dow 27000


nowhere special
But wasn't Obama recently saying that the soaring stock market was because of his actions ? So logically a falling stock market would also be because of his actions ?


Man of Great Wisdom
now that the market is rebounding as the trade war with china appears to be lessening I will sit back watch my liberal friends; who were so quick to bash trump at the first sign of a market correction; sing his praises.
Big jump. Uuuuge jump. Yawn.


Well-Known Member
The market is currently off it morning high following news of the trade deal by more than half.
If you had bothered to get the specifics of the matter you would have seen that it's nothing more than a 90 day cease fire. If no deal in that timeline then all bets are off.
With a president for life and a one party political system with it's roots still deeply planted in communism they can and will wait for as long as it takes for them to prevail in the end.

Your dancing . You were celebrating the market correction and now your trying to downplay the resurgence which is more then just today. Do you always root against this country being successful?