dow 24000

Bitcoin down too.
Big time


Well-Known Member
Dji up almost 2000 points. Believe me it will jump up before the common investors can capitalize. I haven't even looked at my 401k. Is now a good time to start a ira. And is a Roth better.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Dji up almost 2000 points. Believe me it will jump up before the common investors can capitalize. I haven't even looked at my 401k. Is now a good time to start a ira. And is a Roth better.
We seen this before. Things go up, then the left and the media talk everything back into disaster, panic and fear.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
We seen this before. Things go up, then the left and the media talk everything back into disaster, panic and fear.

Yep. Market will be fine as long as Trump stops babbling and steps aside to let the adults who know what they’re talking about talk more often.

Better way to fill the information void and prevent market uncertainty than Twitter rants and factually incorrect Oval Office addresses.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Yep. Market will be fine as long as Trump stops babbling and steps aside to let the adults who know what they’re talking about talk more often.

Better way to fill the information void and prevent market uncertainty than Twitter rants and factually incorrect Oval Office addresses.
Shutting down sports leagues and other large gatherings is going to have an economic impact. Oil price wars won’t help. There are problems beyond the idiot in the White House.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yep. Market will be fine as long as Trump stops babbling and steps aside to let the adults who know what they’re talking about talk more often.

Better way to fill the information void and prevent market uncertainty than Twitter rants and factually incorrect Oval Office addresses.
If for no other reason, the DemWits and Fake News reporters will not be showing their TDS at press conferences.