

Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I so know what you say sober. I hit a rottweiler and laid in the road with it, my coat overit while it cried and whined. I was wishing someone had a gun to put it out of its misery. It was not a fun time. Some people are so infantile, I cant believe they can post.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
sober, you sound like a stubborn and spoiled kid !
Whhhhaaaa, I can't go to California, because my carry to kill license isn't good there.... whahhhhaaaa.

Well, drive to Washington , or Montana instead.
Just don't take a plane to travel, otherwise another "whhhaaaaaa"
You sir, really need a new hobby. Sometimes you just sound pathetic.


Staff member
Guys, really. It's a Jim Carey movie. It's funny (a little). No animals or people were hurt in the filming. Jeez.


Für Meno :)
I so know what you say sober. I hit a rottweiler and laid in the road with it, my coat overit while it cried and whined. I was wishing someone had a gun to put it out of its misery. It was not a fun time. Some people are so infantile, I cant believe they can post.

Is a bullet the answer ?
No !
Because another animals will feed off it, and swallow lead and other crap.
Carry a pocket knife if you need to.
That's all you need.


Well-Known Member
Is a bullet the answer ?
No !
Because another animals will feed off it, and swallow lead and other crap.
Carry a pocket knife if you need to.
That's all you need.

Yes--a bullet is much more humane.

You want to put a cow out of her misery with a pocket knife??

When I was a kid we lived about 5 miles away from what could best be callled a bargain basement zoo. One day a wolverine got loose and wandered down to our property, cornering my mother in a shed. My brother grabbed the .22 rifle and killed the wolverine. Ironically the very same .22 rifle was used years later to end her life.

The first use was responsible while the latter clearly was not.


Für Meno :)
We don't have that luxery or need, I suppose.
IT's hard to find someone in Alberta that hasn't hit a moose , or deer.
But none of them had guns.

Oh well, you folks just make sure when driving outside city limits to have a gun with you.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Guys, really. It's a Jim Carey movie. It's funny (a little). No animals or people were hurt in the filming. Jeez.

In the context of the movie, it is mildly amusing.

In the context of the debate that TOS and I were having, and his ridicule and contempt of me for having to use a firearm to euthanize an animal instead of "just calling animal control like we do around here"....not so much.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Is a bullet the answer ?
No !
Because another animals will feed off it, and swallow lead and other crap.
Carry a pocket knife if you need to.
That's all you need.

Injured animals react aggressively out of instinct, regardless of the motives of the human who is trying to help them. That is why injured dogs must normally be muzzled before a vet can treat them. If you want to try and use a pocketknife to euthanize a kicking, flailing, 175 lb deer with sharp hooves and possibly even antlers...or maybe a 100 lb Rottweiler who will bite you to keep you from touching go right ahead, tough guy. Those of us with an ounce of common sense will instead use a tool...a gun...that is far safer for us and far more humane for the animal.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
We don't have that luxery or need, I suppose.
IT's hard to find someone in Alberta that hasn't hit a moose , or deer.
But none of them had guns.

Oh well, you folks just make sure when driving outside city limits to have a gun with you.

Contrary to what you believe, Klein, LOTS of Canadians own guns. Granted you are not allowed to carry concealed, but once you get out into the rural areas there are plenty of hunters who own rifles and even handguns. And shooting injured moose/elk/deer is a common duty for your "mounties" to have to perform, just like it is here in the States.


golden ticket member
We don't have that luxery or need, I suppose.
IT's hard to find someone in Alberta that hasn't hit a moose , or deer.
But none of them had guns.

Oh well, you folks just make sure when driving outside city limits to have a gun with you.
You seem to be the only raving gun maniac around here......your answer to every problem from gas prices to the economy to abortion is "Just pull out your gun and shoot it". I have 2 guns and I haven't touched either in over ten years....that was the last time we went to the shooting range....and shot at paper targets. Give the gun crap a rest!!! Do your hunters hunt with sling shots?
You seem to be the only raving gun maniac around here......your answer to every problem from gas prices to the economy to abortion is "Just pull out your gun and shoot it". I have 2 guns and I haven't touched either in over ten years....that was the last time we went to the shooting range....and shot at paper targets. Give the gun crap a rest!!! Do your hunters hunt with sling shots?

They run on at the mouth , as Klein has shown, and the animals commit suicide to end the blathering.


Well-Known Member
Is a bullet the answer ?
No !
Because another animals will feed off it, and swallow lead and other crap.
Carry a pocket knife if you need to.
That's all you need.
Wonder how they would fair against your knife?



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Truth be known, I wouldn't start that fight with a loaded glock.

Glock 20 in 10mm with a compensator, stoked with WAY HOT +P handloads and a whole bunch 'o 15 round mags. Even then, you are in deep deep doo doo unless you are a real good shot, and even then then you are still in deep doo doo!