
I don't blame you.... they look like a rough crowd.


Guns Across America - madpixohio's Photos

Try breaking into her house.


Well-Known Member
I am really surprised at you, Wk. I don't know who this guy is, but his logic (if it can be called that) is lacking as far as I can tell. The premise is that gun control = disarming the public. We've had gun control for decades and the populace is not disarmed. Even with the ban on assault weapons, I still remember my best friend getting a cheap $200 Chinese made AK-47 right before the ban took place and nobody came to take it away. And we're in Illinois where he had to register to own it so it isn't like they didn't know he had one. So what am I missing?

And I remember a time when I could trust that this message I'm typing right now would not be collected and dumped into a gov't database and then processed looking for verbiage that would or could get me classified as some kind of threat to so-called national security. And in the beginning we were told that would never happen and yet. In case you doubt I have no backing for this claim, here's just the tip of the iceberg. If there was no other gov't action or evidence of gov't encroaching into our lives, your point about the threat to guns would hold sway.

As Brett rightly pointed out in what he was describing as creeping gradualism, historically all nationstate powers that become large scale topdown entities do so by the means of gradualism and never by the obvious, direct approach. Even Hitler didn't come out of the box slamming jews/communists but first laided groundwork to demonize and create fictions that would come in handy later. Even the Reichstag fire has raised serious question of a gov't organized false flag operation and that opens up a whole big can of worms in regards to much larger questions.

In the early days post 9/11 when the Bush administration was asking for unprecedented surveil powers and yet in the same breath was assuring the public their privacy and constitutional rights were protected and in no way harmed. Yet, here we are and if those assurances weren't a lie they have at least been proven false. Not to mention we started and continue a war based on a lie.

As Bush would say, "fool me once....shame on......the fooled don't get fooled again!" At least he kinda got the last part right.

As to who Stefan Molyneux is, maybe you should google him and then you'd have even more reason to dislike him. :wink2:

At the 14 minute mark you can hear Stef make the point from the meme but in a fuller context.

Gun Control: History, Philosophy and Ethics - YouTube


Well-Known Member
And I remember a time when I could trust that this message I'm typing right now would not be collected and dumped into a gov't database and then processed looking for verbiage that would or could get me classified as some kind of threat to so-called national security. And in the beginning we were told that would never happen and yet. In case you doubt I have no backing for this claim, here's just the tip of the iceberg. If there was no other gov't action or evidence of gov't encroaching into our lives, your point about the threat to guns would hold sway.

As Brett rightly pointed out in what he was describing as creeping gradualism, historically all nationstate powers that become large scale topdown entities do so by the means of gradualism and never by the obvious, direct approach. Even Hitler didn't come out of the box slamming jews/communists but first laided groundwork to demonize and create fictions that would come in handy later. Even the Reichstag fire has raised serious question of a gov't organized false flag operation and that opens up a whole big can of worms in regards to much larger questions.

In the early days post 9/11 when the Bush administration was asking for unprecedented surveil powers and yet in the same breath was assuring the public their privacy and constitutional rights were protected and in no way harmed. Yet, here we are and if those assurances weren't a lie they have at least been proven false. Not to mention we started and continue a war based on a lie.

As Bush would say, "fool me once....shame on......the fooled don't get fooled again!" At least he kinda got the last part right.

As to who Stefan Molyneux is, maybe you should google him and then you'd have even more reason to dislike him. :wink2:

At the 14 minute mark you can hear Stef make the point from the meme but in a fuller context.

Gun Control: History, Philosophy and Ethics - YouTube

Does this mean your post might be an alert for Eric to determine:

"Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make
sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks?

Sigh, such an open item #4 of 23.


Staff member
Wk--I think you and I are more on the same page than you might think. I have been going on and on here about government over-reach but not so far as guns are concerned. It's that benign little thing called "mental health". If you and brett are concerned about creeping gradualism, then it is in the area of "mental heatlth" that all of your freedoms are at risk. In essence it seems would triple lock and bar the front and back door yet leave the roof wide open. I have said the same as you over and over again. The Patriot Act gave away ridiculous freedom to guard against terrorism. What shall we call the act that gives the government the power to keep us safe from the peculiarities of potential violence of our friends and neighbors? How long before they aren't simply railing against the entertainment industry and start looking into the interests of people on their computers. By the way, the internet is killing the porn industry. Imagine what kind of mental health profile could be built for millions of Americans based soley on a detailed search history of their computer.


Staff member
As I have already stated for you numerous times, each time another level of gun control is enacted you are simply one step closer to confiscation. If we allow these knee jerk reaction politicians to get their way each time a tragedy like Sandy Hook occurs the law abiding gun owners rights are only so many mass tragedies away from being ended altogether. The picture wkmac posted pointed out the irony that gun control doesn't rid the world of guns, but that it adjusts who owns them. Once the public can no longer protect itself only the government will have the guns, and as history has shown that's when the real tragedy begins.

