Leave my thread alone!He will be another one that wants this thread shut down.
Leave my thread alone!He will be another one that wants this thread shut down.
JeeezzzuuussssLeave my throat alone!
I hope you go back to package for the rest of your careerJeeezzzuuussss
Your prediction wasn't just wrong, it was 180 degrees from right.Yup. And so they'll get vaccinated. Just like you will, or people that talk a similarly big game.
I predict 95% will go get the shot instead of quitting or being let go. Bunch of big talkers.
Wrong again, ass face.It’s not forced. Prepare to be tested weekly, buddy.
This thread is still going? WowWrong as usual.
It’s the revenge tour now.This thread is still going? Wow
MYODBThis thread is still going? Wow
Still wrong.Get the vaccine or prepare to be tested potentially every week forever on your own dime.
Get some new material boomer.
Boy, you're not just wrong. You're 180° from right. Where did you get that idea?
This thread is more relevant with each new discovery of the fake vax and with each proven lie we was told.This thread is still going? Wow
Still wrong.
Face it.ty Point A-Point B driving jobs are going to disappear eventually. And sooner than later.
@The Driver was one of the most out spoken for the vax. He was sure we was all going to die that didn’t take it. I don’t know what happened to him (probably a vax victim) but I do miss his enthusiasm for BS.Still wrong.
Last seen posting here in this thread 2.5 years ago...hmm@The Driver was one of the most out spoken for the vax. He was sure we was all going to die that didn’t take it. I don’t know what happened to him (probably a vax victim) but I do miss his enthusiasm for BS.
I heard that Biden wants the Mexico border open to replace all the dead libs that took the unsafe, killer vax so he can get re-elected. The bodies are piling up so high in New York, they had to fill Madison Square Garden with them!@The Driver was one of the most out spoken for the vax. He was sure we was all going to die that didn’t take it. I don’t know what happened to him (probably a vax victim) but I do miss his enthusiasm for BS.
Yes, you are.
I heard that Biden wants the Mexico border open to replace all the dead libs that took the unsafe, killer vax so he can get re-elected. The bodies are piling up so high in New York, they had to fill Madison Square Garden with them!
Wanna make a bet that the courts uphold challenges to the mandate? It will stick. Watch.
wHy Do YoU cARe If OtHeRs ArE vAXxEd!?!
Because I care about others.
Why don’t you rugged individualists all march on your state capitols demanding they roll back all vaccines? Or seatbelts? Or motorcycle helmets? Or food safety rules? Banking rules?
Face it. Sometimes other people know what’s best for you.
Is that what kids call “based”?