

Well-Known Member
I too am sickened by this domestic terrorist attack. Not surprised at the NRA reaction of "dont blame us". This once decent organization of hunters with bolt action rifles has become a radical organization defending the undefendable. My brother-in-law cancelled his membership with the nra yesterday afternoon. To me the NRA stands for: Not Responsible Atall!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
And this madness was before tv.
Heck most people didn't have radios , just a couple of newspapers existed.
After a few weeks the world moved on to the next big story.

But probably can't just buy dynamite at a hardware store anymore can you?

No...but even the most casual Internet search will turn up plenty of information on how to make explosives and destructive devices out of easily available household ingredients. A sicko who is bound and determined to kill innocents doesnt need a gun to do it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I too am sickened by this domestic terrorist attack. Not surprised at the NRA reaction of "dont blame us". This once decent organization of hunters with bolt action rifles has become a radical organization defending the undefendable. My brother-in-law cancelled his membership with the nra yesterday afternoon. To me the NRA stands for: Not Responsible Atall!!

How is the NRA responsible for what happened?

For Gods sake, the lunatic walked into a kindergarden. It didnt matter what kind of guns he used, or how many he had, or how many bullets were in the magazines. He could have gone in there with grandpa's clunky old "bolt action hunting rifle" and the outcome would not have been any different.

I am a member of the NRA. While I do not necessarily agree with all of its political views, it is above all else an organization that promotes the safe, responsible use of firearms and respect for the law. Blaming the NRA for the criminal actions of a murderer is nothing more than an intellectual copout.


Staff member
I too am sickened by this domestic terrorist attack. Not surprised at the NRA reaction of "dont blame us". This once decent organization of hunters with bolt action rifles has become a radical organization defending the undefendable. My brother-in-law cancelled his membership with the nra yesterday afternoon. To me the NRA stands for: Not Responsible Atall!!
Did the idiot sell his car last time a drunk driver killed someone?
Same thing.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I will say that I like the regulations on firearms that ISRAEL imposes on its citizens. I would like to see the USA adopt these regulations for EVERYONE.

Guns in Israel: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

The minimum age for a firearm is 27 yrs old. Mental capacity is also checked.

This would take guns out of the hands of millions of americans. I'm all for it.



Typical elitist big city liberal.

Guns are icky and they scare you.... so you sit there in your gated community and demand that your nanny-state government impose regulations on its citizens so that you can feel "safer."

Not all of us want to be under the thumb of your nanny-state government. Some of us would prefer to make our own choices and be responsible for our own safety and well-being.

If you find this concept to be troubling, perhaps you should consider moving to Israel or the UK or some other nation where you will feel safer from those icky guns.


Retired 23 years
Someone explain to me why everytime there is a shooting some people want to take away the guns of those who had nothing to do with the shooting?


Strength through joy
Ok, tos
Just where does a militia begin , well in an established community.
From that community's available gun owners, who in the late 1700's would have been the farmers , tradesmen , hunters , and land owners .
Today's society lacks those same individuals who can stop whatever they are doing to come to aid in the community"s defense . Most are basically to afraid and aren't willing to avoid anything that might disrupt their social networking activities . Plainly put they are cowards .

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." is a quote by Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Of course it was originally stated in Japanese, this is the English translation.

And to date no one has ever tried to disprove this .


Strength through joy
Someone explain to me why everytime there is a shooting some people want to take away the guns of those who had nothing to do with the shooting?

Because fools lead fools.
The sheeple always need a civilized answer to a question that they have no control over.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." is a quote by Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Of course it was originally stated in Japanese, this is the English translation.

And to date no one has ever tried to disprove this .

How about I just disprove the phony quote?


  • You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.


Staff member
Someone explain to me why everytime there is a shooting some people want to take away the guns of those who had nothing to do with the shooting?

so change the dialogue. Don't tell me there is nothing to be done,that these things just happen. I think sober is right. There is a deep underlying problem and the solution includes gun ownership but goes much further. That is the discussion that needs to be had. Banning guns would be he easy solution, but would only be addressing a symptom and not the disease. In a way, doing it the hard way gives us the chance to make our country far more connected.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Typical elitist big city liberal.

Guns are icky and they scare you.... so you sit there in your gated community and demand that your nanny-state government impose regulations on its citizens so that you can feel "safer."

Not all of us want to be under the thumb of your nanny-state government. Some of us would prefer to make our own choices and be responsible for our own safety and well-being.

If you find this concept to be troubling, perhaps you should consider moving to Israel or the UK or some other nation where you will feel safer from those icky guns.

Like i said before SOBER, its not the guns i fear, its the mentality behind them. i agree with israel that would PROHIBIT a guy like you from having a gun merely because you are in recovery.

They have serious REGULATIONS and disqualify many potential gun owners for many things.

The NRA is solely responsible for the increase in violence in this country. They sell the idea of the 2nd amendment "out of context" and attempt to convince the nation (on behalf of the gun makers) that guns are a good thing.

To you, people are "icky" and therefore, you need a gun to protect yourself. Why are you afraid of me? Are your hands not enough to do your bidding?

