

Staff member
And that is exactly the situation blacks found themselves in and died for the rights they eventually won. So no. They should not move away but fight for the freedoms, security, and opportunity afforded them in their country, in our country. Is your country worth dying for? Mine is. Snarky? Maybe. True? Damn straight.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The homeowner could have ended that invasion without violence if he would have only followed the 5 safe breakin habits.

1) Sternly say "Hey, you shouldn't be here!". May need to know multiple languages.

2) Help the intruders find your valuables, even the stuff hidden away.

3) Get on knees crying and beg them to leave. Do NOT use your "fists of fury" as that will only make them more violent.

4) Stay on your knees and offer "compensation" in exchange for mercy.

5) Come to peace with your God and just accept it was your time.

The situation in sacramento was simple. It was a hispanic on hispanic crime involving drugs.

The shooting occured outside the home and not inside the home. It had nothing to do with a sleepover and everything to do with the homeowners involvement in drugs.

Sorry if that doesnt work out for you guys.




Well-Known Member
And that is exactly the situation blacks found themselves in and died for the rights they eventually won. So no. They should not move away but fight for the freedoms, security, and opportunity afforded them in their country, in our country. Is your country worth dying for? Mine is. Snarky? Maybe. True? Damn straight.

Think if it as try before you buy. Maybe if you were able to experience where your ideology really leads you would leave such destructive ideals to the lesser nations that already practice them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I still maintain that people like yourself who hate this country so much should seriously look into moving to a country where your utopia already exists. There are plenty of corrupt nations out there where you will have no rights to guns, free speech, or due process. Perhaps some time in those little hell holes will change your outlook on the world.

This country is a "utopia" up until the people with guns decided to ruin that "utopia" with gun violence. Somehow , you suggest that this is YOUR country and not a country of others.

Well, i got news for you, its OUR country, and we have the FREEDOMS to take away your guns if they are abused.

We have reached a turning point in our nation. We can either live like animals killing each other for nothing and allowing individuals to arm themselves to the teeth to satisfy some obsessions with guns, or we can REGULATE who owns them in the first place.

11000 people a year who die from gun violence in the country is laughable at best for a "free" society.

Why dont you tell me, what "NUMBER" is your redline for violence in america? Where does your acceptance level "cap out" before you will consider gun control?

25K? 50K? 100K? A Million?




Staff member
And that is exactly the situation blacks found themselves in and died for the rights they eventually won. So no. They should not move away but fight for the freedoms, security, and opportunity afforded them in their country, in our country. Is your country worth dying for? Mine is. Snarky? Maybe. True? Damn straight.
It's not worth dying for! It's not worth your family's lives. People move every day. There are countries out there that probably fit your views better than the USA. Move and be safe.


Staff member
See Brett, you have no idea what you are talking about because you don't pay attention. If you care, go back through the hundreds of pages of this thread and find one place where I have suggested banning anything, anywhere, anytime. You have your set statements on anything having to do with gun control and I'm not even discussing it. I'm not even interested in it. I am interested in responsible gun ownership and a national service requirement to as a means of developing a more perfect union and I think the military could play an integral part.


golden ticket member
Libs heads assplode in 3.. 2.. 1.

Via Byron York:
A new Gallup poll shows that the National Rifle Association, the target of a wave of intensely negative news coverage after the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings, still has a favorable rating of 54 percent. While down from the organization’s 60 percent favorable rating in 2005, that is still about a point higher than President Obama’s personal favorable rating.

A Huffington Post average of the president’s favorable ratings places it at 52.3 percent. That average includes favorable ratings of 49 percent in a December 16 CBS News poll, 53 percent in a December 9 Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, and 56 percent in a November 18 CNN poll.


Staff member
It's not worth dying for! It's not worth your family's lives. People move every day. There are countries out there that probably fit your views better than the USA. Move and be safe.

your country is not worth dying for?! Wow. How insulting is that to the men and women in uniform. I used to have some respect for you over. It's gone now.


Staff member
your country is not worth dying for?! Wow. How insulting is that to the men and women in uniform. I used to have some respect for you over. It's gone. Now.
And I have no respect for someone who does nothing for their family when he believes they are at risk.


