Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Back when Rod and I were pups, we didn't have to worry about getting chastised for excessive backing. I think even if I were driving now, I'd have to take the heat for backing. Knowing how UPS judges accidents, I'd never put myself in a position to be blamed for a fender bender, no matter what the rules say. I took this grab from my dash cam. Driver could have used a large driveway to this business, but chose to park right after a blind curve in the road. I presume to prevent a back. Car came around the curve, possibly speeding, almost hit the rear of the PC, and had to swerve in my lane. If he had hit the PC, do you think it would have been an avoidable accident?
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New package car designDon’t go forward , don’t go back , do they want us to go up and down?
LNew package car designView attachment 267607
Its called a pay checkWe have flavor of the weeks now. Vest, cradle use and the big one now is uniform appearance. Drivers are being told they absolutely need to wear polishable leather boots or there will be give me the money to get them.
what’s managements flavor of the month at your center?
right now ours is “backing”
Stay strong bearded and non-bearded union brothers PEAK is almost here!
Good times!Somerville Mass ,, strike of 97
Absolutely NO no-scans! But we can have an airplane full of late air that’s ok!No scans here
We get those too. They go directly into the trash.No scans here. We've been tasked with driver follow-ups, except we don't sheet the stop and the center has us use a different form. Only has consignee info and tracking #, no info who shipped it or what was in the pkg. For bulk stops, I get it -- especially since we have drivers turfing misloads. Also, at some docks I find it's too much trouble to follow the method of lining up 10 at a time, then scanning, because receiving can't keep their paws off the pkgs. Even after I've told them to wait until I scan!
So far all of my no-scan follow ups have been for single piece resi deliveries, and each time I sent a diad text to the center "1Z...5309 not found". I've mentioned this to sups and OMS, they've told me to stop by anyway, "just in case it was a misload and another driver delivered it and forgot to scan" ... Wut? A driver is going to forget to sheet a single piece resi stop?
Perfect example of why this little Swedish kid is mentally ill. WhoTF sits in dirty muddy snow when you have a nice warm lodge to take your photo ops in?
I just started using the cradle and I still forget to grab the Diad sometimes so use to having it in my pouch.Cradle utilization. They've even started posting the daily numbers on the center door. Gotta make those metrics, or else! I'd settle for the darn things to work properly. Loose connections, not working, sporadic successfulness.
The best part was when someone in the PCM asked are we still required to keep DIADs behind the bulkhead going to & from center? No, now we're telling you to use the cradle! It's not distracted driving when you're instructed to do it.
Lol I back up to the dock if I only have one package screw themBacking here. My center manager wants us not to back at docks unless it is a bulk stop! Said if we can see it is less than 10 packages to pull up and walk it off. This is just ridiculous.
This building made the National News a lot during our little disagreement with the Brown Reich !!Good times!