

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Israel does not arm teachers. They do have security guards, and fenced in schools . If you would like to implement Israeli style gun control in the USA, I'm on your side. If you want to post discredited photos to support an insane idea, you are on the right site.

“Unlike in the United States, where the right to bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, Israel’s department of public security considers gun ownership a privilege, not a right. Gun owners in Israel are limited to owning one pistol, and must undergo extensive mental and physical tests before they can receive a weapon, and gun owners are limited to 50 rounds of ammunition per year.” (

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Israel does not arm teachers. They do have security guards, and fenced in schools . If you would like to implement Israeli style gun control in the USA, I'm on your side. If you want to post discredited photos to support an insane idea, you are on the right site.

“Unlike in the United States, where the right to bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, Israel’s department of public security considers gun ownership a privilege, not a right. Gun owners in Israel are limited to owning one pistol, and must undergo extensive mental and physical tests before they can receive a weapon, and gun owners are limited to 50 rounds of ammunition per year.” (

Excellent post.




Got the T-Shirt
Israel does not arm teachers. They do have security guards, and fenced in schools . If you would like to implement Israeli style gun control in the USA, I'm on your side. If you want to post discredited photos to support an insane idea, you are on the right site.

“Unlike in the United States, where the right to bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution’s Second Amendment, Israel’s department of public security considers gun ownership a privilege, not a right. Gun owners in Israel are limited to owning one pistol, and must undergo extensive mental and physical tests before they can receive a weapon, and gun owners are limited to 50 rounds of ammunition per year.” (

Prove it.


Well-Known Member
Heavily anmed guards at the schools and metal detectors....

What's that gonna do for your taxes?

Just like locking the mentally ill up, who's gonna pay for that?

Of course it would provide jobs...........

I wonder if our Founding Fathers could have concieved of automatic weapons?

I doubt it, since they burned wood, candles, and had flintlock weapons.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I asked before if we had to wait for the psycos to do something before we the public could do something. You responded in the affirmative. I wouldb say that puts you against all gun laws. As to feel good laws.i agree. What laws could you support?

Speaking philosophically...I wouldnt mind seeing some sort of mandatory firearms safety training and criminal background check as a prerequisite for legal ownership. In return for this requirement, I would want to see a uniform set of laws (including the right to concealed carry) that applied equally in all 50 states.

The problem with such a that most of the politicians who talk about mandatory "licensing" and "training" are (a) totally ignorant of guns and (b) actually have as their ultimate goal the virtual abolition of private firearm ownership and the right to armed self defense.

Imagine going to the DMV to get a drivers license, only to discover that the tests were designed to make it virtually impossible to ever obtain that license. Imagine if the employees of the DMV were all adamantly opposed to the idea of driving cars. Imagine if the fees associated with such a license were unaffordable, and imagine if the rules for keeping one's license were subject to change at the whims of the unelected bureacrats who were in charge. THAT is the reason why most gun owners (myself included) are opposed to mandatory licensing and training as a practical matter.

If there is ever to be mandatory licensing or training as a prerequisite for gun would need to have as a backdrop the fact that gun ownership and armed self-defense is still a fundamental constitutional right and not a "privelege" to be granted or denied at the governments whim. And I would want the entity in charge of such licensing and testing to be both accountable to the people and knowledgable about guns and gun safety. Perhaps placing the NRA in charge of such an organization would be the place to start. While most people view the NRA as a lobbying organization, the fact of the matter is that it was founded as an educational and training organization dedicated to the safe and competent use of firearms.

With all that being said, the sad fact is that there really arent any laws I can think of that will prevent a determined mass murderer from committing a massacre...especially when that murderer is given a monopoly of force over his victims in a so-called "gun free zone".


golden ticket member
What's that gonna do for your taxes?

Just like locking the mentally ill up, who's gonna pay for that?

Of course it would provide jobs...........

I wonder if our Founding Fathers could have concieved of automatic weapons?

I doubt it, since they burned wood, candles, and had flintlock weapons.

