

golden ticket member
Archie Bunler was supposed to be satire. Problem was that the people the joke was supposed to be on simply idolized his bigotry.
Bunker, it's Bunker not Bunler........Lots of lessons were learned....especially when Meathead tried to exlain to Archie what he had lost in going on strike. Archibald thought he and the guys really gave it to the company!! Lots of today's union guys could learn a lot.

No one will ever forget the Sammy Davis Jr. episode.......a classic with the KISS!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Obama included himself as well; don't kid yourself. I believe he included GWB simply to avoid backlash.

All Presidents prior to HW Bush were granted Secret Service protection for life. Why that law was changed I do not know, but it needs to be changed back. Presidents make a lot of enemies, especially in this age of international terrorism. I personally detest George Bush, he is by far the worst president our nation has ever had and he is responsible for the economic mess that we are in, but he still ought to be protected.


Well-Known Member
"I personally detest George Bush.....". (post 5066)

As far as I know Bush:
-wasn't secretive about his birthplace and other records;
-showed respect for the troops;
-showed respect for the American flag;
-showed respect for the fallen heros of Normandy;
-never bowed to our middle eastern friends;
-was a Christian that attended church;
-didn't have close ties to people who want to kill us;
-didn't seem intriqued with the writings of some guy named Hitler;
-didn't send the wife and kids on expensive, exotic vacations at the taxpayers expense;

....would you like me to go on?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"I personally detest George Bush.....". (post 5066)

As far as I know Bush:
-wasn't secretive about his birthplace and other records;
-showed respect for the troops;
-showed respect for the American flag;
-showed respect for the fallen heros of Normandy;
-never bowed to our middle eastern friends;
-was a Christian that attended church;
-didn't have close ties to people who want to kill us;
-didn't seem intriqued with the writings of some guy named Hitler;
-didn't send the wife and kids on expensive, exotic vacations at the taxpayers expense;

....would you like me to go on?

If you are referring to taking drugs, well, doesnt sound like you need our permission.




Pees in the brown Koolaid
So, if I am too understand you, this PEA SHOOTER, worn by a school teacher under her blouse, is suppose to take down an assault weapon weilding maniac firing volleys of rounds?

Is this the magic of the NRA logic?

You couldnt possibly be serious. But then again, I guess gun owners are in fantasyland.


The guns that are demonstrated in the bra holster video are either .38 revolvers or compact 9mm semi autos. Hardly pea shooters. Care to take a round in the chest from either one? Didnt think so.

Not every massacre involves "assault rifles." The Columbine shooters were armed with 9mm carbines and shotguns. The VA Tech shooter was armed with a pair of handguns. None of them wore body armor and a center of mass hit with a service caliber handgun such as the 9mm or .38 in the hands of an armed teacher would have taken them out of the fight.

One of the members of my gun club is a teacher, who carries concealed in the classroom every day. He has a permit and is therefore legal, however he is violating the terms of his employment and would get fired if discovered. His plan for dealing with an armed lunatic is to lock the door of the classroom and take cover behind his desk, covering the door with his airweight .38 special with a Crimson Trace laser sight. Bad guy kicks door in, teacher puts a .38+P Glaser round into bad guys head, bad guy dies. This teacher comes to the range on a regular basis and practices 7-yard head shots with his .38 and he is reeeallly good. Its not the size of the gun, its how you use it and what sort of plan you have in place to deal with a madman when the time comes. In any case, it sure as hell beats your plan for school safety, which pretty much consists of either (a) throwing books and pencils at the gunman or (b) getting down on your knees and groveling like a little bitch for your life and the lives of your students.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
"I personally detest George Bush.....". (post 5066)

As far as I know Bush:
-wasn't secretive about his birthplace and other records;

He wasnt too forthcoming about his "service record", which pretty much consisted of dropping out of the Texas Air National Guard (during the VietNam war no less) when he no longer felt like showing up.
-showed respect for the troops;

If he truly respected the troops he wouldnt have sent thousands of them off to die invading a nation (Iraq) that posed no threat to us, that had nothing to do with 9/11, and that had no WMD's.

-didn't have close ties to people who want to kill us;

Then why did he put the whole Bin Laden family on a plane and fly them out of the country right after 9-11?

