

Pees in the brown Koolaid
Would carrying a gun give me the false sense of security to ignore those warnings and go wherever I please?

Only you can answer that question for yourself.

For my part, I can say that in 15+ years of having a carry permit, I have never one allowed the fact that I am armed to influence my choice of whether or not to go to a potentially unsafe place.

I can also say that, with one exception, I have never once allowed the fact that I am armed to effect the way I behave or treat another person. That exception involved my wife and I stopping and helping a man with a broken down car late one night in a remote area with no cell reception where ut would have otherwise been too unsafe to do so.


Well-Known Member
If you are properly trained in the use and retention of the weapon, then the sense of security it gives you is not false.

I thought you lived in the middle of nowhere--do you really have the need to carry a weapon in your daily life? I would think that, other than Portland, that Oregon would be a fairly safe state to live in.


Staff member
Do people only get mugged and murdered in "unsafe" locations? How exactly do you know if a location is safe or not if you've never been there? Do criminals know they can only kill you in unsafe locations?


golden ticket member


Staff member
I've never been in a situation when I have wished I had a gun for protection nor am I afraid that day will arrive. That fear seems to me rooted not in fact, but in the wild fantasy of "Red Dawn" lore. Of course it isn't Soviets we have to worryy about today, it is the Democrats, French, and other terrorist groups that "hate us for our freedoms".


Staff member
Maybe I am just a little more committed to the defense of my loved ones. I'm not afraid to get a little bloody in the process if need be. Guns are so impersonal and simplistic.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I thought you lived in the middle of nowhere--do you really have the need to carry a weapon in your daily life? I would think that, other than Portland, that Oregon would be a fairly safe state to live in.

Lots of small towns and rural areas in Oregon with meth problems. Lots of cutbacks in spending for local police due to the tight economy. There are also lots of rural stretches with poor or no cellphone coverage, where the response time for the county sheriff on a 911 call might be 45 minutes or more. I also have friends and family that I frequently visit up in Portland, which is less than an hour from my house. And while I have never once felt the need to draw my gun for my own safety, there have been 3 occasions in the last 15 years where I have had to use it to euthanize animals that have been hit by cars. Not a pleasant task, but a far better choice than leaving them to suffer. Even if I decide not to carry in a particular situation, its nice to be able to keep one handy in my car.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Maybe I am just a little more committed to the defense of my loved ones. I'm not afraid to get a little bloody in the process if need be. Guns are so impersonal and simplistic.

They are also effective. When it comes to the defense of my loved ones, effective is the only thing I care about. Whether or not others might place values such as "impersonal" or "simplistic" upon an inantimate piece of hardware is irrelevant to me. This is real life, not a tough-guy contest.


Staff member
They are also effective. When it comes to the defense of my loved ones, effective is the only thing I care about. Whether or not others might place values such as "impersonal" or "simplistic" upon an inantimate piece of hardware is irrelevant to me. This is real life, not a tough-guy contest.

I am making fun of gun owners. This is real life and I do not understand what they fear. And yes, I have in the past put myself in very dangerous situations. Not one of them would have ended better had I been armed.


golden ticket member
Yes, I did also. And have never except for one year of my life, locked my door. I should probably start.
Shoot, I make sure the front door is locked just to step out the sliding doors to the back patio. It's habit..........because thieves look for easy opportunities.....and crime isn't always planned.