Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Oh he's nervous. It was never about being the president with him. That's a calling. It was about winning the presidency to stoke his fractured ego.

The continued ego defense is pretty strange. The achievement of the office of the President of the United States should speak for itself.


Well-Known Member
Oh he's nervous. It was never about being the president with him. That's a calling. It was about winning the presidency to stoke his fractured ego.

damn he's probably the first president to ever have ego issues. the other 44 only wanted to serve america and would have scrubbed our floors if we asked.

I mean damn. you guys been asleep you're whole lives? you suddenly discovered presidents have ego issues? really?


Man of Great Wisdom
damn he's probably the first president to ever have ego issues. the other 44 only wanted to serve america and would have scrubbed our floors if we asked.

I mean damn. you guys been asleep you're whole lives? you suddenly discovered presidents have ego issues? really?
I don't disagree but most keep it in check and rise to the level of the office.


Well-Known Member
Cuomo isn’t running for anything right now.

Technically you are right; however, if you watch his daily briefings, you can clearly see that he has Presidential aspirations.

He did just piss off 80K state employees when he told them that he is deferring their pay raises until things turn around. They will receive back pay.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you didnt watch the same debate i did . bringing bill clintons rape victims was brilliant . telling hillary that he would lock her up to her face scored huge points.
Trump style was I'm here and washington can :censored2: and it worked. Meanwhile you were hugging your pillow with kleenex in hand trembling at such a brute of a man standing on the stage with your beloved hillary. you saw nothing but that demonseed hillary glowing like an angel.
as long as you hold your hillary legacy your opinion of anyone else is :censored2:. your perspective was out in jupiter in 2016 and you have done nothing to show your back on this planet. Your perspective was so far out in left field you should beg for permission before you offer the swill you call your opinion.
Careful, there’s still a TP shortage. I’m sure you had to use a lot to clean yourself up after that.


Well-Known Member


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
he's an overbearing hell raising ass he's never been nervous
overbearing ass, ego, mouthy, attention hoe, wealthy, what is on his mind is immediately on his tongue, doesn't care what you think, s:censored2:t hole countries, China virus, wall, illegals, sanctuary cities, friend the "new world order" America first, calls it like it is
What's not to like?