

Got the T-Shirt
The liberal media will do anything to force their agenda.


TRENDING: ATF official cites ‘miscommunication’ over NBC gun magazine flap – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs


Nine Lives

From the link:

"There are two lessons for him there. Don't ask the government what's legal and what isn't legal, because half the people you ask don't know. And secondly, that's a silly felony. It's a felony in Washington, D.C., to own that magazine or to be caught with a cartridge. So I really think what David Gregory did, while he was inadvertently flaunting the law, was illustrated in a very graphic way, perhaps not intentionally, just how silly some of these laws are."


golden ticket member
Fun Fact Of The Day: Within A Decade Of The UK Banning And Confiscating Handguns, Crimes Involving Handguns Doubled…
British libs got what their American counterparts can only dream about, a complete handgun ban and confiscation of existing guns and look at what the results were.

Via WSJ:
Americans are determined that massacres such as happened in Newtown, Conn., never happen again. But how? Many advocate more effective treatment of mentally-ill people or armed protection in so-called gun-free zones. Many others demand stricter control of firearms.

We aren’t alone in facing this problem. Great Britain and Australia, for example, suffered mass shootings in the 1980s and 1990s. Both countries had very stringent gun laws when they occurred. Nevertheless, both decided that even stricter control of guns was the answer. Their experiences can be instructive.

In 1987, Michael Ryan went on a shooting spree in his small town of Hungerford, England, killing 16 people (including his mother) and wounding another 14 before shooting himself. Since the public was unarmed—as were the police—Ryan wandered the streets for eight hours with two semiautomatic rifles and a handgun before anyone with a firearm was able to come to the rescue.
Nine years later, in March 1996, Thomas Hamilton, a man known to be mentally unstable, walked into a primary school in the Scottish town of Dunblane and shot 16 young children and their teacher. He wounded 10 other children and three other teachers before taking his own life.

After Hungerford, the British government banned semiautomatic rifles and brought shotguns—the last type of firearm that could be purchased with a simple show of fitness—under controls similar to those in place for pistols and rifles. Magazines were limited to two shells with a third in the chamber.

Dunblane had a more dramatic impact. Hamilton had a firearm certificate, although according to the rules he should not have been granted one. A media frenzy coupled with an emotional campaign by parents of Dunblane resulted in the Firearms Act of 1998, which instituted a nearly complete ban on handguns. Owners of pistols were required to turn them in.

The penalty for illegal possession of a pistol is up to 10 years in prison.
The results have not been what proponents of the act wanted. Within a decade of the handgun ban and the confiscation of handguns from registered owners, crime with handguns had doubled according to British government crime reports. Gun crime, not a serious problem in the past, now is.

Armed street gangs have some British police carrying guns for the first time. Moreover, another massacre occurred in June 2010. Derrick Bird, a taxi driver in Cumbria, shot his brother and a colleague then drove off through rural villages killing 12 people and injuring 11 more before killing himself.


golden ticket member
Looks like the yellow line doesn't keep anything back.......need railings!!!


Maybe something "fancy" like this......

Decorative Iron Railing |


The Nim
What makes you a "NUT" is the fact that you have over 8000 rounds of ammo.

What are you planning to shoot that you would need 8000 rounds handy? Isnt one box of a 100 enough for target practice at the range?

First, I said 800 not 8000. .22 ammo can easily be bought in boxes of 550. I left a half full box behind once and bought another. That's why I have over 800 rounds. It's just cost effective to buy in bulk usually. If boxes of 100 were the same value I'd do that.

Your question lacks depth.

A single question may, but I feel all of them have a reasoning behind them.

We and I, dont know anything about your mental state, your marriage, divorce, job, finances, family, sexuality or your use of alcohol or drugs. We do know about your political leanings, and that position is very dangerous as you are bombarded with rhetoric and diatribe that creates "FEAR".

You say all you know about me is I'm conservative. That alone does not constitute a damning mental evaluation that would exclude me from possessing a firearm.

I am sure, you will use the "this is the end of america as we know it" line, that is perpetrated by the right wing media outlets of this country.

That is simple generated fear.

Why dont you explain the "legitimate" need to purchase, and store 8000 rounds for a 70 year old gun? In a fire, that would be extremely dangerous for firemen. What are your "prepping" for by storing 8000 rounds?

As said, I have 800+ rounds, and when I can easily buy a box of 550 rounds at the local Walmart it's not unheard of for someone to have a partial box of ammunition and a full box aside from that.

