I sure hope to God that you're not belittling Montana !!
Watching your occasional multi quoted drive by postings I have a vision of some long haired , long bearded liberal with wild eyes crawling out of a hole somewhere to vent before climbing back into his hole.
I've dealt with Western Doctors and some of the best come to where it's 'not so crazy' city-wise. There are wonderful surgeons who live in places like Jackson Wyoming, but work in smaller hospitals like in Idaho Falls, Idaho. They do this by choice. Sometimes the big cities are 'zoos'.
Klein, you don't know !!! You don't know everything about everything!! You need a TV talk show....you're more like Tyra Banks than you know!
Not to long ago, I posted how people in Vancouver that needed Heart Surgery, and the new Heart Clinic wasn't opened yet... had a chance to take the offer to go to Seattle and get it done (for free, paid by the province)... The deal was settled between British Columbia & the Seattle Heart Clinic... Yet, no one showed up. They all said, they rather wait, then to go (only 50miles), to the US for healthcare.
Where is your point Tie ?
Lifesaving surgery ? Yup, set up a poll at the border. I would like to see that one myself.
I'm sure they are soo healthy to drive up to 10 hrs, (like I would have to, just to get to the US border),
What specialty hospitals do you have in Montana, that I can't get here ?
Lifesaving Surgery, eh ? Maybe our EMS helicopters should fly directly to the US instead ?
That's life saving surgery !
Again, you show how little knowledge you have, and watching your fox news, won't allow you to give you more reality and common sense.
Not to long ago, I posted how people in Vancouver that needed Heart Surgery, and the new Heart Clinic wasn't opened yet... had a chance to take the offer to go to Seattle and get it done (for free, paid by the province)... The deal was settled between British Columbia & the Seattle Heart Clinic... Yet, no one showed up. They all said, they rather wait, then to go (only 50miles), to the US for healthcare.
Where is your point Tie ?
Lifesaving surgery ? Yup, set up a poll at the border. I would like to see that one myself.
I'm sure they are soo healthy to drive up to 10 hrs, (like I would have to, just to get to the US border),
What specialty hospitals do you have in Montana, that I can't get here ?
Lifesaving Surgery, eh ? Maybe our EMS helicopters should fly directly to the US instead ?
That's life saving surgery !
Again, you show how little knowledge you have, and watching your fox news, won't allow you to give you more reality and common sense.
Here is a touch of reality :
A 2004 study by the Institute of Medicine, a branch of the National Academy of Sciences, found that lack of health insurance causes 18,000 unnecessary deaths a year. That’s one person slipping through the cracks and dying every half an hour.
In short, it’s a good bet that our existing dysfunctional health system knocks off far more people than an army of “death panels” could — even if they existed, worked 24/7 and got around in a fleet of black helicopters.
So, for those of you inclined to believe the worst about President Obama, think it through. Suppose he is indeed a secret, foreign-born Muslim agent who is scheming to undermine American family values while killing off as many grandmothers as possible.
If all that were true, why on earth would he be trying so hard to reform our health care system? We already know how to prod families into divorce and take a life unnecessarily every 30 minutes — all we need to do is reject reform and stick with exactly what we have.
Anyway, I know one thing for sure, you will not find me sitting in a Lazy-Boy with a buzz cut, ordering my submissive wife to get me a beer, using my Bible as a coaster, watching Fox News while cleaning my gun, torturing my son with fear,myths and mis-information, and telling my lesbian daughter to get lost.....So maybe, many Americans should scale back on the alcohol, pills and tea-bags, and subscribe to some medical marijuana so we won't vent so much as we get older....See ya, while I crawl back in my hole. At least there's not a Capital "A" in front of my hole....:-}
Where do you get your facts? Vancouver to Seattle is more like 150 miles and over a 3 hour drive.
Where do you get your facts? Vancouver to Seattle is more like 150 miles and over a 3 hour drive.
Because by now, Education (healthcare), has gotten soo expensive, they can no longer afford it at home.
So, by all means, attack government Education next... maybe you'll get your wish, and make it private ?!!!!!
New Sen. Brown bashes Obama's `bitter' health push!
"An entire year has gone to waste," Brown said in the weekly GOP radio and Internet address. "Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and many more jobs are in danger. Even now, the president still hasn't gotten the message.
"Somehow, the greater the public opposition to the health care bill, the more determined they seem to force it on us anyway."
Now we know what kind of change Obama was referring to....It's the change that he wants!![]()
Obama is for total Govt control...AKA socialism.
Or schoolchildren struggling under No Child Left Behind, which federalized K-12 education to an unprecedented degree with nothing to show for it other than greater spending tabs. Or the bizarrely structured Medicare prescription-drug benefit, the largest entitlement program created since LBJ. Or the simple reality that taxpayers now guarantee some $8 trillion in inscrutable loans to a financial sector that collapsed from inscrutable loans.