flavor of the month


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
That's no way to talk to the King! Show some respect!

View attachment 268479

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
Yesterday we got ODS'd that we are to report all piss bottles to mgmt. Next sentence threatened that, if we don't, "it's on us."
We have some drivers that leave them on the car and then the preloader will throw them in the boxline the next day
It is disgusting

Two Tokes

Give it to me Baby
Knee brace isn’t part of the uniform. It’s ridiculous that there is an alternative (pants) and some bozo wants to make his own uniform.
Typical management BS
He should just play their game and put his brace on at his first stop
Or would they prefer a comp claim


Well-Known Member
Reading really is fundamental. I specifically wrote that the knee brace isn’t part of the uniform- and it still isn’t.
I’ll help YOU out. Just remain as steward. The ceiling isn’t very high.
Doesn’t specify wether have to wear pants or not. I don’t cover any tattoos don’t have ups socks and I’ve got a beard. Move it along coffee drinker.


Allergic to cardboard.
Reading really is fundamental. I specifically wrote that the knee brace isn’t part of the uniform- and it still isn’t.
I’ll help YOU out. Just remain as steward. The ceiling isn’t very high.
It does say “visible” braces. Why would you need to wear pants for a visible brace that is professional in appearance?

Reading sure is fundamental, Mr Management.