Also in a fire, without a barrel directing the bullets the range is almost nothing for lethality. Mythbusters - Bullets Thrown Onto Campfire - Are They Lethal? - YouTube
Bullets in a Fire

  • When a bullet is exposed to sufficiently high temperatures, the shell case will burst apart but the bullet will not travel at high speeds or go very far if it is not loaded in a gun. The ability of a bullet to cause injury depends on the speed with which the bullet is fired, and much of this speed depends on the fact that the bullet is being forced down a gun barrel. A loose bullet or a bullet in a cardboard box will not have the additional pressure of the barrel, so while it may fire it will not do so forcefully.
In my town, you dont see guns on gun racks in trucks or the neighbors clamming to find cases of bullets. We go about life without fearing each other.

You don't see them in my direct vicinity either, but in the condominium neighborhood I live in every so often you hear about a robbery or other such crime. Not exactly common, but they do happen.

Thats how life is supposed to be lived. If your life makes you feel like you need to have a gun on your person at all times, then you are living the "wrong" life.

When did I ever say I felt the need to have a gun in my possession at all times? I leave the rifle at home unless I'm headed out to the range or some other event where I know I will be shooting.


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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My apologies for the error on the bullet count. The reality of my mistake is that I am unable to EDIT my posts once submitted, and the error was unfixable.

Regardless, your question was answered by a series of other questions that could establish future intentions.

Gun owners and people who want guns, dont generally get them to commit mass murder, but in recent years, as lifes problems become too harsh, those same people are using those guns and the high capacity of death they bring with them to schools, churches and public places and attempt to reconcile their problems by spreading them to others who have nothing to do with them.

We are not talking about FREEDOMS here, no one is FREE to commit mass murder in this country. No one is FREE to arm themselves with bunches of high powered weapons and threaten society at large.

The real issue is to figure out WHY these people with guns turn to those guns as a final solution to a troubled mind.

Yes, today, you have a 70yr old gun to go the the range and shoot. No one has a problem with that, but the moment your personal life takes a turn for the worse, WE hope you surrender that gun to someone who will keep it from you until your mind settles down and you get your problems under control.

Its easy for gun owners to look away from the guns and accept DEATH of children as simply the cost of doing business with freedoms.

But the reality is, deaths in this country far out number any other country on the face of the earth. We are a sad society to the world as we allow our citizens to kill each other with reckless abandon.

Gun owners continue to "excuse" the thousands of shootings over the decades as no big deal, and its little kids that are paying for that freedom.

Maybe when your own children are killed with a gun will you ever change your mind about owning one.




Für Meno :)
Moreluck, so your saying the citizens of the UK and Australia should arm themselves up like Americans, even though the entire UK has a murder rate of 35 per year and Austrailia under 100, too ?
Even all of Canada has less than 200.

Now why in the world would other countries follow the US, where any given major US city has higher murder rates than entire countries with decent gun control ?
Your likely to be shot over 100 times in America, than in any other advanced western country, for g..s sake !
The homeowner could have ended that invasion without violence if he would have only followed the 5 safe breakin habits.

1) Sternly say "Hey, you shouldn't be here!". May need to know multiple languages.

2) Help the intruders find your valuables, even the stuff hidden away.

3) Get on knees crying and beg them to leave. Do NOT use your "fists of fury" as that will only make them more violent.

4) Stay on your knees and offer "compensation" in exchange for mercy.

5) Come to peace with your God and just accept it was your time.


Staff member
So why do you feel people live here? Why don't they move to Canada, where it is safer?

Serious questions.

I don't doubt that they are serious questions but they are also stupid ones. You might as well say, "Why didn't all the freed blacks go back to Africa if they didn't like something about America?". Because it's our country also and we can work to change things.


Staff member
I don't doubt that they are serious questions but they are also stupid ones. You might as well say, "Why didn't all the freed blacks go back to Africa if they didn't like something about America?". Because it's our country also and we can work to change things.
Thanks TOS.


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt that they are serious questions but they are also stupid ones. You might as well say, "Why didn't all the freed blacks go back to Africa if they didn't like something about America?". Because it's our country also and we can work to change things.

I still maintain that people like yourself who hate this country so much should seriously look into moving to a country where your utopia already exists. There are plenty of corrupt nations out there where you will have no rights to guns, free speech, or due process. Perhaps some time in those little hell holes will change your outlook on the world.


Staff member
I don't doubt that they are serious questions but they are also stupid ones. You might as well say, "Why didn't all the freed blacks go back to Africa if they didn't like something about America?". Because it's our country also and we can work to change things.
Sorry for my last reply. I used to have a great deal of respect for you, but lately you're turning into another TOS with the snarky little insults.

Working for change is great if you're trying to lower your taxes, or trying to get a new President. But Kleins post suggests you and your family has a huge risk of getting KILLED in this country. If you're serious about that, you don't have time to work for change. Your family's very existence is at risk. So again, why would you stay in this dangerous place? Wouldn't moving your family to a safer country be the smart thing to do?