

want to retire


Whever the subject of terrorism and radical Islam is mentioned here on Brown Cafe, you correctly point out the fact that over 2 billion Muslims worldwide did not commit an act of violence yesterday. You correctly point out that mainstream Islam is a religion of peace, not war. You correctly point out that blaming the majority for the violent and irresponsible acts of a few is the very definition of ignorance, narrow-mindedness and BIGOTRY. And if you look back at our posts on the subject, you will find that you and I have been in agreement over this fact.

So why then is it somehow acceptable for you to turn around and blame the almost 200 million law-abiding American gun owners who didnt commit a crime yesterday for the violent and murderous acts of a few?

Bigotry is bigotry. You cant have it both ways. Blaming the many for the actions of a few is wrong. Buying into ignorant and fear-based stereotypes is wrong. Blaming a PEACEFUL and LAW-ABIDING organization like the NRA for the murderous acts of a WRONG.

You draw conclusions about who I am and how I act based solely upon the fact that I happen to own guns. Would it be OK for you do the same if I were a Muslim?

Right on brother! Unfortunately, TOS is certain kind of very dangerous animal........liberal. Just like the ultra-radical right. It truly puzzles me how a free(relatively) American could advocate the loss of true freedom. I encourage TOS to please leave America and go to Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela or even Somalia. These are places that people of his kind have no rights and no guns. I also truly think TOS would not understand the connection of these places and his philosophy. It is truly scary to see any liberal(TOS)(Democrat really) be elected in America. We have fought two wars over freedom in our borders. Can there be a third? stamp out the communist/socialist/liberal/democrat agenda?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The NRA is solely responsible for the increase in violence in this country. They sell the idea of the 2nd amendment "out of context" and attempt to convince the nation (on behalf of the gun makers) that guns are a good thing.

Actually, the violent crime rate has been steadily decreasing from where it was in the early 90's.

At the same time, an ever-increasing number of states have adopted "shall-issue" concealed carry permit laws.

Hmmm, lets see....more concealed carry permits and less violent crime. Interesting.


Well-Known Member
"We need more laws to prevent the school shooting tragedy!"

Adam Lanza:

Shot and killed his mother Law broken #1
Stole 3 of her guns Law broken #2, #3, #4
Stole her truck Law broken #5
Illegally transported 3 weapons Law broken #6, #7, #8
Failure to obtain weapons transport permit Law broken #9, #10, #11
Illegal entry into Public School Law broken #12
Bringing gun onto school property Law broken #13, #14, #15
Shot 26 people Law broken #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41

Is there a law that could have made this not happen?

Let's look again but in an alternative universe where guns don't even exist and yet Adam still murders the same number of people.

Adam illegally enters construction site Law broken #1
Jumps into idling dump truck and steals Law broken #2
Runs over and kills driver trying to prevent theft Law broken #3
Operating motor vehicle without proper licensing Law broken #4
Trespass onto school property without permission Law broken #5
Destruction of property, driving dump truck onto playground Law broken #6
Runs over 26 people Law broken #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32

So what law would we add to have prevented this?

How can we teach our children that violence doesn't solve their problems and yet as adults we organize ourselves under an organize state that uses violence to solve it's problems under the illusion that we benefit from the results? We even celebrate the violence every chance we get.

Maybe Adam Lanza is slamming our hypocrisy right back in our faces and yet we don't give one second's thought of that having any bearing to the root cause. Maybe it's true and those chickens are coming home to roost!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
as far as banning guns, this is a thought provoking little pic, shows just how stupid that idea is. outlaw meth.jpg
outlaw meth.jpg


Well-Known Member
When you say "WRONG" you better put yourself at the top of that list. Militias were disbanded by the Militia act of 1903 when the goverment established the National Guard and ended the "NEED" for a public militia. The states were then protected by a military unit of their own and it wasnt necessary for people to have an arsenal at home.

Why do you think the National Guard was created and the Militia concept ended?

Ill tell you. The goverment KNEW that a bunch of YAHOOS with guns, disorganized and not "RANKED" as the original militia act called for was a dangerous proposition. Without "ranking" their was nothing more than people with guns.

By establishing state protection, their was to be leadership and ranking, thereby, establishing organized protection for the states.

By no means did the founders want its citizens to have the kinds of arsenals they have today. Its clear that the intentions of the original militia act "LIMITED" the types of guns, ammo and gear a private person could own. Nowhere in the militia act of 1792 allowed citizens to own whatever they wanted of unlimited ammo.

Its time for gun freaks to accept that guns are out of control in this country and we need to notch it down before we become somalia.


and yet the 2nd amendment still gives individuals the RIGHT to have arms.... instead of being afraid and wanting to disarm, there are many different ways to educate and have some sort of training guidelines....


