Every time I come back from vacation...



1 of the reasons I wanted to become a UPS driver was that when you take vacation, there's not a mountain of undone s--- to come back to, unlike my other job. Plus I basically got 3 weeks right off the bat. Took me 10 years to get that much at my old job. I try like hell to take care of the regular guys customers. You never know, 1 day you may want his route.

Sent while driving from my flip phone via T9 word.


I set my relief driver up to be successful by leaving him a clean, uncluttered truck that is fully fueled and well stocked with several weeks worth of dog biscuits.

I am also diligent about making the office put notes in the DIAD for gate codes, bad dogs etc.

Having done all that, I leave all my worries behind once I clock out and begin my vacation.
As it should be!

Sent while driving from my flip phone via T9 word.


Retired 23 years
One of the only things I ever did off the clock was if I was around on the last Thursday of my vacations I would swing into the UPS building and go through the can't locate/post card cabinet and draw directions on those packages so they would go out for delivery on Friday.. They always seemed to be the ones that were way off the beaten trail or crazy people. Imagine that.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
One of the only things I ever did off the clock was if I was around on the last Thursday of my vacations I would swing into the UPS building and go through the can't locate/post card cabinet and draw directions on those packages so they would go out for delivery on Friday.. They always seemed to be the ones that were way off the beaten trail or crazy people. Imagine that.
Both of the guys who cover my route when I am off have my cell phone number and if they have problems they just call me. They are solid drivers who do the job right and take care of biz so I dont mind the occasional call or text asking for directions.
Every time I come back from vacation I feel like I'm having to clean up after cover drivers that ran my route when I was gone. Misdeliveries, claims, upset customers, lost packages that haven't become claims yet...the list goes on and on. Sometimes I don't even want to take vacation knowing what lies ahead when I come back. Anyone else feeling this way or am I on an island?
Who cares it's just a job.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I hate when the regular driver gives the dogs treats. Can't get the damn things out of my truck.

Being rural, my route is sought after by the unassigned drivers when I am gone and they will use their seniority in order to bump a junior driver off of it. They do this knowing full well about the dogs, so they cant really complain about them. I leave more than enough biscuits in the truck to last until I get back, so all the relief driver has to do is hand 'em out.


Well-Known Member
I cover routes. It usually ends up with the driver telling me Monday that all the girls wanted to know when he was going on vacation again.


Victory Ride
Every time I come back from vacation I feel like I'm having to clean up after cover drivers that ran my route when I was gone. Misdeliveries, claims, upset customers, lost packages that haven't become claims yet...the list goes on and on. Sometimes I don't even want to take vacation knowing what lies ahead when I come back. Anyone else feeling this way or am I on an island?
I have 3 young cover drivers that know my route when I am off,they are decent guys and have respect for customers and the route. One is a runner/gunner but my route can not be blown apart no matter how hard you try. He isnt so happy to run it on a Friday cause there is no way to cheat the day!He just accepts it now.