
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Sorry it has taken me a while to address this, I have had other things to do. Haven't been here but once since you posted it and haven't had time to reply till now.

I have spoken my mind on every post, you just choose it ignore what I have said and try to twist what In fact I have said. OK, I have listened to the 911 call, several times and I am wondering what your purpose in posting this video, for two reasons. First reason of wonder is why would you trust a you tube video to be evidence of anything? Seriously, I have listened to a half dozen you tubes that are all supposed "authentic, unedited, original, uncut, blah blah blah of the 911 call and they are all different in some aspect, which omits credibility in all of them. Second wonder is what you expect the video to prove because all it proves is that Zimmerman made a 911 call.

I also listened to a portion of the second video, the racist jerk in that video obviously has a predetermined opinion of the case based on no more actual fact than you have to form your opinion.

Funny that you don't feel the need to prove anything to me. That's pretty handy since you can't prove anything. LOL.
I don't disagree with the murder 2 charge and would not have objected to a manslaughter charge either. IMO, the charge only represents what the prosecution team feels they may be able to get a conviction on based on what evidence they have. That kind of takes away from your earlier claims that Zimmerman was on a mission to kill someone of color.
Now, see here ya go again, making false statements and I am going to ask for your reasons. Where have I said one thing that could be misconstrued as to legitimize Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin?

How bout listing these "right wing talking points" you keep mentioning?

I stand by all my earlier stances on this case. We do not know all the facts and any proclamations are nothing more than speculation and opinion.

Aww TRP, thats the best you could come up with? Its ok, I think we can agree that the trial and its outcome will be the final resting place for this story. I love the song and dance though, maybe you should take it on the road with Romney? You two would go good together. Lots of words, no meanings.

AS for the second video, I am glad you used the word RACIST, because thats what the guy is. His thoughts however seem to mirror many on this board. For instance, He used the WORD BUCK over and over in a derrogatory way when speaking of Trayvon, and it makes me wonder..????.... Where have I heard a person on this board using this same conotation with the word BUCK? Hmmm, let me think...??? said he was a racist, again, it makes me think...????.... do you think everyone who uses the word BUCK when addressing a black person is a racist...????.... hmmmm, let me think.. ill get back to you on this one.

The second video is to demonstrate the stupidity of right wing talking points. The idiot in the video tried very hard to remember and repeat the talking points and sounded like a complete maroon. He convicts Trayvon and clears zimmerman, even though its ZIMMERMAN who has the criminal record and Trayvon does not.

Funny how that works. The black kid is obviously guilty, and the other guy is clearly innocent just doing his job. The racist pig in the video never mentions zimmermans criminal history, nor does he mention the phone call between Trayvon and his girl friend just before the shooting, and neither do YOU or the others. That aspect is left out of the equation because it destroys any hope of clearing zimmerman.

YOU want to clear zimmerman by simply saying he saw something suspicious in Trayvon, well, what was it EXACTLY if not for his being BLACK and dressed in a fashion that zimmerman didnt like?

In zimmermans own words, the kid was just standing there looking around. He made NO MENTION of any crimes. How did this RISE to the level of a 911 call?? Since when does STANDING in one spot or walking down a sidewalk justify a 911 call ???

You still wont answer these questions. All the songs and dances you do doesnt make your point.

AS for zimmerman, indeed, he had a permit to carry, but neighborhood watch groups prohibit anyone from carrying one. For example, If I had a permit to carry a firearm here in california, and I went to work driving my UPS truck, I COULD NOT HAVE THAT WEAPON ON ME while I did my job.

This applies to zimmerman as well regardless of his permit. Once he took out that gun, he committed a felony in the state of florida. This is why his case was elevated.

Now, I get you like to talk smack and avoid a decent conversation, but on this topic, you FAILED. The guy is facing a murder 2 charge and will most likely be convicted and sentenced to prison where he belongs for the taking of innocent life.

