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't say. The fun thing about being a true middle of the roader (OK, slightly left) is I can hold the opinion that Trump is an idiot in one hand while being real about Joe Biden in the other. But I dunno about Biden's actual brain status.

I’ve been all over the map politically at different points in time for different reasons. No hate. I’m just not there anymore. Voted for Obama first go round and was grossly disappointed. Do I think Trump is Jesus 2.0? Hardly. Then again if our expectations of politicians is that of a Personal Lord and Savior of Mankind I’d argue that our expectations of people are wildly unrealistic

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Couldn't say. The fun thing about being a true middle of the roader (OK, slightly left) is I can hold the opinion that Trump is an idiot in one hand while being real about Joe Biden in the other. But I dunno about Biden's actual brain status.
I trust Joe to hire the best people to actually run the government. He knows all of them. He knows who to trust. He’ll make competent decisions. He doesn’t need to be a rock star. Base level competence will be a drastic improvement over the current administration.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I trust Joe to hire the best people to actually run the government. He knows all of them. He knows who to trust. He’ll make competent decisions. He doesn’t need to be a rock star. Base level competence will be a drastic improvement over the current administration.

Completely agree.


Well-Known Member
I trust Joe to hire the best people to actually run the government. He knows all of them. He knows who to trust. He’ll make competent decisions. He doesn’t need to be a rock star. Base level competence will be a drastic improvement over the current administration.
I wonder which country he'll leverage to get Hunter a sweet deal? "You fellas watch the office. I'm off to India to set up moving some manufacturing to there from China. Hunter's going to handle the details."


Well-Known Member
I trust Joe to hire the best people to actually run the government. He knows all of them. He knows who to trust. He’ll make competent decisions. He doesn’t need to be a rock star. Base level competence will be a drastic improvement over the current administration.
P.S. It's called being a figurehead. Will he have people drawing red lines in the sand or will he be competent enough to have a lengthy discussion with enemies? Or allies for that matter.
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Well-Known Member
I watched Joe on Kimmel last week and he was quite lucid.

thats part of the mystery or maybe the degenerative process. He has good moments and bad . but holy :censored2: the bad moments are completely baffling and bizarre.

I'm a guy that 4 years ago thought that biden could be a good alternative if I could not have trump and i damn sure didnt want hilllary.


Well-Known Member
Why does anyone think the debates matter? Trump’s debates in the general were a train wreck. Trump has no ability to articulate policy. He has no understanding of details. He rambles like the crazy old man on your street. I think everything is baked in already. If you held the election tomorrow it’d have the same result it will in November.

you didnt watch the same debate i did . bringing bill clintons rape victims was brilliant . telling hillary that he would lock her up to her face scored huge points.
Trump style was I'm here and washington can :censored2: and it worked. Meanwhile you were hugging your pillow with kleenex in hand trembling at such a brute of a man standing on the stage with your beloved hillary. you saw nothing but that demonseed hillary glowing like an angel.
as long as you hold your hillary legacy your opinion of anyone else is :censored2:. your perspective was out in jupiter in 2016 and you have done nothing to show your back on this planet. Your perspective was so far out in left field you should beg for permission before you offer the swill you call your opinion.


Well-Known Member
The debates matter because Trump is going to make Joe look like a bumbling idiot. Nothing to do with articulating policy.

The only way Trump loses to Biden is overconfidence. Republicans may be so confident that they don’t show up in enough numbers.

Trump should answer every biden ramble with "bless his heart he's doing the best he can."


Well-Known Member
Did you watch the last debate with Bernie? Joe is fine.

because bernie kissed his ass the whole night. bernie never wanted to win. he wants to be the visionary that never actually has to be the implementer.
he never wanted to do the hard work or he would have gotten off his ass the 40 years he was in congress.

so biden got soft balled all night by the cnn reporters and got free reach arounds from bernie. You dems screwed yourself.
you never battled tested biden during the primaries and now hes going to face the donald. the donald will skull frick him without a condom.