-didn't send the wife and kids on expensive, exotic vacations at the taxpayers expense;

No, he just send a bunch of other peoples kids to fight and die in an expensive, exotic war and he didnt even have the decency to do it at the taxpayers expense; he just put our nation into hock for the cost of the war and passed the bill onto our great grandchildren who will still be paying for it long after he and his Haliburton cronies are dead and gone.
....would you like me to go on?

Go ahead.


Amatuer Malthusian
To be honest, nearly everybody thought Saddam had WMDs. That is what he wanted everyone to think in order to be more menacing. Sadly, his show was too convincing:sad-very:.


Staff member
To be honest, nearly everybody thought Saddam had WMDs. That is what he wanted everyone to think in order to be more menacing. Sadly, his show was too convincing:sad-very:.
Thinking that a country has WMD and being willing to invade that country are two very different things.


Well-Known Member
It seems I recall the Kurds uprising was met with some type of gas which killed indiscriminately.
How long would it take a battalion of Iraqi soldiers and several bulldozers to bury/conceal any sizable object(s) in that desert?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It seems I recall the Kurds uprising was met with some type of gas which killed indiscriminately.
How long would it take a battalion of Iraqi soldiers and several bulldozers to bury/conceal any sizable object(s) in that desert?

North Korea has detonated 3 warheads and continues to test long range missiles in violation of UN declarations and sanctions.

Syria is known to posess a large arsenal of chemical weapons including nerve gas and the missiles and bombs needed to deliver them.

By your logic, are we then justified in also invading/ bombing these countries? Or do we only invade suspected WMD producing nations that also conveniently posess large reserves of oil?

BTW the Leavenworth 10 that you advocate freeing wouldnt be in prison in the first place if their Commander In Chief hadnt betrayed them by sending them off to fight in a no-win situation. You are absolutely correct; they should ALL be pardoned; but Bush should go to prison in their place.
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bella amicizia
North Korea has detonated 3 warheads and continues to test long range missiles in violation of UN declarations and sanctions.

Syria is known to posess a large arsenal of chemical weapons including nerve gas and the missiles and bombs needed to deliver them.

By your logic, are we then justified in also invading/ bombing these countries? Or do we only invade suspected WMD producing nations that also conveniently posess large reserves of oil?

BTW the Leavenworth 10 that you advocate freeing wouldnt be in prison in the first place if their Commander In Chief hadnt betrayed them by sending them off to fight in a no-win situation. They should ALL be pardoned, and Bush should go to prison in their place.
Damn straight.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It seems I recall the Kurds uprising was met with some type of gas which killed indiscriminately.
How long would it take a battalion of Iraqi soldiers and several bulldozers to bury/conceal any sizable object(s) in that desert?

The chemical weapons that Iraq used on the Kurds were supplied by the United States.


Well-Known Member
The chemical weapons that Iraq used on the Kurds were supplied by the United States.

Probably why we never "found" any because we'd all clearly see "Made in USA" printed on the side. We made Saddam, he was our puppet but then the needs and narrative changed. Go back to the late 80's and move forward paying close attention not to Iraq but rather to Saudi Arabia and Israel and then you'll understand the real reason why Iraq was armed and then later taken down and out.


Got the T-Shirt

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
To be honest, nearly everybody thought Saddam had WMDs. That is what he wanted everyone to think in order to be more menacing. Sadly, his show was too convincing:sad-very:.

TO the contrary, NOBODY other than the BUSH administration and its officials who lied to the UN ( condi, powell, bolton ) believed there to be any WMD's.

The phoney intelligence was sniffed out long before the invasion, but the BUSH administration pushed on anyways.

No matter what the case, the BUSH administration was going to push both wars into happening with or without justification. Its what the defense contractors and the Project for the New American Century wanted to happen.

They knew that the chemical weapons that Dick Cheney Donald Rumsfeld supplied Saddam in the 80's were EXPIRED and no longer viable weapons as they have a "shelf life" of less than a year.

While Saddam did talk tough, the weapons inspectors shut down that bravo with their reports of no weapon stockpiles.

None of that mattered, Hans Blix was vilified by the BUSH administration as incompetent, and BUSH appointed his OWN inspector who ultimately RESIGNED stating that there were NO weapons of mass destruction before or after the invasion.

He then went on to criticise the BUSH administration as liars.

Thats the "honest" part of the story.