The NRA is always going to be the problem. They make MILLIONS off of saps dumb enough to give them money. They print membership cards with the words in quotes "the rights of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed" as if that were a STAND ALONE phrase in the constitution.

They attempt to sell the country that MORE GUNS are needed to make the country safer. Well, Compton is 90% and how safe a city is that? East LA is nearly 100% armed and how safe is that part of los angeles? Detroit is heavily armed, and I dont see the crime rate dropping there.

More GUNS is not the answer. We as a nation have taken the gun rights issue TOO FAR for comfort. All the gun lobby NRA has done is to make our country a more dangerous place.

The numbers of people killed will only get bigger and bigger in mass shootings. The best YOU and the NRA have to offer as a solution is to offer some EMPTY PRAYER for the dead.

You are just as guilty as the NRA. You attempt to say that the constitution says you have the right to own a gun and it doesnt. Your STATE gives you that right. Yes, you have the benefit of a political ruling from the supreme court that says you have gun rights, and that i will not dispute.

But just like the Health care reform act, if you want to overturn that even after the Supreme Court ruled it was legal, then the gun issue should also be revisited by the supreme court AFTER OBAMA appoints the next two justices.

You better PRAY that NONE of the right wing wack jobs sitting on the current US Supreme court dont keel over in the next 4 years.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ok, tos
Just where does a militia begin , well in an established community.
From that community's available gun owners, who in the late 1700's would have been the farmers , tradesmen , hunters , and land owners .
Today's society lacks those same individuals who can stop whatever they are doing to come to aid in the community"s defense . Most are basically to afraid and aren't willing to avoid anything that might disrupt their social networking activities . Plainly put they are cowards .

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." is a quote by Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Of course it was originally stated in Japanese, this is the English translation.

And to date no one has ever tried to disprove this .

Thats the point BABA. MILITIAS dont exist anymore. They were disbanded by congress in 1903 and replaced by the NATIONAL GUARD.
JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

That alone strikes down the 2nd amendment as IRRELEVENT.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The three types of mass murderers...

Typical mass murderers are usually conservative, middle-aged, white males from relatively stable, lower-to-middle-class backgrounds. These individuals usually aspire to more than they can achieve, and when they see their ambitions thwarted, they blame others for their failures. They feel exclusion and develop an irrational, and eventually, homicidal hatred of anyone they consider a hindrance to their own aspirations. Quite often, they choose to die in an eruption of violence directed at these perceived oppressors.
There are three common types of mass murderers: family annihilators, paramilitary enthusiasts, and disgruntled workers. Social areas of dysfunction, such as unemployment, loneliness, a family breakup, or an argument with a supervisor, can trigger their deadly rage.

What Makes a White, Middle-Class Man Kill?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"take the second amendment and shove it"

Take the Second Amendment and shove it. ""There are numerous reporters and commentators, at Salon and elsewhere, more qualified than I am to go after the National Rifle Association and the rest of the gun lobby, who have so successfully hijacked this issue over the last 20 years or so. We’ve seen the Democratic Party largely abandon the struggle for reasonable standards of national gun control since the Clinton administration, no doubt because it didn’t focus-group well in swing districts of Pennsylvania and Michigan or whatever. And even if outrageous crimes like the Newtown and Aurora shooting begin to swing the tide of public opinion back toward a nationwide assault-weapons ban, the NRA has already won the war on the ground. The country is flooded with millions of such weapons, and short of the kind of house-to-house, black-helicopter search the gun nuts fear, we’ll never get rid of all of them.
That’s not a reason not to try, obviously. As I mentioned earlier, data collected by Mother Jones indicates that the majority of mass shooters acquired their guns legally, and that very few of them used more “normal” consumer firearms like revolvers, hunting rifles or shotguns. Yes, you can still commit murder with a weapon like that, and people do it all the time. But mass murder becomes much more difficult. Urban liberals might aspire to live in a European-style country where private gun ownership is exceptionally rare, but that’s not likely to happen here. It’s not necessary to repeal the Second Amendment, or force folks in Kansas to give up Grandpa’s blunderbuss. Americans have a long history with guns, blah blah blah – I’m actually not interested in prying your trusty .30-06 out of your cold, dead hands. But gun owners have been brainwashed to believe that private ownership of semiautomatic weapons whose only real purpose is to kill large groups of people is a constitutional right. That’s utterly insane and immoral, and over the long haul maybe they can be brainwashed back."""

How America’s toxic culture breeds mass murder -

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How many of you GUN owners are teaching your children to become the next Charles Whitman???

Watch both parts of these videos, and at the end of the second, listen to Whitmans father defend the guns and then take credit for "teaching" his son all about guns and how to shoot them.

His father was a complete KOOK who should have NEVER been allowed to own weapons.

Charles Whitman 3/5 - YouTube

Charles Whitman 4/5 - YouTube

Is this the future for america? Kids being trained by their parents to become mass murderers?




Staff member
Wow, check out the gun on the cover of American Rifleman this month! A Springfield XD-S in .45. Looks like a NICE carry gun, DAO, 5 rd mag.
Definitely needs to be checked out down the gun shop. I'm thinking of circling the picture with a big red marker, and leaving it where wifey can see. Great Christmas present!