DOW 30000


Well-Known Member
The ONE black man who supports Trump. IQ of 41.

which one did you disparge with your racist comment?









Well-Known Member
Well if you use a skyrocketing stock market to “prove” that Trump is good, then it seems logical that the opposite is true as well. It’s always been true. Presidents always get too much credit and too much blame. Trump’s problem is that he always CLAIMED too much credit. That’s the problem with being a narcissist.

I'm happy that you're happy with the bad stock market news. I imagine you're hoping for more corona deaths here too?


Well-Known Member
Sam, you and I have seen this coming for months. Stock market is not the economy, companies were given a golden ticket with no restrictions. Corporate bubbles break and unfortunately it has long lasting affects on real people. Trump's idea of feeding everyone candy bars sounds great in the short term, but you eventually end up with bad teeth and a stomach ache. Slow and steady growth with corporate stress tests isn't sexy but more calming for the middle class.

coronavirus scare is not showing up in my economics manuals . can you help me?


Well-Known Member
Delta is looking very attractive for a buy in ... down 20%.
It looks to be leveling out and ready for a bounce on investor buying.
A 6.3 P/E is very low ... the FPE may be 4 or so on a poor 1st quarter and recovering in 2nd quarter with a 3rd quarter rebound.
It was at almost $60 dollars last week.

View attachment 284576

this over hyped virus scare is a gold mine for savy investors. Keep in mind the number of new cases is slowing and the common flu by far is killing a whole lot more


Well-Known Member
Oh for Pete's sake, Clinton benefited from both a bubble that eventually burst and a Republican Congress that balanced the budget and reformed welfare. Obama came in during the most serious recession since the Great Depression and everything went up as the economy recovered. And it was noted by just about everyone then that it was a recovery that benefited the 1% but definitely not the middle class. Obama smothered business with regulations. Anyone with serious objectivity realizes what Trump is doing is trying to get the middle class back on it's feet. The U.S. had the world's largest and most prosperous middle class and we thrive when it is doing well. Policies that lead to dependency on the government because "we want social justice" aren't justice at all. We should strive to get ourselves into and stay in the middle class. Everyone striving to do that makes an economy strong, not the government. The government should be the referee, not the focus of the game.


Well-Known Member
The death rate is triple that of the flu. Ttku...
More than that even. I honestly don't understand why so many are in denial about this. The Spanish Flu showed itself quickly and still managed to infect one out of three people on Earth before it ran it's course. This one doesn't kill at the rate of the Spanish Flu but it's about impossible to contain with it's long incubation period. It could easily kill 100 million people or more. And it's reported that many of the people who have recovered have lung damage. That could run into hundreds of millions before this is over.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The death rate is triple that of the flu. Ttku...
Actually it is more like 20 times more lethal and it is more contagious.
Currently, the R0 for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19, is estimated at about 2.2, meaning a single infected person will infect about 2.2 others, on average. By comparison, the flu has an R0 of 1.3.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
More than that even. I honestly don't understand why so many are in denial about this. The Spanish Flu showed itself quickly and still managed to infect one out of three people on Earth before it ran it's course. This one doesn't kill at the rate of the Spanish Flu but it's about impossible to contain with it's long incubation period. It could easily kill 100 million people or more. And it's reported that many of the people who have recovered have lung damage. That could run into hundreds of millions before this is over.
That is why therapeutic remedies are being fast-tracked (maybe available within 2 months) and vaccines as well. The vaccine may be available by August ... in time to be incorporated into the flu vaccines for 2020-2021 flu season.
We are more better at reacting to viruses than we were a hundred years ago.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
The coronavirus is overblown. Like SARS a few years back. You should be more concerned about getting the regular flu than coronavirus. Just keep those hands washed regularly. Keep your fingers out your mouth. Use the crook of your elbow for sneezes and coughs.


Happy Verified UPSer
here are just some numbers up to 02/19/2020 for this year.

coronavirus illnesses 75,000 deaths 2000 ( mainly China )

flu illnesses 26,000,00 deaths 14,000


Engorged Member


Engorged Member
More than that even. I honestly don't understand why so many are in denial about this. The Spanish Flu showed itself quickly and still managed to infect one out of three people on Earth before it ran it's course. This one doesn't kill at the rate of the Spanish Flu but it's about impossible to contain with it's long incubation period. It could easily kill 100 million people or more. And it's reported that many of the people who have recovered have lung damage. That could run into hundreds of millions before this is over.

Approximately same mortality rate as Spanish Flu. Why aren't you keeping to the GOP denial line? You could get in big trouble for being truthful.