dow 24000


Staff member
Fed just slashed the interest rate to zero, might get a nice bounce on Monday if the corona virus news isn't too terrible. Either way, I might finally pull the trigger on a refi.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Fed just slashed the interest rate to zero, might get a nice bounce on Monday if the corona virus news isn't too terrible. Either way, I might finally pull the trigger on a refi.
They also announced at least $700 billion in quantitative easing. Hope they save one bullet for the suicide.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
the house just went all in
The Fed also resumed the crisis-era policy of large-scale asset purchases of at least 500 billion dollars worth of mortgage-backed securities and an additional 20 billion over the coming months. Welcome to 2009. We will surely see bailouts for oil, airlines and travel related businesses before it's over.


Well-Known Member
The Fed also resumed the crisis-era policy of large-scale asset purchases of at least 500 billion dollars worth of mortgage-backed securities and an additional 20 billion over the coming months. Welcome to 2009. We will surely see bailouts for oil, airlines and travel related businesses before it's over.

damned if you do / damned if you dont . cant let industries collapse / cant borrow money and accelerate the deficit

its not a question of if we're shooting ourselves in the foot but which chamber


Engorged Member
Fed just slashed the interest rate to zero, might get a nice bounce on Monday if the corona virus news isn't too terrible. Either way, I might finally pull the trigger on a refi.

The flip side of this is that it is an official government confirmation that there is a big problem. Kind of like the last Fed announcement that tanked the market.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
The flip side of this is that it is an official government confirmation that there is a big problem. Kind of like the last Fed announcement that tanked the market.
Futures are bouncing between 3 and 4% to the negative. A lot of volatility, much has to do with Pence (not political) press conference. Investors hanging on every word.


Engorged Member
Well, Democrats have tanked the economy for the foreseeable future.

Yes, futures are down 5%, the maximum. Who has been pushing for this cut, anyway? Oh, yeah, it was Trump. Your TDS is getting really bad, fren. The Fed just confirmed the cut. Trump is praising the strategy, BTW. So, he made another bad move, based on his belief that the key to a strong economy is lower interest rates. Guess Wall Street thinks otherwise and sees a panic signal.

Please tell us how the Dems tanked the economy. Is it because of the Big Hoax?
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Well-Known Member
Republicans destroyed the economy in record time this go around. It normally takes them 6-7 years but they did it in 3. So much winning!

gas dropped about 30 cents a gallon , loving it . with every negative there is a positive or as they say in your woods these days with every positive there is a negative.


Well-Known Member
So you believe this pull back is a result of the virus scare and the media's bias.

I do , Certain industries are suffering because of the travel ban . Meanwhile there are others that are having a killer quarter right now. I cant wait to see the retail numbers with all empty shelves in the stores. It takes a lot of buying to clean out every costco and sams in the country not to mention the walmarts, targets etc . the trick is to find the winners under these conditions and load up while the prices are super low