Yes, Trayvon may have been black, poor in school, thug looking in some photos, suspended from school and from a broken home, but he was still a freakin HUMAN BEING and that seems to escape YOU and the other defenders of zimmerman.




bella amicizia
Nugent. The Motor City (frothing at the mouth) Madman.
Oh. I love his music and find him to be extremely interesting. On the other hand, he is very provocative; intentionally so. I sometimes wonder if he truly believes what he says, but if you see how he lives, I would have to say he does. I find I like one thing about him, at a minimum, he isn't a hypocrite. Some of his views, I agree with. Some. Much like most of these people who take time out of their day to share their personal views, I don't agree with everything they say. Of course, I am an enigma, anyways. Never could put me in a box.
Aww TRP, thats the best you could come up with? Its ok, I think we can agree that the trial and its outcome will be the final resting place for this story. I love the song and dance though, maybe you should take it on the road with Romney? You two would go good together. Lots of words, no meanings.

So THIS is the best YOU can do? Now that is a failure. But we can agree that the trial outcome should be the final resting place for this story. However it won't be the final resting place for your over the top rhetoric, twisting of words and out right lies, you'll just move on to something else. The Red Herring arguments you come up with have gone from being funny to sad and pathetic. Your obvious hatred brings it all to the forefront on every issue. Still wondering why you would bring Romney into the discussion when he has nothing to do with it. And you are correct, most of your posts are lots of words with no meaning.

AS for the second video, I am glad you used the word RACIST, because thats what the guy is. His thoughts however seem to mirror many on this board. For instance, He used the WORD BUCK over and over in a derrogatory way when speaking of Trayvon, and it makes me wonder..????.... Where have I heard a person on this board using this same conotation with the word BUCK? Hmmm, let me think...??? said he was a racist, again, it makes me think...????.... do you think everyone who uses the word BUCK when addressing a black person is a racist...????.... hmmmm, let me think.. ill get back to you on this one.
Why would I not use the word racist when talking about the maker of the video, it was apparent early on even before he used the word buck. The word buck can be used in a racist manor. You have never read where I used the word buck is such a way. At least I was honest and that is the one thing you have failed to do here....many times over.

The second video is to demonstrate the stupidity of right wing talking points. The idiot in the video tried very hard to remember and repeat the talking points and sounded like a complete maroon. He convicts Trayvon and clears zimmerman, even though its ZIMMERMAN who has the criminal record and Trayvon does not.

Here ya go again with the right wing talking points. If you are so familiar with these talking points, please list them.

Funny how that works. The black kid is obviously guilty, and the other guy is clearly innocent just doing his job. The racist pig in the video never mentions zimmermans criminal history, nor does he mention the phone call between Trayvon and his girl friend just before the shooting, and neither do YOU or the others. That aspect is left out of the equation because it destroys any hope of clearing zimmerman.
Just like you, I do not know all the evidence in this case and have said from my first post on the subject that the media has screwed up the reporting so badly that it is hard to glean any truth from what we have been given. Then you take the faulty reporting and twist them even more to fit your dreams of what happened. There are hundreds of you tube videos of the so call unedited 911 call and I doubt any of them are unedited. You've post two different versions yourself.

YOU want to clear zimmerman by simply saying he saw something suspicious in Trayvon, well, what was it EXACTLY if not for his being BLACK and dressed in a fashion that zimmerman didnt like?

Here's another one of your lies. I have never said Zimmerman was innocent except for in the connotation of the Constitution. I've never tried to clear him either. What I did do was expose your twists of what had been said and.or reported. You said Zimmerman had no reason to call 911, I offered a suggestion that Zimmerman saw something suspicious about Martin's appearance and or actions. Isn't that what neighborhood watch people do?

In zimmermans own words, the kid was just standing there looking around. He made NO MENTION of any crimes. How did this RISE to the level of a 911 call?? Since when does STANDING in one spot or walking down a sidewalk justify a 911 call ???

