It amazes me to NO end that our pre loaders who are making $10-11 an hour are insanely rushed to be off the clock in 4 hours or less,and a result of this pressure are mistakes are made that I have to correct whilst I make $45 an hour on OT. Last week I had a NDA saver (NDA is run at the very end of the sort,when the pressure to get the PT's off the clock is the most intense) that was misloaded on me and was 2 counties away. I made service on it,and I estimate I made over 2 1/2 hours of OT from that single package.
At UPS, it is perfectly acceptable to spend $500 in order to save a nickel as long as the nickel shows up on
your report and you can make the $500 show up on someone
You see, UPS isnt actually one company. Instead, it is a huge conglomeration of underfunded and overstressed individual fiefdoms whose "managers" are only concerned with one thing; covering their own asses. The #1 rule of corporate survival is that if you cant make yourself look better on a report, then you had better find a way to make an internal rival look
worse. Actually
solving problems requires teamwork and the willingess to take risks; the safer play is to focus on assigning blame instead.
The preload managers job is not to set the drivers up to succeed. That is the center manager's problem. The preload managers job is to generate the PPH metric that is being demanded of him by his superiors. Generate the metric, and all is right with the world; the fact that drivers are costing $45 an hour on OT to shag misloads is
someone elses problem.