

Staff member
There is a simple solution. Institute the draft into BASIC training and make everyone from age 18 to 47 members of the reserves. No exceptons. Paul Ryan and I included. Good beginning.


Well-Known Member
"Take on the gun lobby". Typical liberal response, blame everyone BUT the shooter.

Typical right wing answer. Anyway, that nut is not a MASS killer without those WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!! The nut in china stabbed 24 children in a school BUT NONE DIED!!

Another mass shooting in this country and the usual defenders of ALL weapons because a few extremists and fundamentalists want these WMDs for shooting a deer or a target.We have a right to drive a vehicle BUT NOT A TANK!!

THE SKY IS FALLING they are coming for our guns!!! No, every product needs regulation. Guns are a product that definitely need regulation. Banning certain WMDs is sensible and doable. Time to put the safety of OUR KIDS over the simplistic pleasure of a few gun nuts who need to shoot something on the weekend!!

"More guns more guns=more safety"?? Yeah ok lets arm the children too. At birth they get a birth certificate and a gun license. This country is becoming more uncivilized everyday!!

Time for obama to take a stand against the powerful in this country: WALL ST BANKSTERS , THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND THE GUN INDUSTRY!! The way to start this war on the powerful is PUBLIC FINANCING OF OUR ELECTIONS!!

want to retire

Typical right wing answer. Anyway, that nut is not a MASS killer without those WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!! The nut in china stabbed 24 children in a school BUT NONE DIED!!

Another mass shooting in this country and the usual defenders of ALL weapons because a few extremists and fundamentalists want these WMDs for shooting a deer or a target.We have a right to drive a vehicle BUT NOT A TANK!!

THE SKY IS FALLING they are coming for our guns!!! No, every product needs regulation. Guns are a product that definitely need regulation. Banning certain WMDs is sensible and doable. Time to put the safety of OUR KIDS over the simplistic pleasure of a few gun nuts who need to shoot something on the weekend!!

"More guns more guns=more safety"?? Yeah ok lets arm the children too. At birth they get a birth certificate and a gun license. This country is becoming more uncivilized everyday!!

Time for obama to take a stand against the powerful in this country: WALL ST BANKSTERS , THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND THE GUN INDUSTRY!! The way to start this war on the powerful is PUBLIC FINANCING OF OUR ELECTIONS!!

Hey friend.......move to Russia or commie are most suited there........and will have absolutely no rights. For what you are advocating. It is time to take a stand against the liberal left. Sound familiar? We can just as easily use the same arguments against you as as is advocated by you. In the end, who are you to decide what rights or interpretation of law of any individual or group? It is laughable that you could use one mass tragedy as being better than another!


Strength through joy
Thats the point BABA. MILITIAS dont exist anymore. They were disbanded by congress in 1903 and replaced by the NATIONAL GUARD.
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That alone strikes down the 2nd amendment as IRRELEVENT.



So who is going to protect your community while bhos has your local National Guard units overseas involved in a on going war ?
Some 20 yr old with an ipad ?


Well-Known Member
So who is going to protect your community while bhos has your local National Guard units overseas involved in a on going war ?
Some 20 yr old with an ipad ?
Its an irrelevant point anyway because once again TOS is wrong.... He is assuming that well regulated militia is established by government and that is simply not necessarily true. Militias can be formed in several ways. Wouldnt matter anyway since rulings go in favor of the "people". The whole purpose is to protect individuals and states from the federal government to begin with

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So who is going to protect your community while bhos has your local National Guard units overseas involved in a on going war ?
Some 20 yr old with an ipad ?

Hey baba, in case you missed it... IRAQ has ended and Afghanistan is drawing down. Troops are returning to the USA to do what they were suppose to do, defend the states. You can thank BUSH for mis using the reserves of the national guard for combat when he ran out of soldiers and money.

Hope that helps your understanding.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its an irrelevant point anyway because once again TOS is wrong.... He is assuming that well regulated militia is established by government and that is simply not necessarily true. Militias can be formed in several ways. Wouldnt matter anyway since rulings go in favor of the "people". The whole purpose is to protect individuals and states from the federal government to begin with

When you say "WRONG" you better put yourself at the top of that list. Militias were disbanded by the Militia act of 1903 when the goverment established the National Guard and ended the "NEED" for a public militia. The states were then protected by a military unit of their own and it wasnt necessary for people to have an arsenal at home.

Why do you think the National Guard was created and the Militia concept ended?

Ill tell you. The goverment KNEW that a bunch of YAHOOS with guns, disorganized and not "RANKED" as the original militia act called for was a dangerous proposition. Without "ranking" their was nothing more than people with guns.