Another twist of what was said no the 911 tape. Zimmerman said that Martin was standing there looking around and staring at the houses. Again, making the 911 call is what neighbor hood watches do. DUH.

You still wont answer these questions. All the songs and dances you do doesnt make your point.
Everything I have said makes my point. Again, for the reading comprehension impaired (you), WE do not KNOW ALL the FACTS.

AS for zimmerman, indeed, he had a permit to carry, but neighborhood watch groups prohibit anyone from carrying one. For example, If I had a permit to carry a firearm here in california, and I went to work driving my UPS truck, I COULD NOT HAVE THAT WEAPON ON ME while I did my job.
I may be mistaken and am not going to look it up again, but I think the word the neighborhood watch groups use is "discourage" not prohibit. If you did have a permit to carry a firearm and you went to work with the weapon on your person, you may be fired but would wouldn't be in jail.

This applies to zimmerman as well regardless of his permit. Once he took out that gun, he committed a felony in the state of florida. This is why his case was elevated.
Would you care to provide a link to the statute in Florida law that would make Zimmerman a felon for carrying his weapon? I'm thinking this another one of your twisted lies. If in fact Florida law makes this a felony, why wasn't Zimmerman stuck with a firearm charge? Really TOS, you need to think before you post some of this crap.

Now, I get you like to talk smack and avoid a decent conversation, but on this topic, you FAILED. The guy is facing a murder 2 charge and will most likely be convicted and sentenced to prison where he belongs for the taking of innocent life.

Yes, I do respond to smack with smack. you TOS it out there, I'll keep giving it right back to ya. Look around, I have demonstrated many times I am capable of carrying on decent conversations, even with people I disagree with.

Yes, Trayvon may have been black, poor in school, thug looking in some photos, suspended from school and from a broken home, but he was still a freakin HUMAN BEING and that seems to escape YOU and the other defenders of zimmerman.

No Tos, it does not excape me that Trayvon was a human being and his parents are grieving the loss of a son way too soon in life and that violence in this country is perportionally embalanced. It does seem though that it excapes you that George is a human being too and threw out this thread you have twisted the reports (that are suspect anyway), misrepresented what I and other posters have said and out right condemned George with nothing but media reports. Is that the proper way to treat a human being?
I hope that the trial does end the story.




Staff member
Nugent compared himself to Braveheart when he was talking of the need to defeat Obama, Holder, and Clinton using very heated rhetoric about "cutting off their heads". As soon as the FBI questioned it, Nugent backed off saying it was all just metaphor. I don't thinkBraveheart would approve of such lack of conviction.


Well-Known Member
The Nugent thing was great PR for 3 parties. 1st, for Nugent. This was meat and potatoes for his fan base which is already heavily republican and heavily gun owner/hunter. It goes no where and most people realize Nugent was just talking out of the non thinking part of his brain. And Ted's not stupid either.

For Obama, perfect in a campaign season. The more villians one has the more one can almost seem like on a religious crusade and people are natural suckers for a crusade. Finally, the Secret Service who really need a PR friend right now. All they need for the moment is for the public at large to have the smallest doubt that just maybe Nugent wasn't doing hyperbole on light speed and now the great Secret Service is here to save the day from a real nut job. Or better yet, to qwash the beginnings of the great revolt in the traditions of 1776' wanna-bees.

Seems to me that Nugent for Obama and the SS is the gift that keeps on giving. Obama and the SS needed something to use as a deflection, the SS needed it more, and Ted filled the gap. Said any other time and other than the media storm (they gotta work and eat too) which would naturally follow, a 48 hour media cycle at best and it's on to something else to divert our attentions with. It would have been, "listen to that crazy Ted again!" followed by laughter.

