Forced to work Saturday Xmas eve?

Orion inc.

I like turtles
They say money can't buy you love but the number 1 cause of divorce is money troubles.

It may not buy love but it sure as hell helps.

Rich people get divorced and they have just as many arguments about money.

Actually @Brownslave688 is right. It does help.

I've never had an argument with my wife over money. Ever.

But then again it helps to have a strong marriage as well.

That might not be your area of expertise Dave.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
You can laugh all you want but we worked last Saturday and Monday was much lighter as a result, even with 4K packages from Tuesday rolled in. They did not put any helpers on road that day.

You do know your logic would apply to a small center like yours.

But huge centers where volume is advanced, working Saturday or Sunday doesn't usually make a dent in Monday.

But by all means keep enlightening us with your vast ups knowledge from the smallest BOG in the ups stratosphere

harley vulkrie

Faceplanted.......I put up with so much disrespect at this company that it's the very reason why I put my foot down and drew my line in the sand long long ago. I go out and do my job properly and to the book and I go about a pace that's acceptable to me. And I don't give them a reason to hang me for even the slightest of things.
Driving and parking......I don't speed....don't roll lights or stop signs.....don't pull out in traffic at a green light waiting to turn left and rather stop behind crosswalk and wait for the next arrow......and parking the truck (hahaha) forget it.
I NEVER park in handicap.....NEVER block cars in.....NEVER park by a fire hydrant.....NEVER park on a side of street that states NO PARKING ON THIS SIDE OF STREET even if it isn't a one way street......NEVER block a residential driveway......NEVER park even 6" over a yellow curb......NEVER park too close to a corner to obstruct someone seeing a posted STOP SIGN or crossing traffic. So trust me in that when more people are home from work and there is less parking and I have some residential to do I might very well be walking a residential stop back down a block even if it's a damn envelope. packages left exposed........all condos and I do have a decent amount GET BROUGHT UP TO THEIR DOOR and not lazily left in the mailroom. People don't live in the mailroom.....they have a personal door to their unit. Otherwise you may as well half :censored2: your residential deliveries and toss it on the lawn instead of BRINGING IT TO THE DOOR!!

When most of you folks get your head out of your butt your loads will be lightened.......and as I said more will be put in.
Don't blame guys myself or Faceplant because you lack the sack it takes to see the job thru properly and put up with some heat from management.
Who knows......maybe one day I'll be fired for doing my job TOO GOOD.

But until then it's simply "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY"......because I don't give a care.....I have nothing to lose!! And they now know that. :)
WOW! someone with some balls! NICE!


Gravy route
Just had management announce mandatory Saturday 6 punch for Xmas eve. In years past it was on a voluntary basis...... shop steward said just work..... I'm asking if they can really force a 6 punch for a holiday..... thx
Some supplements say they can't force 6th punch.
Most do not.
They are supposed to follow the volunteer top down; force bottom up.
Run out of hours M-friend.
Request 8 hours minimum. They will likely not work those that demand 8+.
Or if you have no attendance problems, there is always the phone.


Light 'em up!
That problem would not exist, if people shipped early instead of waiting till the last minute.

True, but the only thing the public sees is that UPS fell flat on its face again and didn't get all the Christmas deliveries done in time.

They don't see the fact that UPS got slammed at the last minute and didn't have enough capacity to get it done.

They don't want excuses.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
True, but the only thing the public sees is that UPS fell flat on its face again and didn't get all the Christmas deliveries done in time.

They don't see the fact that UPS got slammed at the last minute and didn't have enough capacity to get it done.

They don't want excuses.
Wait till next years peak when Amazon falls flat on their butt and fails to deliver by the promised delivery date!


KTM rider
If I have the hours, I'll sign it. Neither of our daughters will be home and I can hang out with the wife on every other day off.