Strength through joy
Hey baba, in case you missed it... IRAQ has ended and Afghanistan is drawing down. Troops are returning to the USA to do what they were suppose to do, defend the states. You can thank BUSH for mis using the reserves of the national guard for combat when he ran out of soldiers and money.

Hope that helps your understanding.



Yet you do not mention all the illegal wars that bhos has become involved with ?
So nice of you to have those rose colored glasses to wear.


Strength through joy
Hey what ever happened to all those pony tailed ex-hippies holding up their weekend signs calling for world peace & stopping the wars ?
They seem to have vanished , along with Code Pink .


Got the T-Shirt
Prove what? Is Google broke on your computer?

Prove your claims....

Pontiac's Rebellion school massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the Ma’alot massacre in 1974, Israel instituted a policy in which volunteer school personnel, parents, and grandparents received special training from the civil guard, and were seeded throughout the schools armed with discreetly concealed 9mm semiautomatic pistols.

Massad Ayoob � Blog Archive � AGAINST MONSTERS

Kind of a well known author


Staff member
So who is going to protect your community while bhos has your local National Guard units overseas involved in a on going war ?
Some 20 yr old with an ipad ?

exactly. As soon as we institute the draft. Bet we get into fewer wars with everybody's bloodline on the line.


Staff member
Prove your claims....

Pontiac's Rebellion school massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the Ma’alot massacre in 1974, Israel instituted a policy in which volunteer school personnel, parents, and grandparents received special training from the civil guard, and were seeded throughout the schools armed with discreetly concealed 9mm semiautomatic pistols.

Massad Ayoob � Blog Archive � AGAINST MONSTERS

Kind of a well known author
They may have done that for a while back in the 70's, but I can't find anything citing that as current Israeli policy.
According to this guy they might arm some teachers in the West Bank, but that's it. Everyplace else they fence the schools and control access with armed security guards, no weapons are allowed inside. Seriously if you're a gun rights/2nd amendment guy you really don't want to emulate Israel, their gun control laws are an order of magnitude stricter than ours.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Whever the subject of terrorism and radical Islam is mentioned here on Brown Cafe, you correctly point out the fact that over 2 billion Muslims worldwide did not commit an act of violence yesterday. You correctly point out that mainstream Islam is a religion of peace, not war. You correctly point out that blaming the majority for the violent and irresponsible acts of a few is the very definition of ignorance, narrow-mindedness and BIGOTRY. And if you look back at our posts on the subject, you will find that you and I have been in agreement over this fact.

So why then is it somehow acceptable for you to turn around and blame the almost 200 million law-abiding American gun owners who didnt commit a crime yesterday for the violent and murderous acts of a few?

Bigotry is bigotry. You cant have it both ways. Blaming the many for the actions of a few is wrong. Buying into ignorant and fear-based stereotypes is wrong. Blaming a PEACEFUL and LAW-ABIDING organization like the NRA for the murderous acts of a WRONG.

You draw conclusions about who I am and how I act based solely upon the fact that I happen to own guns. Would it be OK for you do the same if I were a Muslim?

Sober, Let me be clear with you. I RESPECT your views as they inspire thought and education. I RESPECT your right to have your guns for your own protections.

Where I separate from you is the logic behind those guns. I do not want to take your handgun, or your shotgun or even your 30-06 rifle if you live in the woods. What i dont want to see is ASSAULT weapons in peoples homes.

There is NO argument that can be made to have such things. There is no argument that can be made for a private citizen having "Jacketed" rounds.

There is NO argument that can be made for having 100 round drum mags, or magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

These are the weapons or WMD's of WAR, and not home protection.

Unlike the muslims, there isnt just a "few" bad apples with guns in this country. There are THOUSANDS, and just like the muslims, none of the proper gun owners are doing anything to separate themselves or stop those who would commit such acts.

Right now as we speak, there are thousands of people in this country stockpiling military style weapons and ammo for their eventual emotional breakdown and then its another massacre.

You want to call the NRA a "law abiding" organization? Its A LOBBYING GROUP. What is its function other than to LOBBY politicians on behalf of the gun makers and gun dealers?

They spend BILLIONS on capitol hill on behalf of the gun makers and gun dealers.

The NRA spends a majority of its time promoting the use of weapons on "people" by using extreme rhetoric that inspires those with mental challenges to commit horrendous acts.

There is NOTHING the NRA does that helps the innocent people of america who chose not to own weapons. Let me ask you this?


What has the NRA done in this country to protect schools? How much money has the NRA donated to the school system to provide "armed" security to protect them from its members?

Over the years, 62 mass murders have been committed. 59 of them by NRA members and all of them white. 1 Korean shot up Vir Tech and 1 woman shot up the postal service.

