
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

The reason for this is simple. RIGHT WING FEAR MONGERING. All the rhetoric they spew, "america will never be the same if obama is elected", "if obama gets re-elected , america will no longer exist the way we know it".... blah blah blah blah...

This is the best selling slogan for the gun makers. The best salesman for the job is the NRA and people like Ted Nugent.

He speaks to the level of mentality that this line of salesmanship works on.

If people are dumb enough to waste their money on a ton of guns, in hopes of the big domestic war, then I say GO FOR IT. Its most likely that children of those same nuts will use the guns on family or friends.

I say, keep preaching fear, keep preaching hate, keep preaching the america is split into two peoples.... that EXACTLY what our enemies want us to do. KILL OURSELVES.

GOOD JOB GOP..... now your in cahoots with AL QAEDA.




Nine Lives
If people are dumb enough to waste their money on a ton of guns, in hopes of the big domestic war, then I say GO FOR IT. Its most likely that children of those same nuts will use the guns on family or friends.



I understand your logic.

The same logic tells me that government funded abortion is a good thing because the people getting aborted are the children of Democrats, Liberal and Criminals ... I guess those are redundant nouns.


Well-Known Member
I understand your logic.

The same logic tells me that government funded abortion is a good thing because the people getting aborted are the children of Democrats, Liberal and Criminals ... I guess those are redundant nouns.

That's why I've never understood republican opposition to abortion in the first place!


Nine Lives
That's why I've never understood republican opposition to abortion in the first place!

I think abortion is related in some way to what people are doing in their bedrooms and Republicans are really concerned about what people do in their bedrooms.

In fact, I think the Republican Party nickname could be The Bedroom Party.


Well-Known Member
I think abortion is related in some way to what people are doing in their bedrooms and Republicans are really concerned about what people do in their bedrooms.

In fact, I think the Republican Party nickname could be The Bedroom Party.

So if democrats are aborting their young and republicans are limiting the action of how their young come into being, tell me again how that's a bad thing?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For you gun freaks out there.... here's a little insight from the extreme right wingers for you to digest:

Thursday, 29 September 2011 13:12 Written by Tim Macy

Mitt Romney and Gun Control In the recent Presidential debate, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann said America’s voters did not need to “settle” for the moderate candidate. Amen to that.
And gun owners do NOT want candidates who talk out of both sides of their mouths.
As the Gun Owners of America’s Board of Directors looks at the Republican candidates running to unseat radical anti-gun President Obama, we see several who have strong pro-gun backgrounds. Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman all have solid pro-gun records and deserve a hard look from pro-gunners.
At least one frontrunner candidate stands in contrast with a decidedly mixed record on the gun issue. While Mitt Romney likes to “talk the pro-gun talk,” he has not always walked the walk.
“The Second Amendment protects the individual right of lawful citizens to keep and bear arms. I strongly support this essential freedom,” Romney assures gun owners these days.
But this is the same Mitt Romney who, as governor, promised not to do anything to “chip away” at Massachusetts’ extremely restrictive gun laws.
“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them,” he said during a gubernatorial debate. “I won’t chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety.”[SUP]1[/SUP]
Even worse, Romney signed a law to permanently ban many semi-automatic firearms. “These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense,” Romney said in 2004. “They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.”[SUP]2[/SUP]
Romney also spoke in favor of the Brady law’s five day waiting period on handguns. The Boston Herald quotes Romney saying, “I don’t think (the waiting period) will have a massive effect on crime but I think it will have a positive effect.”[SUP]3[/SUP]
Mitt Romney doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”
And that makes it all the more troubling that Romney refuses to answer GOA’s simple candidate questionnaire. In our more than 36 years of experience, a candidate is usually hiding anti-gun views if he or she refuses to come clean in writing with specific commitments to the Second Amendment.
Today, Romney may be a favorite “Republican Establishment” candidate of the national press corps. But that is exactly what gun owners DON’T need in a new President. We need someone who will stand by true constitutional principles and protect the Second Amendment.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why must any gun owner be a freak to you ???

Arent they?

I dont own any guns, and I live in peace and quiet, along with my kids and neighbors. We arent preparing for the great door to door gun battle that the GOP wants so badly, im not willing to join a terrorist group willing to talk about overthrowing their goverment if they dont get elected.

You guys can shoot each other up so the world can laugh at us all.




