

Well-Known Member
When the 2nd amendment was passed, firearms were single shot weapons that took time to load and reload. Madison and co viewed the "right to bear arms" in the context of "a well regulated militia" to defend communities from massacres, NOT AS A MEANS TO ENABLE SUCH MASSACRES!! The 2nd amendment was meant to ensure SECURITY not undermine it!!

We became a gun culture as a result of the militarization of American life and the growing hysteria from the cold war. The resulting military industrial complex needed an outlet to market excess surplus to keep production lines open between gov't runs and then an aftermarket began to blossom and the rest is history so to speak.


Well-Known Member
When the 2nd amendment was passed, firearms were single shot weapons that took time to load and reload. Madison and co viewed the "right to bear arms" in the context of "a well regulated militia" to defend communities from massacres, NOT AS A MEANS TO ENABLE SUCH MASSACRES!! The 2nd amendment was meant to ensure SECURITY not undermine it!!
2nd amendment was put in to protect states and individuals from an overbearing government//// Enabling such massacres has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment itself as much as it does with what our society has become.... now how you protect the 2nd amendment and fix those ills?,,, well there you have the right discussion


bella amicizia
I watched a show yesterday about the drug wars down there. All because we won't legalize it. The morgues have the dead stacked to the ceilings and still have more bodies. Overwhelmed is an understatement. Very sad. I will not be going to Mexico.


Staff member
Do we have the courage to stop this ??

"The fundamental reason kids are dying in massacres like this one is not that we have lunatics or criminals — all countries have them — but that we suffer from a political failure to regulate guns. "
I agree. The problem is that we will continue to run into a brick wall if we continue to tackle this the same way. We are going to have to go the long way around...sadly.


Strength through joy
How much more regulations does this author require ?
Besides all the current paperwork and background checks ?
Should every bullet require a serial number, too ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How much more regulations does this author require ?
Besides all the current paperwork and background checks ?
Should every bullet require a serial number, too ?

Look, its not about the bullets themselves. Its about the NUMBER of bullets that can be fired in the shortest amount of time created the LARGEST amount of damage.

Assault weapons are designed to kill large numbers of PEOPLE. Thats what they do. Magazines that carry 25 or more rounds are intended to keep the gun firings with less reloads. 100 round drum mags INSURE that alot of people will die at the hands of a deranged shooter.

In a mass shooting, there has to be a calculation for escape. If a shooter can only have legal access to 10 round clips, then people will have a chance to escape as the shooter has to reload...

In the last 4 shootings, the time to escape was minimized by the types of guns and clips the shooters had legally.

The gun industry and the NRA could care less about survival circumstances in mass shootings. That isnt their concern.

They lobby for the sale of ALL weapons no matter what carnage they end up causing. The head of the NRA wont even call an AR15 or an AK47 an assault weapon. Instead, He calls them "LONG RIFLES".

I call him an assH..le.




Well-Known Member
reagan individualism.jpg
reagan individualism.jpg


Retired 23 years
Look, its not about the bullets themselves. Its about the NUMBER of bullets that can be fired in the shortest amount of time created the LARGEST amount of damage.

Assault weapons are designed to kill large numbers of PEOPLE. Thats what they do. Magazines that carry 25 or more rounds are intended to keep the gun firings with less reloads. 100 round drum mags INSURE that alot of people will die at the hands of a deranged shooter.

In a mass shooting, there has to be a calculation for escape. If a shooter can only have legal access to 10 round clips, then people will have a chance to escape as the shooter has to reload...

In the last 4 shootings, the time to escape was minimized by the types of guns and clips the shooters had legally.

The gun industry and the NRA could care less about survival circumstances in mass shootings. That isnt their concern.

They lobby for the sale of ALL weapons no matter what carnage they end up causing. The head of the NRA wont even call an AR15 or an AK47 an assault weapon. Instead, He calls them "LONG RIFLES".

I call him an assH..le.



So if you get rid of "assult rifles" whats next? Pistols?

