Of course three weeks of laying around for an ulcer is right up your worthless alley.
You're dang lucky you didn't die from the ulcer there. If they didn't hospitalize you for an ulcer then they might be able to afford more money on life threatening diagnosis.
I'm delivering reality here while you keep giving me BS. I'll encourage you to have sex with yourself.
I encourage you to ask your german relatives about the "Kur" (Spa) treatments they get every 2 years ! Without even the need to take vacation time !
You have no clue how great the german "krankenkasse" is !
I do, because I used it, and worked there !
I talk as an experienced worker in Germany !
And you as a US soldier child in Germany !
It's time for you to finally grow up Tie !
It's because people like you, that are ingnorant american, that they are hated worldwide !
They have no clue... but think they are superb !
You can call up all 7 aunts (born in and raised in Germany), I have in the US, from Arizona, to Calif, to FL and Wisconsin.... and you'll get the same answer : How great the german Healthcare is !
Even my mother, that is German and lives in Canada.
Screw you Tie, keep you mouth shut, if you never used the system !
Btw: next time your in the hospital, pay attention where most of the equipemnt is from (Siemens and Bayer).
Still proudly made in Germany, along with blood glucose meters, and blood pressure equiptment.
Like I said : YOU have no clue !