

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Thanks, but you did not answer my question. So, I will ask it again.

Since alcohol is a direct causitive factor in far more deaths, crime and violence than guns are, do you favor licening and registration and waiting periods for the purchase of all alcoholic beverages as well as mandatory training, background checks and mental health evuations for all persons who wish to buy alcoholic beverages? Do you favor bans on " high capacity" 40 ounce bottles of malt liquor that serve no legitimate "social drinking" purpose?

A straight yes or no answer, please.

Do you buy your canards and strawmen by the case? Because you sure do use them a lot.

Vast majority. Either that or family on family crime.

They make it look like its downtown Iraq. Whatever makes the story. The best one is the 319 CPS aged kids that were shot. Sounds like another Newtown until the facts are dug up that the majority of those school aged kids were participating in gang or other illegal activity at the time. But it doesn't make for a good story that way so a few details are left off for dramatic purposes.


Staff member
are you sure about this Upstate? Chicago couldnt have that many.... they have very strict gun laws...... and more gun laws are supposed to stop things like that
and you believe throwing more guns into that arena would decrease the violence. That's simply weird.


Well-Known Member
and you believe throwing more guns into that arena would decrease the violence. That's simply weird.
never said that at all bb..... simply showing the obvious that gun laws to solve the problem is just poking a stick at the problem and doesnt solve the true problem....
and you believe throwing more guns into that arena would decrease the violence. That's simply weird.

Maybe if we stopped forcing those poor innocent people from taking those non registered , illegally acquired, firearms they would sit down and work out their concerns like we are able to do in this forum.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
California gun purchases up, crime going down??? How can this be???

California gun sales jump; gun injuries, deaths fall - Data Center - The Sacramento Bee


Strength through joy
I always thought we were a nation of laws and that all men were to be treated as equals .
So how can it be illegal to be a "straw purchaser " of guns for a neighbor , while at the same time our federal gov't permits & allows other to do the same . { Fast & Furious }
Police: Christmas Eve firefighter shooter used ‘straw purchaser’ to acquire weapons
Read more: Christmas Eve firefighter shooter got guns via 'straw purchaser' tactic employed in Operation Fast and Furious | The Daily Caller


Well-Known Member
and you believe throwing more guns into that arena would decrease the violence. That's simply weird.

What We Believe, Part 5: Gun Rights - YouTube
