DOW 30000


Well-Known Member
Which is obviously problematic, but that’s not even the issue.

Even if it had the exact same mortality rate, it’s shaping up to be way more virulent.

2.5% of one Million is a heck of a lot more death then 2.5% of 50-60 K.

Good deal that Trump defunded the team that deals with pandemics and cut the CDC budget.

Not surprising, he doesn’t understand science.

Trump couldn’t understand why we were paying this ‘first on the ground team’ when we weren’t using them.

Trump is an idiot.

It’s like not buying Home Insurance because, hey, probably won’t need it.


Well-Known Member
Approximately same mortality rate as Spanish Flu. Why aren't you keeping to the GOP denial line? You could get in big trouble for being truthful.
Spanish Flu was killing up to 20%. 1.5 Billion people on Earth at the time and it infected 500 million. Estimate to have killed up to 100 million. If this were as bad in the same proportions looking at 400-500 million dead. But doubtful it'll kill that many.


Happy Verified UPSer
Spanish Flu was killing up to 20%. 1.5 Billion people on Earth at the time and it infected 500 million. Estimate to have killed up to 100 million. If this were as bad in the same proportions looking at 400-500 million dead. But doubtful it'll kill that many.
we can only hope. the earth needs some thinning of the herd.
fair is fair . global warming, pollution, deforestation, and more.
mother earth is :censored2:ing pissed off.


Well-Known Member
we can only hope. the earth needs some thinning of the herd.
fair is fair . global warming, pollution, deforestation, and more.
mother earth is :censored2:ing pissed off.

if you're as old as your title alleges then you were alive when we had real pollution in the united states?
smogged filled cities and polluted rivers ?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
More than that even. I honestly don't understand why so many are in denial about this. The Spanish Flu showed itself quickly and still managed to infect one out of three people on Earth before it ran it's course. This one doesn't kill at the rate of the Spanish Flu but it's about impossible to contain with it's long incubation period. It could easily kill 100 million people or more. And it's reported that many of the people who have recovered have lung damage. That could run into hundreds of millions before this is over.
There’s your answer to the AI and robot problem.


Staff member
we can only hope. the earth needs some thinning of the herd.
fair is fair . global warming, pollution, deforestation, and more.
mother earth is :censored2:ing pissed off.

I really don't understand this mindset coming from someone touting somewhat more liberal talking points.
You are saying we have been bad stewards of the Earth.
And therefore you hope we die.

You realize that in any sort of apocalyptic situation, it will be the very young, the very old, and other helpless groups that will suffer the most?

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Trump polls extremely low with Black voters. Showing a handful of black faces proves zero.
All he has to do is get about 20% and that is all he needs. As he said in 2016 to the black voters, “what do you have to lose?”
because it isn’t like the Democrats are for blacks. Record low unemployment for blacks since 2016. Let’s not forget that the Dems were for slavery and the KKK. Do your homework my man.


Well-Known Member
All he has to do is get about 20% and that is all he needs. As he said in 2016 to the black voters, “what do you have to lose?”
because it isn’t like the Democrats are for blacks. Record low unemployment for blacks since 2016. Let’s not forget that the Dems were for slavery and the KKK. Do your homework my man.

they showed they still live on the white DNC plantation in south Carolina. so sad


Staff member
Here's hoping that South Carolina helps turn the tide towards Biden.

I really enjoy how upset the Bernie Bros get when they feel cheated.