Ted just had his own Lady Gaga moment and besides, rock and roll is a lot more championship wrestling than most people want to believe.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I don't get the "Braveheart" references ? Who cowered like a pusillanimous and how?
Braveheart is movie a where the Scotts revolt against English rule. In Braveheart the leader ofRebellious Scotts is named Wallace. In the movie Wallace leads the revolt, and starts killing English soliders stationed at outosts thoughout Scottland. At some point in the movie Wallace and his army invade northhern England, lay seige to the largest castle in Northern England York. Wallace army Sacks, York. The scottrs chop the head the leader of the York the kings nephew and sends the head back to the king of England.

IMO Nugent's message is march on Washington and chop the heads off the certian leaders is in reference to a scene in the movie.

Nugent speech is similar to what Wallace did. The difference is Nugent does'nt want to lead the revolt. Nugent wants the NRA members to do a G.W. Bush preemtive strike on the certain leaders in Washington before the November elections becuase Nugent believes if Obama is reelected Nugent will be either dead or jail.
When the secert service visited Nugent. 'Nugent says he is'nt trying incite a revolt and overthrow of the government." Nugent turned pusillanimous when the Secert Service came to visit. If Nugent was Braveheart "Wallace"? Nugent would have said, Nugent shall lead the several million/thousands willing members of the NRA all armed on Washington?

Nugent saying if Obama is re-elected Nugent will either be dead or jail? WTF, someone needs to tell Nugent if Obama wanted to that to Nugent? Obama has resources to that now! Not if Obama gets reelected?


Well-Known Member
For Obama, perfect in a campaign season. The more villians one has the more one can almost seem like on a religious crusade and people are natural suckers for a crusade. Finally, the Secret Service who really need a PR friend right now. All they need for the moment is for the public at large to have the smallest doubt that just maybe Nugent wasn't doing hyperbole on light speed and now the great Secret Service is here to save the day from a real nut job. Or better yet, to qwash the beginnings of the great revolt in the traditions of 1776' wanna-bees..

Do realy think Nugent and his NRA amry is going to March on DC? To do battle with MDW United States Army Military District of Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If NRA army was able to get pass the MDW you think the soliders stationed at Marine Barracks Washington Marine Barracks Washington is going to run away?

What's with qwash the beginnings of the great revolt in the traditions of 1776. Do you really think The NRA can match the U.S. military Gun for Gun?


Well-Known Member
Do realy think Nugent and his NRA amry is going to March on DC? To do battle with MDW United States Army Military District of Washington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If NRA army was able to get pass the MDW you think the soliders stationed at Marine Barracks Washington Marine Barracks Washington is going to run away?

What's with qwash the beginnings of the great revolt in the traditions of 1776. Do you really think The NRA can match the U.S. military Gun for Gun?

Try reading the whole post again to answer your questions.
Thanks for the so unbiased explanations of the Braveheart/Nugent comments. I have seen the movie, liked it a lot. I didn't hear the part where he compared himself to Braveheart , just read the quote about "cutting their heads off. Seriously, does anyone think that any person would actually be on national record threatening violence on the PotUS? He was using a metaphor to rally voters to get the liberals out of office, thus cutting the heads off the democratic party. Not backing down from his message at all but explaining it to the idiots that want to make a big deal out of a simple comment.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thanks for the so unbiased explanations of the Braveheart/Nugent comments. I have seen the movie, liked it a lot. I didn't hear the part where he compared himself to Braveheart , just read the quote about "cutting their heads off. Seriously, does anyone think that any person would actually be on national record threatening violence on the PotUS? He was using a metaphor to rally voters to get the liberals out of office, thus cutting the heads off the democratic party. Not backing down from his message at all but explaining it to the idiots that want to make a big deal out of a simple comment.

The bigger message from Nugent is that STUPID comments attract STUPID people. If a STUPID comment is the battle cry for the GOP and GUN FREAKS, then this country is in alot of trouble.

If NUGENT, a former drug user, Alcoholic and womanizer is the NEW spokeshole for the GOP, then BARACK has nothing to worry about in 2012.




Obama already has nothing to worry about this year. America is plenty dumb enough to re elect him.

The way I see it, the election is already over. I am 100% sure he is getting re elected.