

Well-Known Member
It's happening now. Right now, you can legally buy a used long gun with no paperwork and the government will never know. Who knows how long that will last with the idiot now in office throwing out Amendments that he swore to defend.

I predict regardless as to what the idiot in the WH does, you'll still be able to buy guns off grid. In fact, the market place will likely reward such market actors and the opportunity to purchase such will be even more widely available. Works the same with drugs, crack down of a certain drug where the product dries up. Prices respond upward in the typical supply/demand scenario and when the price meets a point that risk/reward becomes worth it, market actors will flood the market place to take advantage of prices before they fall as a result of over supply.

The drug war as has alcohol prohibition failed for this reason and made even worse when the black market dealers became cartelized, they use the police to eradicate competitive market actors in order to keep prices up while allowing the police powers to appear to the public they are fighting crime. Police powers in effect become hired muscle to protect market turf.

The public never realizing they, police powers, are helping to breed it for it's own self serving interests. And so too will guns do the very same thing. Off grid prices may also make stealing guns worthwhile too.

Now the next question is, will someone be brave enough to open an underground eg black market machine shop that makes knock off guns with no serial numbers or traceability? There is always the unintended consequences of circumvention and tunneling under one must remember.

BTW: That constitution was practically dead before the damn ink was even dry on it. And in celebration of, "Treason: The Constitution of No Authority", happy 205th birthday to the great Lysander Spooner. Spooner has been a hero of the radical right and radical left and I count him as hero for both reasons.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Ah. So you think that the government in the interest of gun safety is going to abide by hippa rules. Background checks that already do criminal background and bribing records at going to stop where? With mental health there is no end. You trust the government with that? If they can follow your banking transactions, internet searches, phone contacts etc.with the simple suggstion that you might have contact with a terrorist, how deep will they go to "protect the children"? What is your party affiliation? How many guns do you have? How much have you spent on ammo in the last six months? Have you ever been violent? Who do you call and when? Everything plays a role in building a profile. But you think it will just stay at a simple background check? Maybe until the next mass killing. I agree that banning weapons and limiting clips does little to stop the next masacre. Background and mental health checks a little more. But that is the door to whatever they want to do. The desire is going to come to stop the shootings before they happen. They will be able to do it but not without trampling on alot more rights.

I totally agree they are going too far. I do not want the door open either, but then I dont have that many skeletons and dont have any mentally ill ones. That does not mean yes come in to my private life. But that is what they want to do, they want to know what everyone has and where they keep it.
These are tragic, awful happenings, I never thought it would be a good idea to take on guns. I never thought they would.
It is an over reach, it is not right. But if they are going to over reach, and least reach where the problem is. The problem is not with the guns, but with the people who use them for these horrific crimes, so basically we agree.


Well-Known Member
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Hundreds of gun owners and Second Amendment advocates rallied in state capitals nationwide
Saturday, days after President Barack Obama unveiled a sweeping package of federal gun-control proposals.

Some 600 attendees in Austin, Texas, carried signs bearing messages such as "An Armed Society is a Polite Society"
and "The Second Amendment Comes from God."

About 2,000 people — many carrying American flags and "Don't Tread On Me" banners — turned out for the
chilly outdoor rally at the New York state capitol in Albany.


Rallies against stricter gun control draw hundreds


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Gonna go to Bi-mart today and get scopes mounted on both my new Rugers; the 10/22 and the Mini-Thirty. They are having a 15% off sale on optics, yesterday was my birthday, and with advancing age comes more difficulty for me in focusing on iron sights. What this means.... is that I will be marching into a department store carrying a pair so-called "assault rifles" and rather than panic and call the police, the store staff will simply take my money and install scopes on them for me while other customers walk by and admire the work being done and stop to chat about guns. Im so glad I dont live in the Peoples Republic of California, where such an event would probably cause widespread panic and a 4 square mile lockdown with trauma counselors made available for the poor people who witnessed the event.

First of all, Happy Birthday. I turned 51 on the 16th.

Secondly, you would cause widespread panic and would get to personally meet every single law enforcement officer on duty in the area if you were to walk in to our local Walmart with 2 assault rifles.

I call them "assault rifles" jokingly, they have wooden stocks and no military features at all other than a detachable magazine. And in the interest of being polite and respectful towards people who fear guns, I kept them in a case when I brought them into the store. I have seen people walk in there to buy scopes with rifles slung over their shoulders, but I prefer to avoid drawing attention to myself.


Strength through joy
Let's not forget that most of today's troops are trained via video games .
Just check out the training a Tank crew has to go thru or a flight crew .


Staff member
Millions of children murdered by doctors every year, and the Idiot in Chief wants to go after gun owners.
I think his priorities are screwed up.
Where's Obama? It's time to ban doctors.

You're jumping a few steps there. It's time to ban sexual intercourse unless its used for knowingly procreating. See how well that goes over.

Like the NVA (National Vagina Association) motto: You can have my vagina when you pry my cold dead fingers from it!


Well-Known Member

I think your American War dead number might be a little lite. One war alone may get you almost to your total number for all the wars.

And thanks to the Dept. of Navy, looking at this list of all foreign military engagements from 1798' to 1993', seems hard to believe that all that has only seen 1 million in loss of American life.

And when you look at democide in the 20th century alone, it's obvious instead of banning guns in the hands of private individuals, we should ban gov't itself. Why monkey around with peanuts when you can abolish the biggest killer of human life there is.


golden ticket member
You're jumping a few steps there. It's time to ban sexual intercourse unless its used for knowingly procreating. See how well that goes over.

Like the NVA (National Vagina Association) motto: You can have my vagina when you pry my cold dead fingers from it!

Really do it up right........castration for all men !!!! :speechless:


golden ticket member
Yeah, an extreme fringe group that is more popular than Obama.

Via The Blaze:
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sat down with HuffPost Live Friday, where he made a noteworthy statement about the rapidly-growing National Rifle Association.

Responding to interviewer Alicia Menendez’s question about whether Schumer’s colleagues are “willing to admit” that the NRA is a “fringe group,” the senator responded: “Well they sure are a fringe group, but whether enough of my colleagues are ready to admit that, I’m not sure.”

He continued: “They are a very extreme group. They don’t even represent average gun holders.