Fedex Express Peak 2017

Purple no more

Active Member
Before I retired I was forced to work on Sunday. I told my Ops, who is also a good friend, that I do not work on Sunday. His reply was that I don't go to church, so why not work. It was one of the deciding factors for retirement and I am MUCH happier now. Good luck... ya'll are going to need it...


Well-Known Member
Before I retired I was forced to work on Sunday. I told my Ops, who is also a good friend, that I do not work on Sunday. His reply was that I don't go to church, so why not work. It was one of the deciding factors for retirement and I am MUCH happier now. Good luck... ya'll are going to need it...

He had a good point.


Well-Known Member
The genius SM at my station only hired 5 new couriers while the station is down 20 warm-bodies.
It chuckles me that fdx seems “surprised” every peak and is consistently understaffed. It’s not like a fluke event

Down 20 warm bodies? Here in Memphis, were so short, I think they're going to try digging up the cold ones.


Well-Known Member
Did he? Six days isn't enough?
A real Mexican standoff ongoing at the station I was at. Contractors despite their best efforts are severely shorthanded, terminal manager dead set against sending out staffing agency temps. I'm sitting this one out. Not about to get caught in the cross fire.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
A real Mexican standoff ongoing at the station I was at. Contractors despite their best efforts are severely shorthanded, terminal manager dead set against sending out staffing agency temps. I'm sitting this one out. Not about to get caught in the cross fire.
Sounds like a smart move.


Staff member
A real Mexican standoff ongoing at the station I was at. Contractors despite their best efforts are severely shorthanded, terminal manager dead set against sending out staffing agency temps. I'm sitting this one out. Not about to get caught in the cross fire.
I'm contracted up to 900 P&D stops a day. I won't promise anything beyond that.


Staff member
...but will you leave the excess stops behind or do you put them on road and try to get them off...?
That will depend upon whether or not they want to penalize me for what doesn't get done. If they want to take the bonus money away for service numbers at the end of the month, they will sit. I mean, why provide a service to receive $x just to have them take half of it away at the end of the month?


Well-Known Member
I thought u were going under the temp agency and have newbies ride with u to get oriented with the scanner?

Hmm, we gotta 2 peak threads & thought this was the express opco one.
The current TM as it turns out is a "Hardcore Harvey" and is really grinding his heels into contractors by flat out refusing to send out staff agency temps which is the only terms by which I was willing to work. You see the current contractors really did themselves in when the Day1's including our one and only linehaul before leaving went to the new contractors and offered to remain accessible, help where and when needed and not drop off the radar screen but with the exception of one were all snubbed. Only one D1 is currently running during peak and that's because he really needs money because he and his invalid wife are trying to raise 3 generations of kids and I'm sure he wouldn't do it if not for trying to do the impossible on the home front. The rest of us have simple moved on.
Now they are completely overwhelmed with peak volume, critically shorthanded and a TM who takes no prisoners. Then again in the eyes of the new contractors we grizzled old veterans who have been there ever since the beginning didn't know anything. They had all the answers......or so they thought.


Well-Known Member
The current TM as it turns out is a "Hardcore Harvey" and is really grinding his heels into contractors by flat out refusing to send out staff agency temps which is the only terms by which I was willing to work. You see the current contractors really did themselves in when the Day1's including our one and only linehaul before leaving went to the new contractors and offered to remain accessible, help where and when needed and not drop off the radar screen but with the exception of one were all snubbed. Only one D1 is currently running during peak and that's because he really needs money because he and his invalid wife are trying to raise 3 generations of kids and I'm sure he wouldn't do it if not for trying to do the impossible on the home front. The rest of us have simple moved on.
Now they are completely overwhelmed with peak volume, critically shorthanded and a TM who takes no prisoners. Then again in the eyes of the new contractors we grizzled old veterans who have been there ever since the beginning didn't know anything. They had all the answers......or so they thought.
If what you say is true, my assumption is the TM should start applying online for McDonalds and the like.


Well-Known Member
If what you say is true, my assumption is the TM should start applying online for McDonalds and the like.
These small terminals are nothing more than training grounds for entry level managers out to solidify there standing therefore the abuses of contractors and subordinate employees often gets buried under corporate spin.


Well-Known Member
That will depend upon whether or not they want to penalize me for what doesn't get done. If they want to take the bonus money away for service numbers at the end of the month, they will sit. I mean, why provide a service to receive $x just to have them take half of it away at the end of the month?
All stops over threshold do not hit your service, but they will make station management lose their :censored2: because they still will cause big gaps between ILS and real service.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
These small terminals are nothing more than training grounds for entry level managers out to solidify there standing therefore the abuses of contractors and subordinate employees often gets buried under corporate spin.

All stops over threshold do not hit your service, but they will make station management lose their :censored2: because they still will cause big gaps between ILS and real service.

I thought you get 100% service for the day if you do deliver over your peak DST

I don't because I declined schedule K.

Okay Ground people, get back to your own Peak thread. This one is for Express. Lol.