

Well-Known Member
We should ask the Supreme Court

Oh wait...

Off-topic, but, if the Supreme Court rules that homosexual couples can marry, and be afforded the same rights as heterosexual couples, in terms of equal status regarding everything etc. etc., then that would convince you to change your stance, just because the SC made a judgement?


Well-Known Member
Well I guess its time to ban subway systems in NYC now..... we simply cant continue to allow people to be allowed to be killed by trains


Well-Known Member
Well I guess its time to ban subway systems in NYC now..... we simply cant continue to allow people to be allowed to be killed by trains

I'm having a hard time with this type of narrative...i.e. cars kill...subways kill... sugar kills...

So, therefore, we shouldn't do anything about addressing gun-violence, because plenty of things kill people.

Umm, ok.

For the record, I'm all for gun-ownership.

But, again, I'm having trouble with the narrative that states that 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'.

Which is strictly true, but, guns kill a heck of a lot more people than pencils, knives, axes, bricks, etc.


Help me understand.


Staff member
The point is that gun control laws are not necessarily unconstitutional but that seems to be a knee jerk reaction around here.


Staff member
I'm having a hard time with this type of narrative...i.e. cars kill...subways kill... sugar kills...

So, therefore, we shouldn't do anything about addressing gun-violence, because plenty of things kill people.

Umm, ok.

For the record, I'm all for gun-ownership.

But, again, I'm having trouble with the narrative that states that 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'.

Which is strictly true, but, guns kill a heck of a lot more people than pencils, knives, axes, bricks, etc.


Help me understand.

if you can muddy the water, the logic doesn't have to make sense.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If you're going to quote it, quote it completely:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Key word being "Not"

Or how about you're understanding of these words,

Regulate: a: to govern or direct according to rule
b (1): to bring under the control of law or constituted authority

Ban: to prohibit especially by legal means

You say Regulate but you want Ban. Maybe you don't understand what that means?


Ahh, another english major in our midst. Why not explain how you are "extrapolating" one word out of a complete sentence and giving it a meaning of its OWN?

What is it about the commas in the sentence that you chose to ignore?

Where in the second amendment does it say "a person has the right to bear arms" in a STAND ALONE SENTENCE not CONNECTED to a preamble?

Another poster Big Union Guy called it "wordgames"... But I guess thats what you call english and the written word when you dont comprehend it.

The first part of the sentence says "a well regulated militia"... does that have its own separate meaning from the remaining part of the sentence after the commas? Gun owners ALL make the mistake of taking one part of the sentence out of the middle and giving it a separate meaning, when in fact, the ENTIRE sentence is DEFINING the actions of a MILITIA, which was later defined further by the Militia Act of 1792.

As far as the supreme courts ruling, in a 5 to 4 vote, the majority ruled that the interpretation of the second amendment applied to all citizens and not just militia members. In opposition, the 4 justices who ruled AGAINST it, wrote in the minority that the Second amendment DID NOT apply to private citizens.

In the next 4 years, should 1 conservative justice fall ill, or leave the bench, It will be OBAMA who will appoint a new justice and when the gun issue is revisited, the outcome may not be the same. You are only 1 vote away from a different outcome.

Keep your fingers crossed.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As soon as you can tell me where it is written we cannot be in said posession.

There you go, creating something that isnt in the constitution. A well regulated militia ( defined in the militia act of 1792 ) states exactly what weapons are to be used by the public in defense of the state. Its well written, clear and understandable.

There is no mention of assault weapons, cannons, bazookas, automatic pistols and the like.

If you want to consider yourself a part of a militia, then by all means, grab that musket and black powder pistol.




Got the T-Shirt
Another poster Big Union Guy called it "wordgames"...



You are getting so desperate now.... You are flat out lying. Find the the post.... where I ever said that.

Here is something to think about.

A heavily armed citizenry is not about armed revolt; it is about defending oneself against armed government oppression. A heavily armed citizenry is not about overthrowing the government; it is about preventing the government from overthrowing liberty. A people stripped of their right of self defense is defenseless against their own government.

Gun Control Tramples On The Certain Virtues Of A Heavily Armed Citizenry - Forbes
You are getting so desperate know.... You are flat out lying. Find the the post.... where I ever said that.

Here is something to think about.

A heavily armed citizenry is not about armed revolt; it is about defending oneself against armed government oppression. A heavily armed citizenry is not about overthrowing the government; it is about preventing the government from overthrowing liberty. A people stripped of their right of self defense is defenseless against their own government.

Gun Control Tramples On The Certain Virtues Of A Heavily Armed Citizenry - Forbes

He's going back to 1792 to try and debate the facts now. He'll have to look your post up by pony express as the computer wasn't invented yet.


I think there is no reason for anyone except the police and military should own guns.
Great for blowing things to hell,or hunting,but it's gone way too far in America.
I think you should have to prove you have a good reason to own one.
Get as many off the street as possible through a no questions asked amnesty program and get $50 minimum for every gun you bring in.
On your income tax form,it should ask "do you own any firearms"?
"are they currently registered "?
New gun buyers would be scrutinized thoroughly.
DS for pres


Nine Lives
I think there is no reason for anyone except the police and military should own guns.
Great for blowing things to hell,or hunting,but it's gone way too far in America.
I think you should have to prove you have a good reason to own one.
Get as many off the street as possible through a no questions asked amnesty program and get $50 minimum for every gun you bring in.
On your income tax form,it should ask "do you own any firearms"?
"are they currently registered "?
New gun buyers would be scrutinized thoroughly.
DS for pres

Your passport has been revoked!
Really!!!!!!!!!!!! keep guns away from people who dont break the law???? Just let the bad guys shoot rob and kill everybody!!!!IM SURE THEY ALL FILL OUT TAX RETURNS!!! I can see who u voted for...The Devil...sorry i meant Nobama..Come on man wake UP!!!!!Guns dont kill..people do...Whats next ?? Are you going to come over to my house and take away my steak knifes? They could stab somebody to death!!!What about my car? It could run somebody over and kill them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not the objects it the people who use them...watchout for plastic bags ...if you put one over your head you will stop breathing!!!!You better arrest that bagger at the grocery store he looks dangerous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!