

Pees in the brown Koolaid
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Does your gun profile? I am carrying a Baretta 92F IWB under my Pinheads and Patriots t-shirt. I don't think it shows too much, I do like to carry anonymously.

That is a larger gun than I would ever want to try and dress around. For me the issue would be the weight, and the comfort while sitting or getting in and out of a car. I find my Glock 26 with a finger extension, carried in the small of my back in an IWB holster, to strike the perfect balance between firepower and concealability. If I need something smaller, I carry my Ruger LCR airweight .38+p snub in a pocket holster. I dont trust the pocket .380 mouseguns, they lack stopping power and can be jam-prone.


Staff member
That is a larger gun than I would ever want to try and dress around. For me the issue would be the weight, and the comfort while sitting or getting in and out of a car. I find my Glock 26 with a finger extension, carried in the small of my back in an IWB holster, to strike the perfect balance between firepower and concealability. If I need something smaller, I carry my Ruger LCR airweight .38+p snub in a pocket holster. I dont trust the pocket .380 mouseguns, they lack stopping power and can be jam-prone.

Definitely buy my pants with a 2" larger waist for carrying IWB. Also have to wear a size larger t-shirt to keep from profiling. Worth it to have a full size semi, tho. I don't like small of back, because it hampers your draw while seatbelted. I carry at 3 o'clock for that reason and just your arm hanging there reduces the view of profiling.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I know i feel much safer knowing a bunch of you are packing, and think you can actually do something in a crisis situation.


Well-Known Member
I have a holster for my cellphone which I wear clipped to my belt. The cellphone has the local police on speed dial. If I want to "conceal" it I will put in my coat pocket. I don't have to buy larger pants or worry that the profile will show through my clothing.

The last thing I want to do is carry a gun everywhere I go "just in case".


Für Meno :)
Were the victims in the study who died while carrying a gun trained and licensed to do so? Or were they themselves criminals? Its pretty easy to "cherry pick" the cases you include in the study in order to skew the results to support whatever conclusion you want.

I don`t think you need to do a study, as any major US city has more killed people by guns, than any other westernized country in total !
Doesn`t that say it all ?

Esspecially Detroit, while only a river seperates the city of Windsor (murder free, going into the 6th year), Detroit alone has more than all of Canada !
I don`t think you need to do a study, as any major US city has more killed people by guns, than any other westernized country in total !
Doesn`t that say it all ?

Esspecially Detroit, while only a river seperates the city of Windsor (murder free, going into the 6th year), Detroit alone has more than all of Canada !

Quit talking out your bottom and crawl back into a bottle.