This thread went a little sideways. I received the vaccine. I was hospitalized for two months with Covid. I have lost friends and family to Covid. Most if not all of us including our kids were vaccinated prior to starting school. Those who served in the military received even more vaccines. So those that choose not to get vaccinated, is it fear? Did you speak to your Doctor? What did they recommend? Because if you were sick with anything else or your kid was, i can almost guarantee that you would go to the ER or Urgent Care and take their advice. What's the difference now?
If you honestly want to know and arent just repeating corporate press talking points, the point is this-
The US government has injected people with poison before while telling them it was medicine/vaccines.
The tuskeegee experiments, cornelius rhodes injecting live cancer cells into puerto ricans, testing chemical weapons on minorities, testing LSD and other drugs on homeless people
The covid jabs are not poison per say, just a rushed through ineffective product that they admit doesnt stop infection, spread, or death from the virus. And becomes completely ineffective 6 months later.
With a massive risk profile. Because its a new technology that has no long term risk data, and because its classified as a vaccine they get complete immunity from any damage it causes.
All this to stop a virus so weak that 99% of people who get it dont even notice they have it.
But the point is this, the next time it might be poison. We have the right to say no. Anyone trying to force medical experiments upon people is evil, full stop.