dow 24000

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
We pay almost 3000k a month on student loans. I am very much a you take out the loan you pay it back person but free school is far better overall than what they’re doing.

If they’re giving out money i would rather millions of people get it than a few hundred.
3K a month? Was the college dorms in the Waldorf Astoria ???


Happy Verified UPSer
The Dow went up the last 3 days 20% but is down today sharply. The best thing for most people is shut off the financial news .

Things will be okay in the long term. If you have auto invest in your 401k or other accounts just keep that up and take advantage of dollar cost averaging.

We are retired sojust pumping money back into stocks every week for now until the market bottoms out. We can do this with cash reserves.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
The Dow went up the last 3 days 20% but is down today sharply. The best thing for most people is shut off the financial news .

Things will be okay in the long term. If you have auto invest in your 401k or other accounts just keep that up and take advantage of dollar cost averaging.

We are retired sojust pumping money back into stocks every week for now until the market bottoms out. We can do this with cash reserves.
Day traders love the saw tooth trading days. Make money in a net zero market.


Happy Verified UPSer
@olroadbeech ,
Did you follow the advice of Wall Street Wally and cash out?
sorry no. i saw an opportunity to buy back in and took it. we are in for the long haul. don't want to get into that trap of trying to time the market .

opportunities like this don't come along often. timing the market is more like gambling. it's all a gamble but we are comfortable taking this risk.

what we have used to buy back in is not much overall of our total portfolio. sure we lost some money on paper buying on the way down but I keep pointing out the theory of dollar cost averaging.if the market goes back up to 30k which we believe it will someday ( dont know when ) we will make out well.

it took us a long time to be well off. it was not overnight . it took discipline , knowledge , and common sense.

I always recommend certain books to my grown children. Books from Dave Ramsey , Andrew Tobias , John Bogle ( who started Vanguard Funds and Index funds ) , Benjamin Graham ( oneof Warren Buffetts mentors ) the Greatest Salesman in the World books , and many others. These are the main ones .

I was just being facetious when I said I was so confused.
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Happy Verified UPSer
Stock Market will recover sooner and faster than the economy.
Hopefully, the DOW will be above 27000 by October.
I agree and said the same thing awhile back. Since this whole thing is mostly based on fear , once the virus levels out , confidence will come back and the economy will come roaring back. Assuming that the underlying foundation of the 30k market was somewhat sound in the first place.

I liken it to the end of WWII. We had one the biggest boom periods in our nations history in the late 40's and 50's.

27000 sounds pretty close to the real market value anyway. A correction was overdue back before all this started.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I agree and said the same thing awhile back. Since this whole thing is mostly based on fear , once the virus levels out , confidence will come back and the economy will come roaring back. Assuming that the underlying foundation of the 30k market was somewhat sound in the first place.

I liken it to the end of WWII. We had one the biggest boom periods in our nations history in the late 40's and 50's.

27000 sounds pretty close to the real market value anyway. A correction was overdue back before all this started.
3 million people lost their jobs last week. I don’t think the economy will come roaring back. It’ll take a while depending on how many of those companies are still in business when people can leave their houses again.


Happy Verified UPSer
3 million people lost their jobs last week. I don’t think the economy will come roaring back. It’ll take a while depending on how many of those companies are still in business when people can leave their houses again.
agree somewhat.

depends on how long this last. the shorter the pain the quicker it recovers. long term pain, perhaps we fall into recession.

I still believe it will come back quickly because this financial meltdown has come about because of fear. Once it's over the jobs come back.

only time will tell. I haven't check how China has been doing since they contained the virus. did they lift their lockdowns. probably shouldn't to be on the safe side.

The really sad thing is , is that Trump won't listen to Dr. Fasci.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
agree somewhat.

depends on how long this last. the shorter the pain the quicker it recovers. long term pain, perhaps we fall into recession.

I still believe it will come back quickly because this financial meltdown has come about because of fear. Once it's over the jobs come back.

only time will tell. I haven't check how China has been doing since they contained the virus. did they lift their lockdowns. probably shouldn't to be on the safe side.

The really sad thing is , is that Trump won't listen to Dr. Fasci.
The jobs don’t just magically come back. All of these people that didn’t work aren’t magically gonna have money to spend. All of these companies with no revenue for a couple months aren’t just gonna say ok everyone back to work day 1.


Inordinately Right
3 million people lost their jobs last week. I don’t think the economy will come roaring back. It’ll take a while depending on how many of those companies are still in business when people can leave their houses again.
3 million people were told by the government they couldn't go to work so they filed for free money.