Strength through joy
oh tos, Have you seen this "new" racial killing story ?
A male had to shot thru his own wall to hit & kill a neighbor, and the police haven't charged him.
MoveOn petition plays race card with another gunshot tragedy In a letter to members, Treka McMillian, Jasmine Thar’s godmother, alleged that Thar’s shooter, a “23-year-old Caucasian male,” was never brought to justice for the death of the “16-year-old African American” because investigators simply did not care.
“The 23-year-old Caucasian male who fired the fatal shot from the house across the street was taken in for questioning, but he has not been charged with a crime of any kind,” she wrote to members, claiming the man also had a Confederate flag and Nazi literature in his house.

According to The Charlotte Observer, the bullet came from inside the home of James Anthony Blackwell, who told police his Remington Model 700 fired without him touching the trigger. The Remington Model 700 has been the subject of more than 75 lawsuits, which have alleged the model is subject to discharge without the trigger being pulled.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
oh tos, Have you seen this "new" racial killing story ?
A male had to shot thru his own wall to hit & kill a neighbor, and the police haven't charged him.
MoveOn petition plays race card with another gunshot tragedy

In a letter to members, Treka McMillian, Jasmine Thar’s godmother, alleged that Thar’s shooter, a “23-year-old Caucasian male,” was never brought to justice for the death of the “16-year-old African American” because investigators simply did not care.
“The 23-year-old Caucasian male who fired the fatal shot from the house across the street was taken in for questioning, but he has not been charged with a crime of any kind,” she wrote to members, claiming the man also had a Confederate flag and Nazi literature in his house.

According to The Charlotte Observer, the bullet came from inside the home of James Anthony Blackwell, who told police his Remington Model 700 fired without him touching the trigger. The Remington Model 700 has been the subject of more than 75 lawsuits, which have alleged the model is subject to discharge without the trigger being pulled.

This gun has been the subject of scrutiny since 2002. The firing mechanizm was found to be defective. IN this case, which I know nothing about, may or may not have had such a triggering device. After 2002 the model 700's triggering mechanizm was changed. The explanation for the accidental shooting may hold water if the rifle was pre 2002 manufacturing. If not, its a sad attempt of an excuse to kill somebody.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Cat Scratch Fever??

I wonder how many supporters of Ted Nugent also support his dating of teenage girls??

Jesus' General: Cat Scratch Romance

Lets see, he dates teenage girls, then writes songs about them, and the GOP calls him their posterboy for whats right in america?? WTF?

Wang Dang Sweet Poontang lyrics

That Nadine
what a
teenage queen
She lookin' so clean
especially down in between
What I

She come to town
she be foolin' around
a puttin' me down as

a rock-and-roll clown
It's all right

Wang Dang Sweet Poontang

what a sweet poontang
a shakin' my thang as
a rang-a-dang-dang
in the bell

She's so sweet when
she yanks on my meat
Down on the
you know she can't be beat
What the hell

Wang Dang Sweet

How does this stack up to the right wings claim of pure morality? He becomes the legal guardian of his teenage lover to avoid the law?
FamilyHe has had two wives and has eight children, including three out of wedlock in two liaisons almost 30 years apart. In the late 1960s, prior to his first marriage, Nugent fathered a boy, Ted (Mann) and a girl, whom he gave up for adoption in infancy. This did not become public knowledge until 2010. The siblings were adopted separately and had no contact with one another. The son learned the identity of his birth father in 2010 through the daughter's quest to make contact with him and their birth parents. According to a news report, Nugent over the years had discussed the existence of these children with his other children.[SUP][24][/SUP]
In 2005 Nugent was involved in a legal battle for not paying enough child support for a child he had out of wedlock in 1995.[SUP][25][/SUP] It was finally resolved when Nugent was ordered to pay $3,500 in child support.[SUP][26][/SUP]
He was married to his first wife, Sandra Jezowski, from 1970 to 1979. They had three children, son Theodore Tobias "Toby" Nugent, and daughters Sasha and Starr Nugent. Sandra died in a car crash in 1982. His second marriage was to Shemane Deziel, whom he met while a guest on Detroit's WLLZ-FM, where she was a member of the news staff. They married on January 21, 1989. Together they have two children, son Rocco Winchester Nugent, and daughter Chantal Nugent.
In 1978, Nugent began a relationship with seventeen-year-old Hawaii native Pele Massa. Due to the age difference they could not marry so Nugent joined Massa's parents in signing documents to make himself her legal guardian, an arrangement that Spin magazine ranked in October 2000 as #63 on their list of the "100 Sleaziest Moments in Rock".[SUP][27][/SUP][SUP][28][/SUP]

8 Children, some out of wedlock and he is the mouth piece of you here on this board?





golden ticket member
How about marryin' teenage reltives......been done, Jerry Lee Lewis........ and frankly I'm surprisd that any of this surprises you.