
If obama is so well liked why would he need such a security force?

If ( insert president and other politicians name here ) is so well liked why would he need such a security force since 1901 when the Secret Service was assigned to that task?

Like him, them, or not there have been men with guns ( and those are the guys they want you to see ) guarding every president since then regardless of that presidents stand on guns.


Strength through joy
a law should be passed that anyone who declares themselves to be a liberal shall never be able to own or possess any handguns, rifles , nor shotguns . And their personal home addresses will be recorded onto every public database.


Got the T-Shirt



Well-Known Member
Rumor is some of those 500 may have been non compliant with those laws.

The blunt reality is that he is the first black President and there are a lot of people who do not want black people to be successful.


When does the race card get old.?
Any President --- any race or gender is always in danger of assassination

Majority White America elected him twice---
stop with the race BS

More nuts wanted Bush dead

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

By quoting this, I assume you accept all of Sigmund Freuds beliefs and ideals. Here's one of Freuds famous quotes I am sure you agree with as well..

""America is a mistake, admittedly a gigantic mistake, but a mistake nevertheless.""

Glad to see what kind of thinking heroes you support.