Do you see a pattern here??

If ONE ORGANIZATION consistently has its MEMBERS committing serious crimes where 10's of people are killed, I dont think you can call that organization "law abiding".

When we speak of AL QAEDA, we consider them all dangerous, dont we? If your answer is yes, then you would also have to consider the NRA dangerous as well.

But all that aside, my concerns lie with the mental state of people who want to own guns. Like i said many times, I dont understand why people who feel they need guns live in such fear of others. Whether or not its a childhood memory that scares them, or propaganda from a political party that makes people think the country is coming to an end.

Believe me, We made it through GEORGE W BUSH and the country was still standing, allbeit almost knocked out, but we are still here.

One political party has nothing else to sell the american public other than hate and fear. Divide and conquer as they say.

Just watch doomsday preppers, and "LISTEN" to what these people are saying, and then ask yourself, where are they getting their information that they in turn, change into a doomsday scenario?

You will find that ALL OF IT, comes from RIGHT WING sources. Professional THINK TANKS like the heritage foundation, use pyschology to control, those that listen to them.

This country has to wake up in light of this tragedy.

I imagine NO ONE on this board who supports guns has considered the carnage that happened to those 20 children. I know YOU know what I am talking about.

Those .223 rounds that hit those kids and teachers most likely blew arms off, or even cut kids in half, or blew their faces off. Its a tough admission, but it has TO BE MADE.

We CANT IGNORE what happened by thinking they all died a peaceful death with a simple little bullet.

Those kids got blown away and layed on the ground overnight BLEEDING OUT on the floor until they could be photographed, tagged, identified and examined.

What if they were YOUR kids?

Is that how you would want your kids last moments on earth to be like? What about the rest of you?

This shooting was HORRIFIC in many ways, and Understanding that is the first thing we have to do as americans, instead of the same old KNEE JERK reactions like GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.

The .223 round on a child is like using a hand grenade on a crowd.

Test Protocol
Tests 1-6:
Bare gelatin, heavy clothing, automobile sheet metal, wallboard, plywood, and vehicle windshield safety glass, were shot a distance of 10 feet from the muzzle. The vehicle safety glass was set at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal, with the line of bore of the rifle/SMG offset 15 degrees to the side resulting in a compound angle of impact for the bullet upon the glass, which simulates a shot directed at the driver of a car closely missing the shooter. Furthermore, the gelatin was covered with light clothing and set back 18 inches behind the glass. All gelatin blocks, with the exception of the body armor barrier, were set 18 inches behind each solid obstacle shot.

Tests 7-13:
All involved shots through heavy clothing, safety glass and bare gelatin at 50 to 100 yards, concluding with internal walls, external walls and body armor at 10 feet. Test eight however, involved safety glass at 20 yards, shot dead-on, without the 15 degree offset, to simulate a shot at a car’s driver bearing down on the shooter.

For the connivance of the reader, test results are summarized in the following chart. Please note that the data displayed represents the average penetration of these rounds as measured in 10% ballistic gelatin (see tables 1 and 2).

"""Considering that the average person’s torso is 9 inches thick, front to back, all the .223 rounds ranging in weight from 55 to 69 grains appear to be adequate performers on soft targets where frontal shots are involved. Although the majority of target engagements are frontal, profile shots can and do occur. A .223 round that is required to pass through an arm before entering the rib cage mat, upon striking bone, fragment, and while possibly shattering the appendage, would most likely not be successful in producing a sufficiently deep body cavity wound to be decisive. In this, as with any CQB encounter, "controlled pairs," or rapid-repeat hits may be required to ensure target neutralization."""

About .223 Penetration

You all may think ignoring what happened makes it ok, but it doesnt. This was a very graphic murder scene and those kids paid with their lives just so some gun maker could make a buck.




The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
and yet the 2nd amendment still gives individuals the RIGHT to have arms.... instead of being afraid and wanting to disarm, there are many different ways to educate and have some sort of training guidelines....

It doesnt. THE STATE gives you your right to have arms, not the US CONSTITUTION. Read what I posted on the subject and educate yourself.

Show me where in the second amendment it says "the people have the right to bear arms" as a stand alone sentence. ILL WAIT.

As will you.




Well-Known Member
and yet the 2nd amendment still gives individuals the RIGHT to have arms.... instead of being afraid and wanting to disarm, there are many different ways to educate and have some sort of training guidelines....

When the 2nd amendment was passed, firearms were single shot weapons that took time to load and reload. Madison and co viewed the "right to bear arms" in the context of "a well regulated militia" to defend communities from massacres, NOT AS A MEANS TO ENABLE SUCH MASSACRES!! The 2nd amendment was meant to ensure SECURITY not undermine it!!