

golden ticket member
Lib freak-out ensues in 3… 2… 1.

Via The Blaze:

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. has a message for residents: learn how to use a gun.

With budget cutbacks putting a strain on law enforcement, simply calling 911 might not cut it in a life-or-death or situation, Clarke said in a new radio ad this month. Safety is “no longer a spectator sport,” he says. “I need you in the game.”

“With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option,” Clark adds. “You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared?”

“Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?” he asks.
Lib freak-out ensues in 3… 2… 1.

Via The Blaze:
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. has a message for residents: learn how to use a gun.

With budget cutbacks putting a strain on law enforcement, simply calling 911 might not cut it in a life-or-death or situation, Clarke said in a new radio ad this month. Safety is “no longer a spectator sport,” he says. “I need you in the game.”

“With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option,” Clark adds. “You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared?”

“Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?” he asks.

P.s. "As long as it only holds 7 bullets, doesn't look like an assault weapon, and you have been probed by our team of specially trained doctors to make sure you're mentally fit" he adds.


Staff member
I suspect the sheriffs real goal was getting people fired up about all the budget cuts to his department that forced him to lay off 48 deputies last year. He doesn't really want everyone in the county to have to buy guns for their own protection, he wants the county to give him back the resources to do his job. Pretty effective way to make his case imho.
I suspect the sheriffs real goal was getting people fired up about all the budget cuts to his department that forced him to lay off 48 deputies last year. He doesn't really want everyone in the county to have to buy guns for their own protection, he wants the county to give him back the resources to do his job. Pretty effective way to make his case imho.

It's Wisconsin. Who doesn't have a gun there?


Strength through joy
[h=1]Brock’s Glock: In anti-gun DC, Media Matters for America gave bodyguard illegal weapons to guard founder David Brock[/h]
A staffer at left-wing Media Matters for America committed numerous felonies in the District of Columbia and around the country by carrying a firearm to defend the organization’s founder, David Brock, The Daily Caller has learned.
According to a knowledgeable source, multiple firearms used to protect the Media Matters founder were purchased with Brock’s blessing — and apparently with the group’s money.
TheDC has previously reported that Brock’s one-time aide, Haydn Price-Morris, carried a concealed Glock handgun as he traveled with the liberal leader to public events in Washington, D.C.

Read more: Illegal weapons used to protect Media Matters' David Brock | The Daily Caller

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't you fire him? His own gun is out on the street now, and could be used to murder people. Shouldn't he face charges? Reckless endangerment, maybe?

Or does he get a pass because he's a cop?

Interesting argument, very debatable .... I would probably do just what I did at UPS. Investigate thoroughly and take the appropriate corrective action. Though the officer "lost" the gun, it never showed up so it was probably stolen. Sounds like the officer took the right action once he realized his gun was missing or stolen. What is the normal process when this happens to a cop? I am sure there is a formal process that is put in place for something like this.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Haven't heard much about using large capacity clips. I was actually leaning toward restricting large clips until a Democrat came up with these scenarios. Preface: I have guns for one reason only; to protect myself and my family and my property. That is it. I believe in the sanctity of life above all else and hope to God I never have to pull a trigger on one of my guns for protection. I also believe in your right not to own a gun or a hunter's right to shoot for sport

Scenario 1: I have a semi-automatic gun with a clip with 7 rounds, 3 armed gunman break into my house all with semi-automatic pistols with 7 round clips. They assess my situation, 7 bullets against 21 bullets. They take the odds and start shooting, I get a few rounds off. They wound me, I wound one of them, they decide to get their wounded buddy and get out of there BUT for good measure they put one more in my head.

Scenario 2: I have an AR with a banana clip, the 3 gunman have pistols but see that AR and decide that they don't like the odds all that well and start slowly out the door and get out of there AND they never come back! Nobody got hurt or killed.

You can make any scenario up that you want but if the bad guy thinks they have you outgunned, there will be a gunfight. They broke in for a reason and won't leave there without what they wanted unless they fear their own lives are in jeopardy.