

Pees in the brown Koolaid
yeah. Ghandi was an idiot.

Ghandi's philosophy of nonviolence, pacifism and civil disobedience was, as you well know, a stroke of genius. As you also know, it was successfully adopted by Martin Luther King Jr during the civil rights movement for blacks in the United States. However.....

The tactics of pacifism and civil disobedience to effect societal change can only work if they are employed against a government or society that has at least some minimal level of respect for human rights and the rule of law. While there was an appalling level of legal discrimination against blacks in the 1960's, it was not legal to simply murder them or herd them into camps as was done with the Jews during the Holocaust. Even "moderately" bigoted white people living in the northern US were appalled at the TV images of Bull Connor using dogs and fire hoses and clubs on unarmed black protesters, to the point where the Federal government was ultimately forced to intervene. Ghandi's tactics...employed by MLK Jr....worked here, but had he attempted to employ them in, say, Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia, the protestors would have simply been lined up against a wall and machine-gunned by the regimes that were in power at the time.

The moral of the story is....non violence and pacifism certainly have their place but there also comes a point where the good people of the world have no choice but to pick up a weapon and fight the bad ones.


golden ticket member
Dem Senator Heidi Heitkamp Rips Obama’s Reported Gun Control Proposals As “Extreme”…

If Democrats aren’t 100% on-board with Obama’s gun control plans they have zero chance of passing Congress, the wannabe dictator is going to go the executive order route, mark my words.
Via The Hill:
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) on Sunday panned the White House’s reported gun-control proposals as “extreme.”
In an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” the senator said that while she was open to a broad discussion on ways to prevent gun violence in the wake of December’s tragic shooting in Newtown, Conn., she doubted that the administration’s likely proposals would garner support on Capitol Hill.

“I think you need to put everything on the table, but what I hear from the administration — and if the Washington Post is to be believed — that’s way — way in extreme of what I think is necessary or even should be talked about. And it’s not going to pass,” said Heitkamp.

A report in the Washington Post released Saturday said the White House working group on gun violence was considering measures including universal background checks for all gun buyers, strengthened mental health examinations and tougher penalties for those caught carrying firearms near schools.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Ghandi's philosophy of nonviolence, pacifism and civil disobedience was, as you well know, a stroke of genius. As you also know, it was successfully adopted by Martin Luther King Jr during the civil rights movement for blacks in the United States. However.....

The tactics of pacifism and civil disobedience to effect societal change can only work if they are employed against a government or society that has at least some minimal level of respect for human rights and the rule of law. While there was an appalling level of legal discrimination against blacks in the 1960's, it was not legal to simply murder them or herd them into camps as was done with the Jews during the Holocaust. Even "moderately" bigoted white people living in the northern US were appalled at the TV images of Bull Connor using dogs and fire hoses and clubs on unarmed black protesters, to the point where the Federal government was ultimately forced to intervene. Ghandi's tactics...employed by MLK Jr....worked here, but had he attempted to employ them in, say, Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia, the protestors would have simply been lined up against a wall and machine-gunned by the regimes that were in power at the time.

The moral of the story is....non violence and pacifism certainly have their place but there also comes a point where the good people of the world have no choice but to pick up a weapon and fight the bad ones.

Why was extreme gun control made law in CA by St. Ronnie? Was it because people of color decide they could open carry, too?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I bought this steel gong today from a guy on my route who cuts them out of armor plate. This one is about 10" x10" and it hangs from a piece of rebar that is bolted to the end of one of the 100 yard target frames at the gun club I belong to. This thing is a BLAST to shoot at. I did most of my shooting today with a .22 rifle; a hit results in a loud "ping" that is clearly audible from 100 yards away even with earplugs, and the plate will swing backwards maybe an inch or two. I then switched over to my AK, which shoots a 7.62x39mm round that is roughly equivalent in power to a 30-30. A hit with that round produces a loud CLANG and the impact swings the plate back about 45 degrees and causes it to swing for a few seconds. Emptying a 30 round mag into it made it dance and caused one hell of a racket. After I was done with the AK I tried out the most powerful gun I have, my Remington 30-06 hunting rifle. A hit with the old '06 made a sound like someone beating on a trash can with a metal pipe, and the impact almost caused the gong to swing completely around. I let the other guys who were at the range take turns shooting at it also with various guns, and after about half an hour it had been hit so many times that the paint had been shot off of it and it was getting hard to see. No problem...I had a can of flourescent orange spray paint with me and I just hosed it down and we kept shooting at it even though the paint was wet! Lots of fun for everyone, and in exchange for letting them shoot at my gong I got to shoot a couple of high-end rifles that they had brought with them. We pounded on that gong until it got dark, and a good time was had by all.



Staff member
you referenced Ghandi and MLK, but not Nelson Mandela, a man of our own time. He did indeed adopt a nonviolent approach to reform and did even more once reform took place. When apartheid finally fell, he led South Africa in a reconciliation process that many war torn regions now try to adopt. So when people make the assertion that everyone needs guns, well it's just intellectually lazy.
you referenced Ghandi and MLK, but not Nelson Mandela, a man of our own time. He did indeed adopt a nonviolent approach to reform and did even more once reform took place. When apartheid finally fell, he led South Africa in a reconciliation process that many war torn regions now try to adopt. So when people make the assertion that everyone needs guns, well it's just intellectually lazy.

Yes, but Nelson Mandela is not in charge over here. Until then we'll maintain a defense manor as we see fit as long as its legal to do so.


Strength through joy
Best place to locate what you want , check out the lines at your local gun buyback program .
They are there to get rid of them and a larger cash offer could be a deal maker.


Staff member
Best place to locate what you want , check out the lines at your local gun buyback program .
They are there to get rid of them and a larger cash offer could be a deal maker.

There was one on the Cape over the weekend. It would have been easy to outbid the $50 shoe store certificate.


Well-Known Member
Interesting man, Mr. Fred.
If one just observed your post and did not dig down and read it, one might
think you posted a counter for the 2nd amendment.

I like his article also:
Untitled Document Thoughts On Rape

Fred did the same thing with his opening paragraph and thus I followed suit. Thanks to Lew Rockwell's website, I've been reading Fred for a numbers of years now and have enjoyed. When time allows, give some of his other stuff a read because at the least, he'll for sure make you think. And even laugh too.


Well-Known Member
you referenced Ghandi and MLK, but not Nelson Mandela, a man of our own time. He did indeed adopt a nonviolent approach to reform and did even more once reform took place. When apartheid finally fell, he led South Africa in a reconciliation process that many war torn regions now try to adopt. So when people make the assertion that everyone needs guns, well it's just intellectually lazy.

I believe its south Africa where you can get your car fitted with an anti-car jacking device as shown here.

South African Car Flamethrower - YouTube

That country is also home to an anti-rape device for women since rapes are so prevalent in that society that some women feel its necessary in order to prevent and stop a rape. While this device is ingenious in how it works it requires that the rape victim to be raped for it to work. A bullet in the chest works much faster and doesn't require this.

Carrying a gun is anything but intellectually lazy. Its a 24 hour responsibility to know where your gun is, who has access to it, where you can legally carry it, and most importantly to avoid using it up until the point your life is endangered. This is why some people simply choose not to own a gun because these responsibilities seem too great. To say gun ownership is "intellectually lazy" only highlights your ignorance on the topic altogether.