By establishing state protection, their was to be leadership and ranking, thereby, establishing organized protection for the states.

By no means did the founders want its citizens to have the kinds of arsenals they have today. Its clear that the intentions of the original militia act "LIMITED" the types of guns, ammo and gear a private person could own. Nowhere in the militia act of 1792 allowed citizens to own whatever they wanted of unlimited ammo.

Its time for gun freaks to accept that guns are out of control in this country and we need to notch it down before we become somalia.




bella amicizia
Typical right wing answer. Anyway, that nut is not a MASS killer without those WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!! The nut in china stabbed 24 children in a school BUT NONE DIED!!

Another mass shooting in this country and the usual defenders of ALL weapons because a few extremists and fundamentalists want these WMDs for shooting a deer or a target.We have a right to drive a vehicle BUT NOT A TANK!!

THE SKY IS FALLING they are coming for our guns!!! No, every product needs regulation. Guns are a product that definitely need regulation. Banning certain WMDs is sensible and doable. Time to put the safety of OUR KIDS over the simplistic pleasure of a few gun nuts who need to shoot something on the weekend!!

"More guns more guns=more safety"?? Yeah ok lets arm the children too. At birth they get a birth certificate and a gun license. This country is becoming more uncivilized everyday!!

Time for obama to take a stand against the powerful in this country: WALL ST BANKSTERS , THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND THE GUN INDUSTRY!! The way to start this war on the powerful is PUBLIC FINANCING OF OUR ELECTIONS!!
You know, as well as I do, NYS use to have Troopers stationed in every school. These positions were eliminated due to budget constraints. Had a Trooper been at that school, do you think the result would have been the same? I do not.


Got the T-Shirt
Yes, you have the benefit of a political ruling from the supreme court that says you have gun rights, and that i will not dispute.

You better PRAY that NONE of the right wing wack jobs sitting on the current US Supreme court dont keel over in the next 4 years.




Typical liberal thinking. Emotionalism at its best.

Your thought process.... knows no bounds.

The funny thing is.... "Our" first amendment rights are only guaranteed by the second.

How can liberals.... even rationalize that ?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Gun Control Act of 1968 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The laws are already on the books. These guns were taken from the mother? If I owned an emotionally unstable child I would not have guns in my home if he lived there. Or knew of them. It only takes a jimmy of the gun safe to get them out.
I beleive in the end we will find that he was on anti depressant drugs. Having had a lot of it in my family, you just cant think right if you are on them, and they are not working properly. Anti depressant drugs are not recognized in that gun control bill, probably when it was written not many were on them. They should be. But that would not have helped in this case anyhoo.
Now its the new craze if your kid dont behave, when really all he may need is a kick in the ass when he aint behavin. Just medicate him so you can handle him, instead of being a stern parent. What happens when he or she leaves the nest, and no one monitors his socialization coz he/she has none. And his meds are all screwed up, or he/shes not taking them?
Now they want to blame autism. Where 1 in 166 now has it? If so we are all doomed thats alot of kids.
They blame it on a vaccine, which has kept many parents from vaccinating, cant blame them. If I had the internet then I probably wouldnt vaccinate either. I had a grandson who had a very bad reaction, but I still believe in most cases those vaccines keep the world safer, but I could be wrong.
I think it is the total breakdown of the family. and this is my opinion, it could change.
I think alot of the kids who do this were coddled, medicated, and subdued until their adulthood, and then we have what we have seen with columbine, ct, and the list is longer.
Just like if a pet, you cant handle it, you put it down, when all it needs is rules, guidelines and attention. But while you need a license to fish, trap, hunt, drive, you do not need one to parent or multiply. There in lies the problem I think.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Whever the subject of terrorism and radical Islam is mentioned here on Brown Cafe, you correctly point out the fact that over 2 billion Muslims worldwide did not commit an act of violence yesterday. You correctly point out that mainstream Islam is a religion of peace, not war. You correctly point out that blaming the majority for the violent and irresponsible acts of a few is the very definition of ignorance, narrow-mindedness and BIGOTRY. And if you look back at our posts on the subject, you will find that you and I have been in agreement over this fact.

So why then is it somehow acceptable for you to turn around and blame the almost 200 million law-abiding American gun owners who didnt commit a crime yesterday for the violent and murderous acts of a few?

Bigotry is bigotry. You cant have it both ways. Blaming the many for the actions of a few is wrong. Buying into ignorant and fear-based stereotypes is wrong. Blaming a PEACEFUL and LAW-ABIDING organization like the NRA for the murderous acts of a WRONG.

You draw conclusions about who I am and how I act based solely upon the fact that I happen to own guns. Would it be OK for you do the same if I were a Muslim?