I fail to see historical backing for your conclusion. Gun control has a long history in this country and we have never come close to confiscation.

Your slippery slope has not happened. The Patriot Act and what I fear will come of a focus on "mental health" will undoubtedly lead to near universal erosion of all liberty.


Staff member
You wouldnt be betting money, you would be betting your life.
Oh, I'd do the required surveilance. Find out when she's home, when she's not. Does she carry the weapon at all times around the house? What time does she wake up? What time does she go to bed? Is she a member of any clubs? What is her day to day routine? Does she lock her door?

You've said it before. Having a gun doesn't make her safe, but it might give her a fighting chance. That hardly moves things completely in her favor.


Strength through joy
Oh, I'd do the required surveilance. Find out when she's home, when she's not. Does she carry the weapon at all times around the house? What time does she wake up? What time does she go to bed? Is she a member of any clubs? What is her day to day routine? Does she lock her door?

You've said it before. Having a gun doesn't make her safe, but it might give her a fighting chance. That hardly moves things completely in her favor.
I would have to agree .
If she's at the rally with her weapon , then who's minding the house ?


Strength through joy
[h=1]Still No Police Report, or Toxicology Results, on Sandy Hook Killer[/h] A spokesperson for the Connecticut State Police told on Friday that the investigation of Lanza's mass murder is ongoing and that the police report on it is still "several months away." They could not comment further because the investigation is still open.

At present, however, it is not documented that Adam Lanza suffered from a mental illness or that he was taking any medication at the time of the shooting. In fact, according to news reports, an autopsy showed that there was “nothing unusual” with Lanza’s brain .
Investigators said Lanza was wearing ear plugs when he fired approximately 150 rounds using a method called “jungle taping,” in which two magazines are taped together so he could re-load faster. He also switched magazines before they were empty, sometimes only shooting 15 of the 30 rounds.
His parents divorced in 2009 and public divorce records made no mention of Lanza suffering from mental illness.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Oh, I'd do the required surveilance. Find out when she's home, when she's not. Does she carry the weapon at all times around the house? What time does she wake up? What time does she go to bed? Is she a member of any clubs? What is her day to day routine? Does she lock her door?

You've said it before. Having a gun doesn't make her safe, but it might give her a fighting chance. That hardly moves things completely in her favor.

You cant see whats going on inside her house.

The reality is that 99% of criminals arent going to risk a confrontation with a potentially armed victim when there are any number of easier targets available.

Look at what happened to the violent crime and home invasion rate in Australia in 94 when they had their big gun turn in and severely restricted the ability of homeowners to defend themselves with armed force. Same thing in England and Scotland, you have gangs of youths armed with baseball bats who force their way into the homes of the elderly, whom they know will be unarmed and unable to fight back. If they tried pulling that sh%t here they would get blown away.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Still No Police Report, or Toxicology Results, on Sandy Hook Killer

A spokesperson for the Connecticut State Police told on Friday that the investigation of Lanza's mass murder is ongoing and that the police report on it is still "several months away." They could not comment further because the investigation is still open.

At present, however, it is not documented that Adam Lanza suffered from a mental illness or that he was taking any medication at the time of the shooting. In fact, according to news reports, an autopsy showed that there was “nothing unusual” with Lanza’s brain .
Investigators said Lanza was wearing ear plugs when he fired approximately 150 rounds using a method called “jungle taping,” in which two magazines are taped together so he could re-load faster. He also switched magazines before they were empty, sometimes only shooting 15 of the 30 rounds.
His parents divorced in 2009 and public divorce records made no mention of Lanza suffering from mental illness.

Lanza could have piled up the same body count with a pair of revolvers and a lever-action 30-30 Winchester of late 1800's vintage. Or a pump action 12 gauge shotgun loaded with 00 buck. Lever guns and pump shotties have tubular magazines with bottom or side loading gates that can hold up to 8 rounds...but unlike a weapon with a detachable magazine, you can "top them off" with ammo while continuing to walk around and fire and since the magazine doesnt have to be removed and replaced to reload, there is no interval of time where the weapon is inoperable. A 12 gauge in particular is potentially every bit as lethal as a so-called "assault rifle"; a single round of 00 buckshot fires 9 .32 caliber pellets with every pull of the trigger, so if you have 8 in the mag+ 1 in the pipe that gives you 81 projectiles to send downrange before the gun is empty. The bottom line is that Adam Lanza was granted a monopoly of force under Coneticutt law, he was the only armed person in that "gun free" zone, and the only thing that could have stopped him that day would have been a teacher or principal with a weapon of their own.