Fumbling McCain has brain cancer

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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
prior to McCain 31 people have been laid out in the Rotunda some significant figures such as Rosa Parks and Billy Graham. that means there are many presidents and other significant historical figures that did not receive this honor. Does John McCain really earn that honor even with his brutal 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton or is the fact that he was a sitting member of congress have more to do with it.
It was all about Trump and showing that Congress disapproves of Trumps antics ... JMO


Well-Known Member
its absolutely amazing how much these libs hate Trump. I dont know how they function in life . Trump owns their every waking moment.

I seem to remember some Obama Derangement from the Trumpatistas on this board, as well as Hillary...

Can you go a week without mentioning Obama or Hillary?

One’s no longer President, two years on, and one never was.

Do they ‘own’ you?



Retired 23 years
Shut this thread down. McCain is planted in the ground now--time to move on to the next earth shaking Trump story.
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