DOW 30000

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Worst case scenario would be something like the 73-74 bear market, where the DOW lost 50% of it's value in a slow motion 2 year mudslide.
Interest rates are very low and the economy and demand is still strong.
Not an Apple buyer but the demand for Apple products is still very high even if the supply is low.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I have been dollar cost averaging out of my 401k investments 10% per month into Guaranteed Government Securities with my last deduction last Thursday.
I'm sitting at 50% at the moment ...
... thinking about getting back into the stock market if the DOW hits 26,000 or roughly 10% drop.

Question: Do I just get back into the S&P or try and pick individual stocks?
I have made good returns in the past on 'fear based' drops in stocks in the past.

Delta was one that I made over 20% gain in a weeks time back when a plane crashed in Queens after 9/11.
Delta is down today and trading at a P/E of 7 and down 12% in the last two days.
Delta is looking very attractive for a buy in ... down 20%.
It looks to be leveling out and ready for a bounce on investor buying.
A 6.3 P/E is very low ... the FPE may be 4 or so on a poor 1st quarter and recovering in 2nd quarter with a 3rd quarter rebound.
It was at almost $60 dollars last week.

Delta Stock 29 Feb 2020.PNG
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Delta is looking very attractive for a buy in ... down 20%.
It looks to be leveling out and ready for a bounce on investor buying.
A 6.3 P/E is very low ... the FPE may be 4 or so on a poor 1st quarter and recovering in 2nd quarter with a 3rd quarter rebound.
It was at almost $60 dollars last week.

View attachment 284576
SOUTHWEST is a decent alternative with no or little International exposure.
It was trading at a 52 week high last week at $58.83
... down 22% in this scare sell off.

Southwest Stock 29 Feb 2020.PNG

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
If you are concerned that the recovery may take a little longer than mid year, call options are a way to get your stock at a given price and timeframe. Minimize your exposure to a economical crisis.