Those people were all locked up and they got turned loose when I was lving in SLC, UT. and the streets downtown were full of peole talking to cell phones then!!

Of course it's going to cost, but I'd rather pay for a child's protection than a shrimp on a treadmill. Quit sending $$$$ out of this country to people who hate us and take care of our own first!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So if i understand you correctly, you favor a 100 round drum mag on a AR15 to be sold to the public over the counter? And in addition, you feel as if this kind of magazine which was banned by clinton was unneccessary?



I have no problem with the idea of a 100 round drum magazine for an AR-15 being sold over the counter. It is no different to me than selling a 300 horsepower turbocharger for a Ford Mustang. Both the magazine and the turbocharger are inantimate objects that are only as dangerous as the person who uses (or misuses) them.

To someone who knows nothing about guns, the 100 round magazine seems "scary" and "dangerous" and "unecessary". To someone like me who does have experience with guns, the 100 round magazine just seems like a jam-prone waste of money. With only a minimal amount of training, it is possible to eject a standard 30 (or 20, or 5) round AR magazine and have a fresh one inserted before the empty one hits the floor. What this means is far as the massacre of unarmed people goes...there is no real tactical advantage to having a 100 round magazine versus a 30 or 25 rounder. Any laws that are put in place to ban such magazines are nothing more than warm-and-fuzzy "feel good" laws that serve no real purpose and dont actually make anyone any safer.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
See? You don't even know how to think about the issue. You jump straight to banning. I'm not talking about banning. That's not going to happen. So where do we go instead?

You seem like a reasonable person. I mean it, I'm not being sarcastic. So what specific laws would you propose that would prevent these sorts of tragedies from occuring?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
We are falling behind the rest of the world!

Your pictures of child-soldiers brandishing military weapons are truly heartbreaking and emotionally charged, but they dont have anything to do with a factual debate over 2nd Amendment rights in this country. No rational person advocates arming children with weapons of war and teaching them to kill; nor does any rational person take a weapon to a mall or school and slaughter innocents.


Well-Known Member

I am curious. Would bbsam support the following :

Anyone in possession of an illegal firearm ---life in Prison.

Any crime committed with a firearm --Life in Prison

Any murder committed with a firearm --death penalty by firing squad.


Well-Known Member


I would agree that it is not the day or time to talk about gun control ---I do not agree with the hypocritical sarcasm.

I was born and raised in NYC --tired of the Liberal Bull ---If you are a citizen with proper documentation ANYONE can register to vote----In NY if you are a law abiding citizen with all proper documentation ---you will NEVER get a gun permit.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

I am curious. Would bbsam support the following :

Anyone in possession of an illegal firearm ---life in Prison.

Any crime committed with a firearm --Life in Prison

Any murder committed with a firearm --death penalty by firing squad.

I doubt it. I wouldnt support such laws either. I am generally opposed to mandatory sentencing requirements that do not allow judges to make exceptions for extenuating circumstances. And until our criminal justice system comes up with a way to gurantee all defendants (not just the rich white ones) a truly fair trial, I am opposed to the death penalty.


Strength through joy
On the morning of May 18, 1927 Kehoe murdered his wife by beating her to death, then set his farm buildings on fire using incendiary devices.
As fire fighters arrived at the farm, an explosion devastated the north wing of the school building, killing many schoolchildren.
As rescuers started gathering at the school, Kehoe drove up, stopped, and detonated a bomb inside his vehicle with his Winchester rifle, killing himself and the school superintendent, and killing and injuring several others.
During rescue efforts searchers discovered an additional 500 pounds (230 kg) of unexploded dynamite and pyrotol planted throughout the basement of the school's south wing.
Kehoe apparently had intended to blow up and destroy the whole school.

Most of the victims were children in the second to sixth grades (7–11 years of age) attending the Bath Consolidated School.
Their deaths constitute the deadliest mass murder in a school in U.S. history.
45 (38 children, 2 teachers, 4 other adults and the bomber)
Foreclosure of farm due to taxes for school