

Staff member
I think anyone who uses a box cutter should have an annual psyche exam. A few men with those deadly weapons managed to kill some 3000 people. Box cutter control is what this country needs!

little late. We already determined psych exams for all.


Retired 23 years
So how much of a budget is this new "Department of Psych Exams" going to have and will it be paid for by increased income taxes. And are there loop-holes in this that allow the rich to get around it? Will some minorities be exempt? Just what we need --more government agencys.


Staff member
Well if we insist on everyone, probably very expensive. If we can accept a certain amount of risk and let the blunt instrument slide, not so much.


Strength through joy
I'm still trying to get the true picture about the shooting.
Reports claim he took 3 weapons from his mother .
Yet there is a video of the police removing a 4th weapon from a vehicle .
Reports are that only the hand guns were found next to his body .
Who was the person lead away in handcuffs from the woods near the school, loudly claiming that he had nothing to do with the shootings ?

And why must all the gun owners who did not commit a crime last Friday while using their firearms be punished ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm still trying to get the true picture about the shooting.
Reports claim he took 3 weapons from his mother .
Yet there is a video of the police removing a 4th weapon from a vehicle .
Reports are that only the hand guns were found next to his body .
Who was the person lead away in handcuffs from the woods near the school, loudly claiming that he had nothing to do with the shootings ?

And why must all the gun owners who did not commit a crime last Friday while using their firearms be punished ?

Because its only time before they too commit a horrendous act of violence with them.




Well-Known Member
little late. We already determined psych exams for all.


All the attention right now on the school shootings --rightly so.

Does anyone care about the killing fields in the HOODS of America??

Will Psych exams fix this ongoing and daily slaughter ? Chicago has a full ban on guns --but plenty to go aound for each gang member ?

You talk about gun violence and offer solutions ---Care to take a shot a this one?

Are you like Jason Whitlock and believe it is a "plot" by whites to arm the ghettos ?

How about the FAMILY Unit ---Please do not throw the Race card. Seven out of ten children born in Black communities with no fathers--big problem.

Any solutions there ? Do not think psych exams cut it :sad-little:


Staff member
Did I say ANYTHING about race? So who is playing the race card now? Psych exams are only part of what could be a comprehensive strategy. There is no easy answer but at least we have the conversation moving and with each burial of a six year old in Newtown we will be reminded that there is very much a problem that needs to be addressed.


Well-Known Member
Did I say ANYTHING about race? So who is playing the race card now? Psych exams are only part of what could be a comprehensive strategy. There is no easy answer but at least we have the conversation moving and with each burial of a six year old in Newtown we will be reminded that there is very much a problem that needs to be addressed.


Gun violence in the Black communities IS a real problem . Should we do a detailed analysis on gun deaths and the causes in America ?

You have many ideas on controls and possible solutions to further regulate legal gun owners --but touch what seems to be a sensitive nerve and of course --bringing up a REAL ONGOING problem is racial. How Sad.

Ther is nothing I would like to see more related to gun control than the gang gun violence to end and the senseless killing of young blacks and the waste of life --that makes me a racist.

The REAL deadly gun violence in our major cities goes on everyday ---with no one --the national press --the public --the politicians --NO ONE mourning --but the Family---- at those funerals. Extremely sad !!!:sick:


Staff member
Why view gun violence in the black community differently? I'm not even looking for gun control so much as responsible gun ownership. And I think I am looking for a big picture remedy. I think national service for all 18 to 47 is great for the black, white, Asian,Hispanic and all other communities not only for gun safety but for a deeper sense of community and social responsibility. Think that wouldn't have a profound effect on the problems you choose to illuminate in the black community? Probably all communities.


golden ticket member
Did I say ANYTHING about race? So who is playing the race card now? Psych exams are only part of what could be a comprehensive strategy. There is no easy answer but at least we have the conversation moving and with each burial of a six year old in Newtown we will be reminded that there is very much a problem that needs to be addressed.
You are required to have a psyche exam to enter a convent! (piece of trivia)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

All the attention right now on the school shootings --rightly so.

Does anyone care about the killing fields in the HOODS of America??

Will Psych exams fix this ongoing and daily slaughter ? Chicago has a full ban on guns --but plenty to go aound for each gang member ?

You talk about gun violence and offer solutions ---Care to take a shot a this one?

Are you like Jason Whitlock and believe it is a "plot" by whites to arm the ghettos ?

How about the FAMILY Unit ---Please do not throw the Race card. Seven out of ten children born in Black communities with no fathers--big problem.

Any solutions there ? Do not think psych exams cut it :sad-little:

Ahhh , the distractions of rush limbaugh again, eh? Lets NOT talk about gun control, instead, lets attempt to turn the focus to abortion and inner city single mothers... This is the RUSH LIMBAUGH talking points of the week this week.


ISLAND. Can you see the larger picture here??

What I think needs to be done, is for the POLICE to show the graphic photos of the dead children. Each one, with their wounds exposed so you ALL can GRASP the damage done.

To you, it seems like its just 26 dead people. No big deal, you offer some cheap prayers for the dead and say some lame knee jerk reactionary thing like " there in heaven now" as if that makes it ok.


Maybe if you had to look at the photos of each child and the damage done to them by that BUSHMASTER .223, you would have a change of heart and want something to be done.

Instead, you offer us nothing but the latest distractions from an overweight drug addict divorced 4 times blowhard who controls your mind.

Give us a break.




Well-Known Member
Why view gun violence in the black community differently? I'm not even looking for gun control so much as responsible gun ownership. And I think I am looking for a big picture remedy. I think national service for all 18 to 47 is great for the black, white, Asian,Hispanic and all other communities not only for gun safety but for a deeper sense of community and social responsibility. Think that wouldn't have a profound effect on the problems you choose to illuminate in the black community? Probably all communities.


We can leave it on that point of agreement. I believe sometype of National service for all --rich, poor , white ,black --all- would have a profound impact on America.


Staff member

We can leave it on that point of agreement. I believe sometype of National service for all --rich, poor , white ,black --all- would have a profound impact on America.

And isn't that where we should be trying to get to? We are beyond trying to win a debate. We need to agree not on complete solution but a direction that we can move together.


golden ticket member
Wasn't it during the assault weapons ban that Columbine took place ??

Via Politico:
President Obama “strongly” supports the renewal of the assault weapons ban and would back new gun legislation, the White House said Tuesday, as the president spoke to a pro-gun senator who has shifted his position since Friday’s mass shooting in Connecticut.

“He is actively supportive of, for example, Sen. [Dianne] Feinstein’s stated intent to revive a piece of legislation that would reinstate the assault weapons ban,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said during his daily briefing. On Monday, Carney would only say that the president supports the return of the ban and did not weigh in on the bill Feinstein said she plans to introduce on the first day of the new Senate.

Carney also offered some other gun laws Obama would back. “He supports and would support legislation that addresses the problem of the so-called gun show loophole, and there are other elements of gun legislation that he could support … high capacity ammunition clips, for example. That is certainly something he would be interested in looking at,” he said.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
