
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
How many school shooter were professionally trained? None. The piece of trash in Aurora couldn't even clear the jam in his rifle. Active shooters choose locations where they are confident they will not encounter armed resistance (eg schools, movie theaters). An armed teacher would hold the element of surprise and act as a deterrent since the people who shoot up schools are cowards by nature. They are not going to choose a location where they are going to encounter resistance they want the upper hand not a fair fight.

Why would a teacher have the pistol in a locked draw? People with Concealed Weapon Licenses do just that, carry them concealed. Before you reply saying what a scary thought that is and how the streets will run red with blood, just consider when you go out, how many of the people you walk past may have a concealed weapon and you'll never know about it. A good inside waistband holster can be nearly invisible even with a just a T-Shirt covering it.

If you think an Assault Weapons Ban will end school shootings you are in for a disappointment. No need for a what-if scenario here, just a history lesson. The first major school shooting, Columbine, happened while the first AWB was in effect. One of the shooters had AWB compliant firearms and 10 round magazines. Did that magazine limit affect his ammo use? No, he brought 13 magazines and fired nearly 100 rounds from them.

The uber nut jobs on the left would be the first to cower behind the person who had a weapon for protection, if they were in the line of fire from one of these other nut jobs.

Someone said today, "If guns are the problem, why don't you find mass shootings at gun shows and gun ranges?" Because these cowards are looking for venues that will provide a huge body bag count. If there are armed guards around, you won't find one of these cowards. They want no resistance.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The uber nut jobs on the left would be the first to cower behind the person who had a weapon for protection, if they were in the line of fire from one of these other nut jobs.

Someone said today, "If guns are the problem, why don't you find mass shootings at gun shows and gun ranges?" Because these cowards are looking for venues that will provide a huge body bag count. If there are armed guards around, you won't find one of these cowards. They want no resistance.

You make the USA sound like a wonderful place to live! ARMED GUARDS at every venue, store, school, bus stop, street corner, Church, etc etc....

Sounds like FREEDOM really works!!

As long as that freedom is the ability to shoot each other.




Pees in the brown Koolaid
Shame on you. The indians were a persecuted people and they suffered genocide at the hands of the white american man.Maybe I should do the same kind of things about jews, how would you feel about that?



You know what the Indians and the European Jews of WWII had in common?

They didnt have any guns.


Well-Known Member

Always Preaching about the sins of the past of the White European Man !

Care to enlighten us about the sins of the Slave Trading Spanish Empire or the great treatment the native Indians in Mexico got?

The past is the past--a wise man learns from it--a fool lives in it!:wink2:


Strength through joy
Custer's error was that his troops had older models of single shot rifles , supplied by the gov't , while the other side had newer repeating rifles .


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You know what the Indians and the European Jews of WWII had in common?

They didnt have any guns.

Probably the mistaken assumption General Custer made.

By that time, the fate of the Native Americans had already been sealed. The Indians were able to acquire a few guns, just like the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto did during WWII, but not enough to affect the outcome of the war.

It is a historical fact that those who have the weapons make the rules, and those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who dont.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The repressionists just don't get it... Gun are not going away. Assault rifles are not going away. Large Magazine clips are not going away. You may think that you can get them banned. But they are not going away period.

You can put a lot of responsibility on Feinstein and of course BO for creating a frenzy of people buying all sorts of weapons and ammo in the last 3 months!

The irony is, just like the Indians, the repressionists will be the ones who don't have the guns.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Always Preaching about the sins of the past of the White European Man !

Care to enlighten us about the sins of the Slave Trading Spanish Empire or the great treatment the native Indians in Mexico got?

The past is the past--a wise man learns from it--a fool lives in it!:wink2:

Slavery, genocide, racism and ethnic cleansing existed in both Africa and North America long before the first white Europeans ever set foot on either continent. Europeans simply had superior technology( guns, ships, railroads etc.) that allowed the inhumanity to be perpetrated far more systematically and

How much different would history have been if the Africans and Native Americans had been armed with guns when the Europeans arrived for the first time?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Custer's error was that his troops had older models of single shot rifles , supplied by the gov't , while the other side had newer repeating rifles .

Custers err was that he was a genocidal maniac who ran around killing women and children of various tribes, and those tribes banded together and cornered Custer and his men and destroyed all of them as they deserved.

Tactically, the indians superior knowledge of the terrain cost Custer any advantage he had with his weapons.

Either way, Custer got what he deserved for his cowardly acts of inhumane treatment of women and children.




Staff member
The repressionists just don't get it... Gun are not going away. Assault rifles are not going away. Large Magazine clips are not going away. You may think that you can get them banned. But they are not going away period.

You can put a lot of responsibility on Feinstein and of course BO for creating a frenzy of people buying all sorts of weapons and ammo in the last 3 months!

The irony is, just like the Indians, the repressionists will be the ones who don't have the guns.

I agree. They are not going away. So why all the fear mongering by the NRA?


Got the T-Shirt
That old piece of paper is a living document adjusting to the times.




Deputies: Homeowner shoots 2 intruders dead, third runs off | – Richmond News & Weather from WTVR Television CBS 6

Why would anyone need more than a few rounds ??

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I agree. They are not going away. So why all the fear mongering by the NRA?

Not sure. I haven't seen this but then there are those who think that Benghazi is stuff you put on sore muscles. The NRA isn't on my radar so I have not noticed anything. I don't need some outside influence to tell me how I should feel about the issue.

Like I said in an earlier post, my fear came from being stuck in the middle of the desert with absolutely no protection and a ton of valuables laying on the side of the road while I struggled to change a tire. Years ago, my home and neighborhood was in the path of the Hillside strangler, ... that is when I got my first gun for protection of my family.

The story line with the 2nd Amendment issue is pretty black and white - most people are not in the "grey" area. Some concessions might be made but not very many at this time in history.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Either way, Custer got what he deserved for his cowardly acts of inhumane treatment of women and children.



Custer got what he deserved only because the Indians he attacked had GUNS.

If those Indians had followed YOUR advice and been unarmed...they would have been slaughtered.