Well-Known Member
This country is a "utopia" up until the people with guns decided to ruin that "utopia" with gun violence. Somehow , you suggest that this is YOUR country and not a country of others.

Well, i got news for you, its OUR country, and we have the FREEDOMS to take away your guns if they are abused.

We have reached a turning point in our nation. We can either live like animals killing each other for nothing and allowing individuals to arm themselves to the teeth to satisfy some obsessions with guns, or we can REGULATE who owns them in the first place.

11000 people a year who die from gun violence in the country is laughable at best for a "free" society.

Why dont you tell me, what "NUMBER" is your redline for violence in america? Where does your acceptance level "cap out" before you will consider gun control?

25K? 50K? 100K? A Million?



How will taking away one instrument of death from a nation of psychopaths not result in flight to another form or means of instituting death? If a nationstate can kill to get what it wants and pushing aside any suggestion of lessening arms or it's aggressive posture, why would we think this would not result in unintended consequences on the mindset of those who worship and support such nationstate?

I'm all for beating swords into plowshares but the brutal truth is that the weapons of which you scream were built first for the nationstate itself and thus the cold heart of America is nothing more than a reflection of the image at the top!


Well-Known Member
This country is a "utopia" up until the people with guns decided to ruin that "utopia" with gun violence. Somehow , you suggest that this is YOUR country and not a country of others.

Well, i got news for you, its OUR country, and we have the FREEDOMS to take away your guns if they are abused.

We have reached a turning point in our nation. We can either live like animals killing each other for nothing and allowing individuals to arm themselves to the teeth to satisfy some obsessions with guns, or we can REGULATE who owns them in the first place.

11000 people a year who die from gun violence in the country is laughable at best for a "free" society.

Why dont you tell me, what "NUMBER" is your redline for violence in america? Where does your acceptance level "cap out" before you will consider gun control?

25K? 50K? 100K? A Million?



Why do you always ignore the lives lost by those who died to extend and protect these freedoms we have today?


Well-Known Member
See Brett, you have no idea what you are talking about because you don't pay attention. If you care, go back through the hundreds of pages of this thread and find one place where I have suggested banning anything, anywhere, anytime. You have your set statements on anything having to do with gun control and I'm not even discussing it. I'm not even interested in it. I am interested in responsible gun ownership and a national service requirement to as a means of developing a more perfect union and I think the military could play an integral part.

You align yourself pretty much in lockstep with the likes of TOS and Diane Feinstein when it comes to guns. More regulation will lead to eventual confiscation which I don't doubt you have no problem with. Its time to focus on the real issues here and that is identifying psychopaths before they can harm anyone. The tools they use to harm others are simply not relevant because if one tool isn't available they will simply find another.


Staff member
And I have no respect for someone who does nothing for their family when he believes they are at risk.

so that is really your position. The country is not worth dying for? So something like the Pledgenis just words? People going off to battle may be heroic but foolish?


Staff member
so that is really your position. The country is not worth dying for? So something like the Pledgenis just words? People going off to battle may be heroic but foolish?
If I was living in FEAR (like you and TOS), fearing that my family was 100 times more likely to be murdered HERE in the USA than elsewhere, I would move them to a country that I felt was safer.
Why do you say it is better for your wife and kids to DIE, than simply move. That's insane.


Staff member
First tell me why you wouldn't save your family's lives. Because that's not what my father and their fathers did. There are things worth fighting for . I truly had this nation confused with something far different if ypurs is the prevailing thought. Is death really what you fear the most? Living as a coward is worse. Not all danger is mutable and risk is inherent. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Staff member
If I was living in FEAR (like you and TOS), fearing that my family was 100 times more likely to be murdered HERE in the USA than elsewhere, I would move them to a country that I felt was safer.
Why do you say it is better for your wife and kids to DIE, than simply move. That's insane.

because I am not afraid. Risk is what it is. If you think long and hard about it, I bet you could be afraid of anything. Your turn. Why is your country not worth dying for.