Fastest Shooter In The World - YouTube

then maybe shotgus?

Tom Knapp - ten clays record - YouTube

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So if you get rid of "assult rifles" whats next? Pistols?

Fastest Shooter In The World - YouTube

then maybe shotgus?

Tom Knapp - ten clays record - YouTube

There are MANY pistols that should also be BANNED like they were in the Clinton assault weapons ban.. These pistols could kill just as many kids...



Shall we continue to allow kids to be killed with assault weapons ROD? Shall we just "bag and tag" innocent people by the thousands so you can have guns as Adult toys until you lose your mind when your wife sleeps with your best friend and you take it out on the world?

Reality bro, not rhetoric.




Staff member
I am certainly looking forward to hearing representatives supported by the gun lobby make these ridiulous arguements.


golden ticket member
Every one of this idiots almost certainly has at least one bodyguard who packs heat at all times.

Chris Rock: There’s no such thing as assault weapons .punching somebody in the face that’s an assault. If this guy had assault weapons those kids would still be alive . Lets start calling these weapons what they really are ” PEOPLE KILLERS”.

Flea: i have looked at the zillion tweets i got from people all who think we should own guns. none of them add up. ban all guns. … melt them all down and turn them into sculptures. Hopefully one day in the future people will look back and sigh at these barbaric times.
Alec Baldwin: A ban on semi-automatic assault weapons is a necessary first step toward resuscitating the soul of this country…

Goldie Hawn: A country that does nothing about gun control while witnessing the mass killings of innocent precious life, MUST wake up! Shattered.

Kim Kardashian: Just how is it that a mentally troubled teen can have access to a gun!#GunControl!!

Zach Braff: No one is saying you can’t have your gun, crazy angry gun guy. But most of the country is tired of how easy it is to get a gun.

Susan Sarandon: How much more suffering & loss will it take before we better regulate the sale of arms in our country? Let @NRA know how you feel.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Look, its not about the bullets themselves. Its about the NUMBER of bullets that can be fired in the shortest amount of time created the LARGEST amount of damage.

Assault weapons are designed to kill large numbers of PEOPLE. Thats what they do. Magazines that carry 25 or more rounds are intended to keep the gun firings with less reloads. 100 round drum mags INSURE that alot of people will die at the hands of a deranged shooter.

In a mass shooting, there has to be a calculation for escape. If a shooter can only have legal access to 10 round clips, then people will have a chance to escape as the shooter has to reload...

In the last 4 shootings, the time to escape was minimized by the types of guns and clips the shooters had legally.


So if you are justifying a ban on hi-cap mags based upon the idea that potential victims will " have time to run away while the shooter reloads"...why do you then turn around and ridicule those of us who would propose SHOOTING the lunatic with our legally concealed and carried guns "while he reloads?"

The sad fact of the matter is that a ban on high-capacity magazines would NOT have changed the outcome one iota. When a would-be killer has been given a monopoly of force within the confines of a so-called "gun free zone", it doesnt MATTER how many bullets his gun can hold. His unarmed and helpless victims have been coveniently herded... by our government no less...into a free killing zone where they can be murdered at the whim amd convenience of a lunatic who never intends to obey such laws in the first place.


Retired 23 years
There are MANY pistols that should also be BANNED like they were in the Clinton assault weapons ban.. These pistols could kill just as many kids...




Shall we continue to allow kids to be killed with assault weapons ROD? Shall we just "bag and tag" innocent people by the thousands so you can have guns as Adult toys until you lose your mind when your wife sleeps with your best friend and you take it out on the world?

Reality bro, not rhetoric.



What kind of a STUPID FRICKIN question is that? My point was that it isn't just "assult weapons" that can be used by some idiot when he puts his mind to it. With practice you can get off alot of shots with any gun or bow. You do realize that if every gun in the USA would disappear over night that it wouldn't stop the crazies from finding a way to kill or harm others. Just ask the Chinese.

You notice I didn't stoop so low as to bring your wife into this. You sir are an A-hole.